World’s End: My Keyword is One More Than Others

Chapter 204: Acting in Heaven's Stead

Chapter 204: Acting in Heaven's Stead

Without the Golden Elixir, all is in vain.

In the world of cultivators, only those who achieve the Golden Elixir stage can soar through the skies.

Du Ge always pursued speed in the Simulation Field.

With speed comes mobility, and with mobility, the initiative.

Advance to attack, retreat to defend.

Not to end up like the disciples of the Seven Stars Sect, trapped in the mountains, their attempts at calling for help easily thwarted.

Speed saves time for development and leads to greater strength.

The two go hand in hand.


For the Seven Stars Mountain to truly stand in the world, it must possess formidable strength.

After all, this is a world of cultivation, where the might of one can turn the heavens and the earth.

Tianlan Valley, lacking in depth, might hesitate to confront the Seven Stars Mountain for fear of harming the commoners they've gathered, but prestigious sects need only send a few Golden Elixir experts to circle above the Seven Stars Sect, not even needing to strike them down. A mere shout that the Seven Stars Sect's fundraising is illegal would suffice.

All shareholders would scatter like birds and beasts, not daring to let out a peep.

In a world where strength is revered, there's no room for conscience.

Usually, disciples of great sects wouldn't covet the meager possessions of the Seven Stars Mountain; it would be beneath them.

But with warriors from the Alien Star Battlefield stirring trouble behind the scenes, it's unpredictable.

Although the top ten ranks serve as a talisman, most warriors wouldn't think of killing to take their place.

But that doesn't stop them from using others to do their dirty work!

No one wants to watch their enemies grow unchecked...


Strength is everything, the greatest sense of security.

With only twenty days left until the rankings are announced, time is running short for Du Ge.


Even though Tianlan Valley's power far surpasses his, he decided to take a chance. He couldn't wait for the Valley Master of Tianlan Valley to emerge from seclusion...

He aimed for the element of surprise, seeking fortune amidst danger.


"Sect Leader brother, are we really going to Tianlan Valley?" Seventh junior brother was still bewildered as they descended the mountain.

It was one thing not to flee before, but now, having finally built such a significant enterprise and temporarily stalling Tianlan Valley with the public, third senior brother actually wanted to take the offensive. Was the one who possessed third senior brother's body insane?

"An eye for an eye is only fair. They covet our sect's gate, so why can't we covet theirs?" Du Ge smiled, glancing back at the two bald Tianlan Valley captives, "I've already checked with 0001; Tianlan Valley has only thirteen at the Foundation Establishment stage, and most are in seclusion year-round. The Principal Officials on a daily basis are just three Foundation Establishment cultivators, the rest are in the Qi Refining Stage. With my current skills, taking them down won't be an issue."

"How can you take the words of Tianlan Valley's people at face value? What if he's deceiving you?" Seventh junior brother glared at the two bald captives, "Aren't we just walking into a trap?"

"They won't deceive me," Du Ge said nonchalantly, "I interrogated them separately."

"They've been together so long, couldn't they have conspired beforehand?" Seventh junior brother said.

"Seventh junior brother, there's a technique to interrogation. I'll teach you later," Du Ge smiled, pulling out several sheets of paper, "Not only did I get a clear picture of Tianlan Valley's situation, but I also extracted their cultivation techniques. At first, all seven were playing tricks, but after I applied some pressure, I got the complete techniques. Betraying one's sect's techniques is tantamount to treason. Now, they're tied to our fate..."

0001 and 0002 sighed in unison, their gazes at Du Ge complex, mingled with resentment and a sense of resignation about life.

Seventh junior brother took the cultivation technique papers from Du Ge's hand, reading them from top to bottom, his eyes filled with disbelief, "You got this out of them?"

"It's hard with fewer people, but with more, it's no problem," Du Ge said, "This is called game theory. Unless someone is exceptionally clever, they can't pass this test. Break one person, and the rest will collapse."

"Game theory?" Seventh junior brother was stunned again, "Is this also part of the Way?"

Du Ge looked at him with a smile: "Seventh junior brother, when we have downtime on the road, I'll pass on to you the principles and techniques of game theory. If the Seven Stars Sect wants to grow, we must plunder techniques from other sects. You're smart, suitable to be the Principal Official of the Seven Stars Sect's penal hall."

