A Magical Tale: The Peerless Summoner

Chapter 76: Fortune or Death trap?

Chapter 76: Fortune or Death trap?

"Helena, you have improved greatly. I was amazed by your spellcasting prowess. You were able to launch magical attacks without uttering them which would waste time" Lydia said with a smile.

"I know right. And my prowess is going to increase from there. I want to quickly grow strong to be able to do a lot of things. A lot of things that I cry over in my heart almost everyday" Helena said.

"Oh. What's that? Mind telling me?" Lydia asked.

"Yea. My parents. My other relatives. I miss them. All of them. And I wanna see them once again. I just hope they are still alive." Helena said.

"They might still be alive. So you should try your best to grow strong very quickly and rescue them. Who knows, they might be waiting for their beautiful daughter to come rescue them from the hands of their captors." Lydia said with a smile.

Helena smiled too. 

"I will. I will try my best to grow strong. That's why I always seize every chance to grow strong too." Helena said while Lydia nodded.

"I think we have to split from here. We can't be seen walking together." Helena said further.

"Sure. I would leave now. You can wait behind for sometime for me to come out first. Then you can also emerge. When you see me, just ignore me. But if you want to look at me, you can look at me with a chilling gaze. Let's fool everyone that we have intense dislike for each other and could kill each other if we are left alone for a moment." Lydia said while Helena nodded with a smile in her face.

Lydia then asked a question that came to her mind "By the way, Helena. What if Jennifer changes something in her plan, how do I tell you?"

"Um... Since we can't be seen together, and there's absolutely no way you would be able to tell me without the rest of Jennifer's faction members being suspicious, you could tell it to any of the instructors. Well, not really all of them. Some could betray us if they are tipped by Jennifer's mom who would be observing everything that's going on in the background. So, you could report any new development in Jennifer's plan to the Camp Overseer or Amber, the senior spell instructor. They would then inform me of any change that Jennifer makes to her plan" Helena said.

"Alright. And I would be careful about it." Lydia said.

Then looking at Lydia, Helena said "Can I embrace you?"

"Sure. Why not?" Lydia replied with a smile in her face.

Then the both of them hugged each other. 

When the both of them embraced each other, Helena said in Lydia's ear "Thank you very much, Lydia. I owe you one."

"It's okay, Helena. And I am glad that I have you as a friend. Not just an ordinary one, the Chosen One; one who would look after us in future and dispel every storm and ward off every calamity that would come our way" Lydia said with a smile in her face while Helena rolled her eyes at her.

When they pulled out of the embrace, Lydia left Helena's presence and began to walk towards a route to leave the cave they were in and then to find her way out of the mountain that they were in. 

Helena sat in the cross-legged position to breathe.

She wanted to fully regain her lost Aetha energy and even waste more time so that Lydia would be far gone before she comes out of the cave and then walk towards the gate to leave the valley too.

Not long while seated and breathing in deeply, she suddenly heard a voice that felt like it was summoning her.

Her eyes snapped open and she abruptly stood to her feet.

"Who's there?" She asked quickly.

But she heard no response.

The cave she was in was deathly silent like the cemetery.

"I repeat. Who is there? Show yourself this moment!" Helena asked and commanded.

However, there was still no response.

Then before she could speak again, she suddenly heard the summoning voice again. And this time, it was distinct. Besides, this voice sounded in both her ears and in her head. It was like the voice was in front of her and was speaking directly to her, then at the same time, talking to her inwardly through telepathic means.

"Come with me"

She heard once again.

"Why would I want to come with you? What are you? And what do you want from me?!

" Helena who was slightly terrified couldn't help but shout these questions.

"I am not going to harm you. I only want to show you something that would tremendously benefit you" The voice that seemed to sound out from everywhere spoke really well this time, unlike when it was summoning her and spoke only a few words.

Helena who wanted to leave the valley began to think of what to do.

"Should I ignore this unknown summoning voice and move out? Or should I let it lead me to where it would take me to see something that would benefit me?" She asked.

Then she recalled something. 

'No. I have to do everything in my power to seize every chance that would make me grow stronger very quickly.' She said in her mind.

When she stated this, her eyes glowed resolutely.

"Okay. Lead me to what would be benefit me" Helena said into the air since she couldn't identify where the voice was coming from.

Immediately she said this, a big black cat that had a beautiful, jeweled golden crown on it head and wore a beautiful golden armor around it chest region suddenly appeared in front of her.


The cat meowed and then walked into a route which Helena warily and vigilantly followed it into.

Just like that, Helena followed behind the cat for many days, precisely six days before arriving at a small cave that was empty.

When they reached the cave, the cat unexpectedly vanished.


Helena exclaimed in a questioning tone.

She then abruptly turned to look around her with full vigilance in her eyes.

She was terrified when the cat disappeared.

Perhaps the voice that brought her here could mean her harm.

She then tried to control her mind that continually reeled in fear.

"Well, I am here now. Where is it what you want to show me?" She asked.

As soon as she asked the question, a dreadful being suddenly appeared in front of her.

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