A Magical Tale: The Peerless Summoner

Chapter 49: Encountering Jennifer in the class

Chapter 49: Encountering Jennifer in the class

"What?" Helena's eyes widened in shock.

"What's the problem?" Deylina asked.

"N-Nothing" Helena said.

"Good. Now keep shut and focus on what you are doing" Deylina said.

"Yes ma'am" Helena nodded.

Then she resumed her squatting while Deylina counted for her.

After squatting for about thirty times which Deylina counted as six, Helena fell with her knees to the ground.

"What's wrong?" Deylina asked.

"I am tired and my legs feel very weak" Helena truthfully said.

"You are tired and your legs feel weak?" Deylina asked to confirm what she heard.

"Yes ma'am" Helena said fearfully.


Deylina grinned.

"How can you be a warrior that everyone would fear when you can't do more than six squats?" She asked in an intense mocking tone.

"Well, I am still young. When I grow older, everyone at that time would fear me." Helena said courageously.

Deylina heard this and her eyes widened in surprise.

This girl that was scared of her had just said that everyone would be frightened of her when she grows older.


She broke into laughter once again.

"And why is that?" She asked.

"Because I am the chosen one. When I master summoning and magical spells, I would become a powerful force to be reckoned with" Helena replied.

"Hmm. Well, for now you are still a weakling. Every other girl in here can beat you." Deylina said.

Then she looked at Helena in the eyes and asked "Be sincere with me, if you and some of the girls on this field are locked in a room and ordered to fight to the death. Who would come out victorious?"

"Me certainly." Helena replied.

"Wow. So confident in yourself. Do you know that these girls have more experience than you in casting magical spells? They have been here for years while you just arrived yesterday" Deylina said.

"I know. But have they ever been in a fight to the death with Summoners? I have. And I could even hold them back for sometime. Can they do so?" Helena asked trying to defend her abilities.

"Well, you were in that form that flows in your blood. Without that form, you can't do anything to them except be instantly killed" Deylina said.

"I know. But a few days ago I fought this tall lady and continuously pushed her back till she gave up the battle and left" Helena said.

"Hmm" Deylina uttered.

There was nothing she could say at this point.

She was right.

She fought Trikki and defeated her as the latter pulled out of the duel they were having and left.

"Alright. You should carry on with your training. But don't think that since you had defeated Trikki that you are more powerful in here than the other girls. You haven't experienced the powers of the others who are concealing their abilities. And to bring to your awareness, Trikki belongs to a faction where a lady called Jennifer is the leader. This Jennifer is from three different powerful races. So be expecting her in a few days to come expel you from that room that you have been given" Deylina said and laughed.

Helena nodded.

"I will await her arrival" She said while Deylina nodded.

Then Helena resumed her squatting exercise. And since she had regained little energy from the small discussion that they had, she was able to do more squats.


Few hours later...

After training on the field in which Helena used all the hours to do body strengthening exercises, they were ordered by the senior spell instructor to go to class where they would teach them about spell casting.

"Now, for someone who is new amongst us, I would like to explain what spell casting is once again." An enticing young lady who wouldn't look more than twenty-five and wore a uniform that accentuated her beautiful curvy figure said while everyone nodded.

"Now, can anyone tell me what spell casting is?" The young lady asked.

While everyone were busy looking at each other to see who would stand to give the answer, Helena stood to her feet and said "Spell casting is the technique a magical user utilizes in creating objects that can be used to either defend oneself from harm or attack one's challengers."

"Oh. You gave the answer yourself Helena. But I didn't ask you to." The young lady said.

"Well, you said anyone should give the answer to the question that you asked." Helena said.

"Yea. I did." The young lady said. Then she stated further "Alright. Thanks for answering. You can have your seat"

Helena nodded and sat down back on her seat.

The young lady then looked at the rest of the class and said "Why didn't you guys provide answer to the question that I asked?"

"Because we don't know it" Someone suddenly said from behind.

The young lady who was their instructor and the rest of the class looked in the direction of the person that spoke and saw to their amazement that it was Jennifer that spoke.

"Jennifer, what do you mean by you all don't know it? Haven't I thought you all this before?" The young lady asked and then directed her other question to the entire class.

However, no one responded as she had taught them before.

"Do you think that because your mother is an high-ranking instructor that you can act so brazenly in front of me. How dare you?" The young lady angrily asked.

However, Jennifer didn't respond and even behaved in a way that gave the feeling that no one was asking her questions.

"Jennifer, stand and get the hell out of my class. And if you like, go tell your mom. I care nothing about that. Best of what she can do is to fire me" The young female instructor said while Helena's eyes widened in shock.

It has gotten to that level.

Then Helena felt that perhaps this Jennifer has been giving this instructor a tough time in this place.

Jennifer looked at the young lady who was teaching them spells and asked "Really? Don't forget that my mom absolutely detests it when an instructor asks me to get out of her class."

"Well, like I said earlier, I don't care. Now stand and get the hell out of my class" The young lady said.

But just when Jennifer would pick up her things to leave the classroom they were in, Helena who had thought many things through quickly said to the instructor "Instructor, please don't send her out of your class. Let her remain. However, you can just ignore her and the nuisances that she may commit. You should have understood that she's the type that would be harmless if she was in another magical school that her overwhelming mother isn't working at"

The instructor looked at Helena with shock and amazement in her eyes. Then she surprisingly nodded her head in agreement to what Helena said.

Now looking at Jennifer who had an expression of intense anger in her face, she said with a smile "Don't bother leaving anymore. You can have your seat and continue listening to my lecture"

Jennifer then actually gave a smile. But the smile would definitely invoke the feeling of wickedness and ruthlessness in anyone.

She pulled her chair and sat back in it.

But her gaze remained on Helena who just ignored her as she didn't find it uncomfortable.

In fact, she was taking pleasure in Jennifer being seriously angry. She would have liked it if Jennifer could cough out many mouthfuls of blood and die due to her boiling anger.

I have just started with you, you stupid bitch.

You sent Trikki to expel me from my room right? You just watch how you would go down, proud ignorant fool.

The young lady whose violently roiling mind had calmed continued her lecture.

About an hour and fifteen minutes later, the lecture came to an end. Then everyone stood up from their seats and packed their things to leave.

Helena did the same by packing her stuff and was about to leave when Jennifer and some of her faction members suddenly appeared before her and surrounded her.

The young lady who gave them lecture for the day was still in the classroom when she saw this. Then she quickly walked forward to stop them from doing anything gruesome to Helena as she knew how evil and ruthless these girls are when Helena's voice unexpectedly rang out, saying "Instructor, please don't bother yourself. I can handle this myself."

The instructor ceased her walk towards Helena and began to look at her with unblinking eyes to see what Helena was going to do, and readiness as she would instantly leap in if she saw that Helena couldn't take on the brutal girls herself.

"What do you want?" Helena asked fearlessly.

Not detecting any fear or dread in her tone, Jennifer said "Bitch, do you know that you are making your day of death closer than you can imagine?"

"Death? That's not for me. It should be yours that you are talking about, right?"

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