A Magical Tale: The Peerless Summoner

Chapter 77: Heaven-Burying BlackCat Emperor

Chapter 77: Heaven-Burying BlackCat Emperor


Helena was taken by surprise when the being suddenly appeared before her. But fear crept into heart in the next moment.

She then looked at this illusory being that had glowing, feline-like eyes and wore a purple garment that was embroidered with cats.

"Senior, are you the one that owns that voice that led me down here?" Helena asked politely, concealing the towering dread that had surfaced in her heart. 

"Yes, I am the one. I was that black cat that led you here." The being said.

Then it continued "When you were fighting those magical beasts, I saw how powerful and tyrannical you were. Then I made up my mind to give you my most prized possession to help you increase your spellcasting ability. I don't really need it again" The being said.

Helena's eyes glittered brilliantly upon hearing what the being said. 

Prized possession?!

To augment my spellcasting ability?! 


"Okay senior. Can I see it?" She asked quickly before the senior would change it mind.

The being stretched it hand in the air and then a long scepter appeared in it hand.

"Here. Take this" The being said and then gave the scepter to Helena who quickly accepted it.

She looked at the scepter and saw that it was forged from actual gold. She could arrive at this because it was heavy and it entire surface glittered like a true refined gold.

Upon looking further at it, she could see the engravings of cats on it surface.

When she looked at the numerous cat engravings on the surface of the scepter, she could suddenly, mysteriously hear the meows of cats in her head and had an abrupt vision of a massive, jet-black claw that hid the entire sky, casting it great shadow over the entire world.

She was heavily surprised.

Then she looked at the being and asked "Senior, if I may ask, what are you? And what can I use this scepter to do? What magic can it unleash?"

"I am the Heaven-Burying BlackCat Emperor. While the scepter in your hand which is my ultimate weapon is the Golden Heaven Burial Cat scepter." The being said.

Then it continued "You can use my scepter to unleash a powerful spell by just infusing it with your Aetha energy. This spell would appear as an extremely massive cat claw that would actually span the entire sky, concealing it from view. However, the size of the cat claws that would appear depends on the actual amount of Aetha energy that you can pump into the scepter. The size of the claw can range from the size of your body to the size of the sky and to that of a world."

"Wow!!" Helena exclaimed in shock.

Then she furrowed her brows when something came to her mind.

"But senior, how would your scepter be able to unleash solid claws the size of the sky or a world? I feel you are exaggerating the power of your scepter so I can marvel at it. Don't be offended by what I just said senior, it's just that my enlightened instructor once told me that no one has ever reached the Eight-level spellcasting stage which is the World-level spellcasting rank. It's an impossible spellcasting rank to reach. But the vast size of the attack that you just mentioned can be likened to that which would be theoretically produced by a World-level spellcaster." Helena intelligently said.


The being laughed.

"Firstly, I am not from around here. I come from an extremely distant world where there are many World-level spellcasters. The only one we don't have is the Ninth-level spellcaster which is the Cosmic-level spellcaster. That's one impossible stage to reach. However, it doesn't mean that it can't be reached. It is just that you people from this part of the universe can't think beyond your imagination. Everything is possible in this universe, as long as you set your mind to it and work diligently and smartly towards it." It said.

Then it continued "Secondly, I am a powerful world-Level spellcaster myself. The weapon in your hand was forged by me. That's one of my most enjoyed professions apart from being an Emperor that controlled the affairs of my world. I was the strongest. So, I was made the Emperor by the Throne Ascendance Chiefs when I subdued other World-level spellcasters that were way abundant in my world."

"Oh!" Helena exclaimed with a strong light of marvel in her eyes.

"Excuse me, senior. What profession is that, if I may ask?" She questioned.

"I am a Spellforger. I forge objects from metals and minerals and then magically inscribe them with spells that can be activated upon infusion of magical energy into such objects." The being replied.

Helena shook her head.

It was now that her horizons were really broadened.

Then she thanked the stars for bringing her to stumble upon this huge fortune.

"But senior, why are you here in this world? What of your world?" Helena asked these questions when they surfaced in her mind.

Immediately Helena asked this question, the being's face contorted to become ugly. A sad expression had suddenly appeared in it face.

"My world no longer exists. Also, I that you see here before you is not a corporeal being. This is my spirit form. My physical body has been destroyed." It said.

Helena became extremely shocked upon this revelation.

This powerful being before her had it body destroyed, and the world that it ruled over destroyed too?

She couldn't imagine how powerful that person that did that to this being would be.

"Senior, do you know who brought destruction to your body and the world that you controlled? Can you please tell me. I can help senior to get his revenge when I become very strong like you." Helena said.

The being shook it head in sadness.

"This person is really powerful. I think he or she is also a Spellforger, one who is unmatched in the Art of Spellforging. I arrived at this because he or she appeared in our world with numerous massive altars that caused destruction to our world in the blink of an eye. When the many enormously-sized altars appeared, they produced large blackholes that instantly devoured our world in it entirety. I wasn't even able to put up a bit of a fight with him or her before my body was abruptly torn apart by the immense devouring power produced by the blackholes that each seemed to span our entire sky" It said.

Then it looked at Helena and said "I don't think that you can beat this person. Just focus on getting strong and try spellforging. It would greatly increase your spellcasting prowess. And who knows, if you are able to come up with an exceedingly powerful spell and gather extremely rare minerals to forge a magical object or a magical weapon for yourself, you could be able to beat this evil person. But for now, it's only my dream which I feel may never come true"

When the being finished speaking, Helena suddenly recalled something. And this was that the description of the person by this being that was before her, totally matched with the one that she saw in her vision when she tried comprehending the numerous incomplete magical spells that she was exposed to.

She remembered that a particular person whose face she couldn't see to ascertain it gender was the one that had suddenly appeared in the world of the Hrithikans with many altars and then rapidly destroyed their large world using many massive blackholes that were produced from those altars.

Helena looked at the being and said resolutely "I hope you would still be around when I come back to deliver news to you that I have destroyed this person."

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