Seventh junior brother, looking at the cultivation technique in his hand, his palms trembling, said, "Sect Leader brother, plundering other sects' techniques... if word gets out, won't we incur public wrath?"

"Don't worry, we'll take the techniques first, then the sects. Once we integrate their sects into the Seven Stars Sect, we're all one family, and it's not robbery anymore. We can call it an acquisition," Du Ge turned to look at the two Tianlan Valley captives, "Yesterday, after they offered their techniques, I agreed to let them join the Seven Stars Sect. Based on seniority, they should be calling you 'uncle'..."

"Uncle," forced by circumstances, the two Tianlan Valley captives quickly greeted the seventh junior brother.

Seventh junior brother gave a dry laugh, nodding in a daze.

Du Ge continued, "The Way of Heaven takes from the excessive to supplement the deficient; the way of humans takes from the deficient to offer to the excessive. Using contracts to gather wealth to build the Seven Stars Sect is the way of humans; taking Tianlan Valley's secret manuals to supplement our deficiencies is the Way of Heaven. Whether it's the Way of Heaven or the way of humans, in the end, it's all a process of plundering. Seventh junior brother, now you understand why the Way of Robbery is called the essence of the Way, right?"

To articulate plundering in such an elegant manner, you're truly one of a kind. The captives from Tianlan Valley were stunned, looking at Du Ge with profound respect.

Seventh junior brother, shaken, asked in a trembling voice, "Sect Leader brother, is this the essence you've comprehended?"

"Exactly. Otherwise, why would I have the confidence to challenge Tianlan Valley?" Du Ge looked at the seventh junior brother, "You're perceptive, I've told you the essence of the Way. From now on, you can base your actions on this principle. But be mindful of your methods; there's only a thin line between the Way of Heaven and the path of demons. Once you cross it, there's no turning back..."

Recalling everything Du Ge had done these days,

Seventh junior brother pondered for a moment, then asked, "Brother, should the Way of Heaven's robbery be justifiable?"

"You're teachable!" Du Ge smiled and nodded, then noticed his personal interface flickering.

Excited, he tapped to open it.

Sure enough,

Beneath the robbery, a new advanced skill appeared:

[Acting in Heaven's Stead: Take from the strong to benefit oneself (you can extract the power of those stronger than you for your use); Give to the weak to supplement their deficiencies (you can transfer your power to those weaker than you)]

Damn it!

This is the Star Absorption Method!

Not just the Star Absorption Method, but also the Bridal Dress Technique!

At the moment he saw the skill description, Du Ge was invigorated. He looked at 0001, targeted him with the skill, but his body didn't change;

Hesitating, he reached out to touch 0001.

0001 instinctively dodged, but his speed was no match for Du Ge, who easily placed his hand on his shoulder.

The next instant,

He felt an immense suction from Du Ge's palm, and a tenth of the spiritual power in his dantian vanished in a flash.

Previously, the theory of stripping clothes was just that, theory. In just a few days, robbing others of their power had gone from theory to practice?

That's outrageous!

0001 was shocked, feeling the spiritual power draining rapidly from his body, and quickly stepped back, breaking free from Du Ge's grasp.

As Du Ge's hand left his shoulder, his neatly worn inner garment appeared in Du Ge's palm...

"Sect Leader, I..." 0001, seeing his clothes leave his body, tried to explain awkwardly.

"No need to explain, I understand."

Du Ge smiled, handing the clothes back to him, sighing inwardly. As domineering as it was to need physical contact and not being able to absorb instantly, with the possibility of counterattack, it was somewhat underwhelming.

Everything requires hands-on, not at all like a cultivator's way!

The worst part is, once a target is set, plucking feathers from a passing goose is also triggered, stealing power along with belongings...

If someone's power is being absorbed, who wouldn't struggle? Resist a few times, and they'd be stripped bare by him!

With just the Star Absorption Method, Ren Woxing became a public enemy in the martial world.

His skill combination, stealing power and stripping clothes, he couldn't escape the label of a pervert!

How could he maintain a noble image with such a notorious reputation?

It was deeply troubling!

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