A Magical Tale: The Peerless Summoner

Chapter 34: The Appearance

Chapter 34: The Appearance

"Haha. It's none of your concern" The Zohrrindane race ruler said.

Then he rushed back towards Kale to unleash more powerful physical strikes at him. But Kale was equally powerful and so could withstand his attacks.


The male from the Welfhae race that Aria, the Blood Queen knocked to the ground using her hair and was shoved into the distance upon connecting fist with Sylla's, dashed back towards Sylla to engage her in battle. Although there was shock in his gaze because of Sylla's astonishing physical strength, but it was totally concealed by the coldness that also erupted from it.

Once the male warrior from the Welfhae race appeared before her, with her fist still scaly and emitting a bright blue light, she sent it out towards the male that had appeared before her. The male too did the same thing as he sent out his fist which glowed in a fiery orange light and emitted intense heat towards Sylla's raging fist. And this time, he packed more power into his punch.


A terrifying boom sound that was immediately accompanied by a wave of devastating power erupted from the point at which the their glowing fists connected. Also, because of the destructive force-wave that erupted from the collision of their fists into one another, the air around them and for hundreds of feet shot outwards in all directions like a tremendously destructive gust of wind.

When the powerful and fierce wind currents surfaced, immediately accompanying the rippling wave of tyrannical force that was produced a second ago, the people that fought around them were knocked flying into the distance like thin pieces of sticks in a furious windstorm.

At the moment, the Welfhae race male warrior couldn't be seen anywhere around Sylla. He had been knocked hundreds of feet into the distance once again, despite him putting a greater amount of power into his punch. As for Sylla, this time, she didn't move an inch from where she stood.

She remained where she was looking into the distance where the male warrior from the Welfhae race crashed into. Then she looked away from him and went to meet the members of the Zohrrindane race who were absolutely bent on killing members of her race.

Then with a vengeful aura emitting from her body due to the death of her former girlfriend, she arrived before the ones she set her killing gaze upon and used her golden sword to ruthlessly cut off their heads.

As for Aria, the Blood Queen, the person she was battling at the moment was the male warrior from the Brahmia race. This was a race that had the ability to produce yellow-colored poisonous energy from their bodies.

So, the way he fought aria was to discharge the energy from his body which then rapidly condensed and abruptly shaped into massive spears that shot towards Aria at a great speeds.

However, as the Blood Queen of the vampire race known for their shocking speeds, she had many times of the speed of her fellow tribesmen. Also, she possessed matchless agility because of the level of power she had reached. Therefore, armed with these amazing physical abilities which she instantly employed to battle the Brahmia Race male warrior, she effortlessly dodged the spears condensed from the poisonous energy endlessly erupting from the body of the Brahmia race male warrior.

Then using a powerful skill called 'Vampiric Blitz Strike', which suddenly made everything in her eyes move in slow motion, she shot towards th Brahmia race male warrior at a tremendous speed.

Appearing before the warrior in the next instant from a distance of thirteen feet in the air, she ruthlessly pierced his body with her claw-like fingers


The warrior screamed out in pain and agony. Then immediately lifting her other hand, she swung it at his neck as she used the tough and hard claws of this hand to slit his neck deep in four places at once in an instant.

Once her fingers slitted his throat, blood gushed out from from the slits on his neck like a fountain. But before the blood that gushed out could spray onto her body, she dashed far away from him or his yellow blood could harm her if it got on her skin.

One should understand why she didn't suck his blood instead of impaling him with her sharp fingers and then lacerating his throat with the other. It was simply because of his yellow blood which to her would become poison if it got into her system.

Immediately she slitted his throat and dashed away at a high speed, the male in the air lost his ability of flight and fell to the ground from that height.


He crashed heavily into the ground and caused a large cloud of dust to appear.

Kale saw this and became gladdened.

Now, one of the allies his enemy had reduced by one.

But he became deeply saddened in the next instant when several astonishing phenomena suddenly occurred out of nowhere.


They had appeared since an ally had fallen in battle.

Aria who had taken off to fight another warrior from another race and Adams who was engaged in a serious brawl to the death with an enemy ally noticed these phenomena too and became dazzled before fear crept up in their heart and eventually dominated it.

Spiritual warriors!

Then as intense fear and terror became evident in their faces, they quickly backed away. They actually retreated. Same with members of their races fighting the armies of the other races that allied with the Zohrrindane race.

Kale looked at the ruler of the Zohrrindane race and asked with unbridled disgust in his tone "So this was your last card? You really kept it well hidden"


The Zohrrindane race ruler laughed.

Then he said "Sure thing. Why would I want to have a flaw in my plan? If you knew about them, you would also pay summoners to come participate in the battle. But since you don't have them, I can kill your entire race by borrowing their immense apocalyptic powers. Haha! I remember the fairy-like faces of your beautiful wife and daughter. I can imagine their tongues rubbing and licking away at my fat manhood. Haha!"

Kale became more angered.

But he surprisingly didn't do anything.

Then instead of exchanging more vexing, scathing words with the ruler of the Zohrrindane race, he looked towards where the Summoners had appeared in the sky.

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