A Magical Tale: The Peerless Summoner

Chapter 35: Kale's Death

Chapter 35: Kale's Death

The Zohrrindane race ruler who eyes glowed with intense coldness and towering ruthlessness said out loud in the sky "Kill the members of his race. Kill the members of the vampire race, and also the members of the werewolf race. Leave no one alive. Kill them all!"

The Summoners where they were heard this and nodded their heads.

"Thousand Killing Fiery Arrows" One of them said and pointed a finger at the people of the opposing races that were below them in the far distance.

Then instantly, large amount of raging flame busted out from his body and rapidly condensed into arrows that shot towards the members of the Fey race, Vampire race and Werewolf race.

Puchi! Puchi! Puchi!...

Numerous piercing sounds rang out as the arrows in the air pierced through the people that were aimed at. And since the arrows were generated from a powerful uncanny fire that was produced by a great Calaendrian spirit of fire, the arrows condensed from the Calaendrian spiritual flame effortlessly pierced through their bodies easily. The arrows easily penetrated into their bodies like a hot knife through butter.



Numerous terrifying wails rang out as the members of the three races screamed out in pain and agony once they were struck by the blazing arrows. But in the next instant, their loud shrieking screams abruptly died down since they were quickly burnt to cinders by the powerful flame that appeared from the burning arrows which struck them.

Not quite long, hundreds of people from the Fey race, Vampire race and Werewolf race had been killed. And hundreds more were still being killed with every passing second.


The Zohrrindane race ruler saw all that were happening and laughed heartily. While Kale who became sorrowful and anguished at the way people from his race and the two races that he allied with died like ants, suddenly bellowed in fury towards the sky. Then unexpectedly, he shot out in towering rage towards the summoner that released that power of the Calaendrian spirit dwelling in his body.

The Zohrrindane race ruler who should have blocked Kale from advancing towards any of his allies surprisingly left him alone to carry out what was in his mind. And as Kale shot towards the summoner at a furious speed with his body starting to emit a thick vengeful aura, the Zohrrindane race ruler couldn't help but laugh loudly and in a somewhat wicked manner.

One of the Summoners saw Kale blazing towards them with intense rage in his eyes and gave a mocking smirk.

"Earth-Sundering Punch!" That summoner said and punched out at the same time. The instant that he punched out, a massive fist that spanned hundreds of feet in size suddenly mysteriously surfaced in the sky and shot towards Kale who didn't have a look of fear but of preparedness and sacrifice in his eyes.

Sylla who was on the ground and was retreating back to the kingdom at all the speed that she could muster saw the massive attack unleashed at her father and then screamed out in great shock and terror.


A rippling wave of shocking devastating power erupted from the point at which Kale's glowing fist connected with the enormous fist that was abruptly condensed from the Calendrian spiritual power. And the instant that this wave appeared, it swept out with a lot of force that even the Summoners shook at the altitudes that they floated at in the sky. If this wave actually swept out on the ground with the tyrannical force that it possessed, it would create a crater so wide and deep that it would seem like several mighty and monstrous primordial beasts wanted to emerge from deep within the earth.

At this point in time, the sky in this region had been cleared of all clouds. They had actually been rapidly dispersed by the powerful tyrannical wave that surfaced and swept out with great destructive power.

The fist that was produced by the summoner couldn't be seen anywhere. Same with Sylla's father who couldn't be detected anywhere. It was like he had vanished with the fist.

When Sylla saw what happened to him, she fell with her knees to the ground and began to cry as an aura of intense sorrow began to emanate from her seemingly delicate body.

Aria and Adam's faces contorted in sorrow too. If not that they were monarchs of their respective races and were warriors who had seen a lot and experienced many sad things, they would have broken down into tears too. However, Aria's eyes still glistened as tears welled up in them. That was one of her good friends that they just slew.

Then with intense wrath and hatred now appearing in her heart and entirely engulfing it, and her beautiful eyes and hair instantly turning blood-red due to the boiling anger and extreme animosity that she felt towards the Zohrrindane race ruler, the members of his race and the Summoners, she wanted to dash out towards that particular summoner who unleashed that colossal attack that instantly killed Kale and then lash out with insane power and without forgiveness at him. One couldn't blame her as she had been fully consumed by hatred and vengeance at the moment.

But just before she could go at him, she was quickly held back by Adams who had thought things through with his usual calm mind despite the terrible situation that he had found himself in.

He knew that they were no match for Summoners.

And even if they could both try to challenge one, what of two, three?

So there was basically no sense in fighting them. It was best to run and leave with their remaining members.

"Don't go! You would be instantly killed too" He said in a persuading and used his superhumanly strong hands to tightly grasp Aria's arms whose mind and soul were seething in fury and whose body endlessly erupted killing intent.

Sylla who cried without end where she knelt at was suddenly heavily struck in the head by a fist which sent her flying for a distance of about twelve feet and then crashed into the earth in an unconscious state.

Then leaping into the air towards her and directly landing where her unconscious body laid in, the being that struck her head hard with his fist with the intention of knocking her unconscious grabbed Sylla by one of her legs and began to drag her body on the ground towards where the members of the seven races that allied with the Zohrrindane race against the Fey race stood at. And as he dragged her body on the ground, what could be seen in his eyes was a bright glow of lust and frenziedly burning passion.

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