A Magical Tale: The Peerless Summoner

Chapter 46: First battle I

Chapter 46: First battle I


The day's training had ended and so everyone had arrived from the places they had gone to for training on the use of magic or combat.

Not long, someone suddenly barged into a room that about ten girls could be seating around a girl who seemed tall and had the look of arrogance in her face like all were nothing before her.

Her name was Jennifer Witherthorne.

She was the leader of a group known as Murderous Fairies.

"Riayn, why would you suddenly barge into the room like this? Do you want to be taught a lesson by me?" Jennifer asked with a fierce light in her eyes.

"Jennifer, I am sorry. I came in a rush to deliver a piece of good news to you." Riayn said.

"Hmm. And what good news is that? Spill it out" Jennifer said with her interest piqued.

"The room that you had always wished would be given to you has been given to someone. I don't know if that person came with our batch or is a new intake" Riayn said.

As soon as Riayn said this, Jennifer's eyes glowed intensely.

"Really? I must know who that person is." She said with a smile that gave the feeling of ferociousness. 

Then she asked with wrinkled brows "But how did you know that someone has been given the room?" 

"I was passing by that area when I saw the number 99 which was inscribed on the door glowing. When all this while it didn't glow. So I assumed that someone must have been given the room." Riayn replied. 

"Nice!" Jennifer uttered and shook her head happily. 

Then she looked at one of the ten females that surrounded her and said "Trikki, go see who that person is."

Trikki nodded her head and then stood up from her seat.

When she came out of the room, she headed straight for room 99.

A few moments later, she got there.


A bang suddenly rang out as her fist was delivered at the door.

Helena who had long been seated on the scent-emanating wooden chair some moments after she arrived at the room was suddenly jolted awake from her induced deep relaxation state.

Her brows then suddenly furrowed when she thought of something.

Then she shook her head angrily and said within herself "The insane bastards have arrived. But so soon? Can't they even give me a day to enjoy the room in peace? Bastards!'

She then stood to her feet to open the door and see who did that.

When the loud bang sound rang out, other female students in other rooms that were a bit close to room 99 were also jolted up from what they were doing and then went outside to see what caused the sound.

Then after looking around for sometime, they started to quickly gather before Helena's room with great shock in their eyes.

"She was given room 99? My fucking goodness" One of the large numbers of females that had gathered before Helena's room screamed out in amazement.

"But why would she be given such a room? Look at her, I can feel nothing really special about her" Another said.

Helena who was hearing all these ignored them and focused on the towering, blue-skinned female with green spots and yellow stripes all over her body that was looking at her with a gaze of mockery in her eyes.

"Didn't your insect-like mother teach you manners? Is that how to knock on someone's door you small-brained gigantic fool?" Helena asked without fear in her tone.

As soon as she uttered these, the large crowd of girls standing before her to excitedly watch what would go down abruptly had their eyes glow with intense surprise and awe.

"What crazy courage!! Talking to Trikki in such unbridled manner? This girl is definitely in it. I can't wait to watch how Trikki would beat her into a meatball." One said loathingly and enviously. 

Trikki looked at Helena in the eyes with a fierce and evil gaze. Then she angrily asked "How dare you call my mother an insect?!! Do you even know what she is?! Do you know what race I am from?!!"

She asked so many questions at once due to the intense rage causing her heart to boil. 

"Do I know what she is? Of course, an insect. Or what else would she be? Look at your skin, you seem like one of those ravaging insects back at the world I came from. Your race that comprises of insects must have fed on some heavenly materials that caused you all to grow to towering sizes. But the rare materials that the insectoid members of your race fortunately fed upon unfortunately didn't develop their brains. And that's why you as a member can't behave sensibly. By the way, why are you hiding your large, beautiful wings? Show them to us, I promise not to pull them off your back" Helena said with a smile. She tried saying all these without holding any words back.

She wasn't usually like this, and didn't even like it. But she had no choice to be sharp-tongued and be unbridled, since she didn't want anyone in this place to ride her like she was their ass.

Trikki heard this and then screamed out in anger. She couldn't hold it back any longer. 

Suddenly, and without warning, she sent her massive fist at Helena's chest.

But Helena who had been ready for any action that might happen instantly dashed her away from her front to evade the punch raging towards her.

She couldn't engage Trikki in a physical battle as she knew that she had no training whatsoever on close-combat fighting. If she tried that, this gigantic lady would beat her up so much that the beating would be deeply branded in her memory and her heart and would absolutely haunt her forever.

But she was going to use her magic to fight and possibly overpower this towering, exceedingly angered lady that seemed like she can't throw off magical attacks.

"Welas" She uttered and punched out at Trikki.

As soon as she did so, a small glowing fist that was colored yellow shot out from her fist towards Trikki.

Trikki saw this and punched at the glowing yellow fist formed from Aetha energy in Helena's body which had quickly arrived in front of her.


A loud bang out rang out while a wave possessing tyrannical power to crush rocks to smithereens swept out with a lot of force that caused Trikki to stagger backwards by some feet.

However, no injury could be seen on her body.

Her body was astonishingly tough.

Helena saw this and her eyes glowed.

However, she knew that just one attack wouldn't easily take this female down.

Then she prepared to unleash another magical attack when Trikki unexpectedly jumped high in the air towards her.

Helena's eyes widened in shock and horror.

Then she quickly aimed a finger at Trikki and uttered "Mevas"

The instant she uttered that, an inky-black finger that was many times larger than the glowing yellow fist she sent out earlier shot out of her pointed finger towards Trikki who actually twisted her body in the air to evade the magical attack and then appear before Helena with her huge fist sent out towards her chest.

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