A Magical Tale: The Peerless Summoner

Chapter 50: Vision

Chapter 50: Vision

Jennifer heard this and laughed.

"You are just trying to prove what you are not" She said and grinned.

"Nope. You got it wrong. I am not trying to prove anything to anybody because I am it already" Helena said with a smile.

"I am done talking to you, bitch" Jennifer said and pushed Helena aside.

Helena could have fallen to the ground with her back due to the force that she was pushed away with. But the young lady who was watching everything rushed to Helena's side and caught before she could fall to the ground.

Jennifer didn't even look back once.

As soon as she pushed Helena away, she walked out of the class room through the door and left for her residence.

The young lady that caught Helena helped to her feet.

"Are you okay?" She asked.

"Yes I am. Thanks for catching me" Helena replied.

"Don't mention. Just be careful around that girl. And always look behind you whenever you are going anywhere. That Jennifer girl is dangerous. She could send her faction members at you to have you seriously dealt with. I believe she might know or may have been told that you are the chosen one, she might still try to harm you or throw you into a situation where you could get killed, despite knowing how special you are to us here. So be careful in everything that you do. And don't always try to cross her path." The young lady said.

Helena nodded.

"Thanks for the advice ma'am" She said.

The young lady nodded.

"But why did she pick on you in the first place? She doesn't seem to have the fear and reverence she have for other instructors for you." Helena asked.

"Well, I am still young. Not more than twenty-three year old. And I am newly employed here to teach spell casting. I was appointed precisely four months ago to teach spell weaving. While the others have been here for at least sixty years. So it's right for her to respect and dread other instructors and not give me the reverence I deserve as an instructor" The young lady said.

"Oh. I am sorry about that." Helena said.

"It's okay, Helena" The young lady said.

"Can I be your friend?" Helena asked shyly.

"Sure! Why not? Being friends with the Chosen One is an absolutely wise thing to do" The young lady said while Helena smiled.

"I am May, May Panabaker" The young lady said further.

"Okay. That's a beautiful name you have there, May. Thanks for being my friend. Now I have someone I can talk to in this place" Helena said with a smile.

"Yea. Me too, Helena." May said. Then she continued by saying "Since I started working here as an instructor, I haven't made more than two friends"

Helena's eyes first widened in shock. Then the shock in her eyes became replaced with comprehension.

"I think I understand why. It's because you are way younger than the other instructors in here that you couldn't make much friends with them." Helena said.

"Yes. While the few ones I made friends with are also younger in age to the other instructors who have been working here for a really long time. However, that doesn't mean that if I am in trouble they won't come to my aid. It's just that they can't bring themselves to engage in talks or discussions with me." May said.

Helena nodded.

"You can come visit me at my place whenever you are free" She said.

"Oh. Thanks for the invitation, Helena. I would definitely come. I have always heard rumors of how heavenly the room for the Chosen One is from the other instructors who also hadn't stepped in there. But now that you have invited me over to your room, I would come see with my eyes to satisfy my burning curiosity." May said.


May unexpectedly grinned.

She then said "I am actually the first to see the room of the chosen one. That is something to be proud about."

Helena smiled and nodded.

"Alright May. I want to leave to freshen up" Helena said.

May nodded.

"When do you want me to come over?" May asked.

"Anytime you are free in the evening, since we would always have classes and training in the day" Helena said.

"Alright. You can go now. See you soon" May said and Helena nodded.

And since she had packed her things before she was surrounded by Jennifer and the members of her faction, she left the classroom and headed for her room.

On her way to her room, she met a member of Jennifer's 'Murderous Fairies' faction.

The person she met who was a female looked at her with a murderous gaze.

Helena saw the sinister gaze she was looked with by this female and just ignored her like she was a ghost; like she was inexistent in her vision.

"Continue playing with fire. You would be burnt to ashes by it soon." The female said.

Helena stopped walking and turned to face the lady.

"What's with you cocksuckers? Are you all and your airhead leader that extremely jealous of the powerful title that I possess? Now you spoke about fire and me getting burnt by it when it's you and that moron that leads you all that would be burnt to crisps by it. Let this be last time you would say such words in my face or you wouldn't like what I would do to you. Forget your training here. Even if you have been training here for decades, it would still be nothing in front of me. So mind your behavior and speech in front of me." Helena said and threatened.

Then she turned around to walk back to her room.

The female was intensely surprised by what Helena said.

Then rage sparked in her heart.

However, she didn't do anything in the end. And this was because she wasn't stronger than Trikki. If Trikki could abandon the battle she had with Helena, then who was she to jump in and fight Helena?

Although she was having this strong urge to stealthily launch a powerful attack at Helena, but she tried her best to resist the urge and then walk away.

She had a feeling that her attack could miss or be blocked by her Helena who would then come for her out of wrath. And when Helena came for her to pay in her own coin, she couldn't imagine what Helena would do to her out of anger.

She coldly snorted as she left.

When Helena got to her room, she took off her uniform and underwear to expose her naked body. Then she entered into the bathroom to have a nice and refreshing shower.

When she was done showering and had covered her nakedness by putting on a beautiful casual wear that surprisingly altered it size itself to fit her body, she sat on the bed in the cross-legged position to try something that came to her mind.

With her eyes wide open to see everything that would happen and her palms fully spread out and facing upwards, she concentrated within herself and tried to invoke the bloodline ability that she possessed.

After trying for a really long time like five hours as she placed intense focus on the bloodline power that she had to invoke it appearance, she suddenly and unexpectedly had a vision of a large world where people who could be described as brilliant purple flame in the form of humans could be seen moving about and flying in the air.

These people who looked like they were formed from flame were busy doing their own thing when the vast sky of their world suddenly darkened.

However, the intense purple brilliance coming from the bright purple flame that burned ragingly around the bodies of the people in this world illuminated the darkened world and even dyed the earth in purple.

As they waited to understand what had caused the sudden darkness and mentally prepare themselves for a possible invasion, an alter that was shockingly large as their sky suddenly appeared from nowhere.

Then the next instant after the alter appeared, a gigantic blackhole that was also as large as their sky abruptly surfaced and caused their lands to crack in thousands of places at once before it explosively shattered into smithereens and get sucked into the blackhole that reduced it and everyone to bits.

So, just like that, a powerful race that could unleash tremendously powerful flames that could could consume almost everything was destroyed in an instant by an enormous alter that had suddenly appeared in the sky of their world.

Immediately after the world was ruined and then the world and everyone on it surface vanished into thin air, Helena was abruptly pulled out of the vision.

With her eyes still closed, tears began to slowly stream down her eyes.

Surprisingly, she had become melancholic. She was actually filled with sadness, sorrow and anguish all of a sudden because of the vision that she saw.

But this was because she felt a strong connection to these people.

These were the people who she had the unique power of their marveling race flow in her blood as it circulate about in her body

As she heard the terrified screams of the little ones of this race and then the raging, unwilling roars of their mothers and fathers, she couldn't help but cry.

Despite being an immensely powerful race that every other race in the universe would absolutely dread, they were destroyed like every other common and weak race out there in the world that would be instantly obliterated.

Then when her eyes snapped open, an anger could be seen burning in it which actually manifested as bright purple glows that caused the air to begin to combust and give off large red-hot sparks.

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