A Magical Tale: The Peerless Summoner

Chapter 45: Queenly room

Chapter 45: Queenly room

Helena's face showed unhappiness.

But then, it began to glitter again as an unbreakable resolve surfaced in her mind.

This resolve suddenly manifested in her mind when she remembered that she had easily memorized a large plethora of top-tier magical spells.

With a smile in her face, she said "I would prepare myself for them"

"Good!" The woman said.

"That's what I want to hear" She said further.

"However, don't think you are very powerful to handle all of them that would come at you. Don't overestimate yourself, or you would be surprised at how you would go down. Like I said earlier, they are females from many other races that have different amazing gifts." The middle-aged woman said.

"Hmm. Well, I wasn't overestimating my abilities. I would just prepare myself for them and give them a taste of their own medicine if they come at me" Helena said with a gaze that could freeze water solid.

"Alright" The middle-aged woman said and nodded her head in approval.

"You can leave" She said further.

Helena nodded and then stood to her feet to leave the office she was in.

As soon as she came out and closed the door behind her, she began to walk through rows of rooms to find where the room with the number '99' was.

After walking for a long time, she eventually got to the room. 

Surprisingly, it stood alone. 

No other room could be seen around it. 

When Helena saw the room, she smiled.

Just the exterior alone gave the feeling of stateliness. Also, it appeared to be many times larger than all the other rooms that she had seen when looking for this room.

Then she went forward with the wooden card in her hand towards the polished, glittering door of the room.

The instant she appeared in front of the door, the number inscribed in the wooden card in her hand and the number inscribed on the surface of the door glowed at the same time and then the door automatically swung open for her to enter.

When the door swung open by itself and Helena stepped in, she saw how beautiful the room looked. It was truly like the room where a goddess would dwell in.

The curtains in the room were hung on golden hooks that were screwed tightly to the wall, allowing flood of soft rays of light from the sun to come in and illuminate the room.

The room itself was astonishingly spacious that it could be five or six times the sizes of other rooms that other people lived in. Also, it was grandly decorated and excellently furnished that it majesticness would surpass the ones that noble or princely figures in kingdoms slept in.

The bed she saw in the room was large and it gave the feeling of great and unparalleled extravagance. It invoked the feeling in her heart that surely no money and rare or unique materials were held back when creating this wooden bed. 

The entire wooden frame of the bed beautifully sheened. And this was because it was coated with a type of paint that produced the feeling that it was of superlative quality.

While the wood used to make the mirror frame, wardrobe, shelf, cabinet, rack, chair and

table in the room gave the feeling that they were gotten from extremely rare and exotic trees in greatly remote regions. And as they gave out soft beautiful sheens because of the light from the sun shining upon their polished surfaces, they emitted pleasant, fragrant scents that calmed the mind and relaxed the body.

The floor of the room which was tiled and then glittered in the light of the sun that continuously struck it was supposed to be cold on the feet. But it was surprisingly warm. However, Helena wouldn't know this as she was wearing shoes. Only until she pulled off her shoes to be on her feet would she know about the mystifying, relaxing warmth of the tiled ground.

"Wow!" Helena happily exclaimed.

This was a room she definitely would not lose to any other person.

She had never been in a large, beautiful and luxurious room all her life. Except Sylla's room. So she would strongly grasp this and teach anybody that had the intention to hijack the queenly room from her a wonderful lesson that would eternally resound in the person's mind.

Without taking off her shoes, she jumped towards the large bed in a diving fashion. And the instant she landed upon it, she began to roll about on it happily and excitedly. She rolled into all kinds of positions but she just couldn't get enough of the bed. It was like she wanted to enter it.

After sometime, she calmed her reeling mind due to intense happiness and went to seat on the chair to slowly inhale the relaxing, fragrant smell endlessly emanating from the special and unique exotic woods used to make it and the table before her.


"Fool, don't I have you in my grasp now? You are a summoner and so what?" Eden asked as he used one of his strong arms to lift up the Widowmaker high above the ground. Then he slowly exerted a crushing pressure on the neck of the Widowmaker using the hand of that arm which he used to lift him high into the air.

The Widowmaker wanted to speak, but he couldn't.

But with intensely red eyes that gave the feeling of deep-seated hatred and a heart burning with boundless anger, he looked at Eden who also coldly gazed back at him with a look of intense mockery in his eyes.

Then in the next instant, a 'snap' sound rang out.

Eden had crushed the Widowmaker's neck.

As soon he crushed the bones of his neck, he flung the stiff, lifeless body of the Widowmaker in his hand away like rag.

Then he landed to the ground from the air to appear before his wife who looked terrified.

At the moment, she had a pale face.

The battle was too fast for her to see and so she felt that her husband might have been injured or worst, killed.

When Eden landed before her and saw the sick-like paleness of her face, he gave a smile and went to embrace her.

"Baby, you are trembling. Be calm. Am I not the one standing before you?" Eden asked in a soft loving tone in her ear.

"I was s-scared. I-I thought something happened to you when I heard a scream. I thought it was yours and then felt that something really terrible had happened to you" His wife replied.

Eden smiled.

"Nah. That wasn't my shrieking cry of agony. It was that of one of the pussies I wickedly slaughtered. And you don't need to be frightened anytime I go up against these adversaries of mine. The stupid guys think they know everything about me. But they know nothing. That's why I would continue to kill each and everyone of them that would come my way without a deep understanding of all my abilities." He said.

"Are you okay now?" He asked lovingly.

"Yes I am" His wife replied.

"Alright. Let's leave here. This place is no longer safe for you and the kids. More of these fools might probably troop in if they don't receive a signal of victory from that stupid mortal thing that calls himself the Widowmaker" Eden said.

"Alright. Let's leave" His wife said.

Then they went into the house which turned invisible once again and then caused space to suddenly warp and distort around it before disappearing from the spot that it previously floated at and appeared in another region.

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