Woke up as a Worthless Swordsmanship Genius

Chapter 3

Episode 3

From the moment Ellis looked at Raymond’s apprentice wizard, she clearly realized that something was very different from before.

It was Raymond who always had dead eyes.

But now, his eyes were full of life and he seemed to be looking down on everyone’s heads.

“These are crazy people.”

The moment he said that.

Ellis felt his breath becoming suffocated.

I knew he had changed, but I never imagined that such harsh words would come out so suddenly.

She raised her eyes and looked back and forth between Raymond and the apprentice wizards.

Raymond’s mouth, still with a cold smile on his face, opened.

“Where do dogs in the house bark at their owners?”

His aggressive tone of voice.

Ellis quietly watched the unfolding situation.


Not all idiots are the same.

On the other hand, there are idiots who bow their heads and cannot do anything to those who are even a little stronger than them, but treat those below them carelessly.

‘There are some bastards who show their teeth to everyone.’

The original Raymond was not called an incompetent bastard for nothing.

He spoke harshly to those weaker than himself and sometimes used violence, but he could not say anything to those stronger than himself.

This means that Raymond, a 1st circle wizard, could not do anything to the 2nd circle wizards who were apprentice wizards in the family.

This is truly an attitude fit for an incompetent idiot.

But that’s him and I’m different.

As long as I have to live as Raymond, many things will change.

The ‘Mangnani’ I will play is a true Mangnani with dignity.

‘He’s a classy idiot… This is also funny.’

Never allowing the person under me to climb up.

A fool who has clearly received training as a successor to rule a group.

Now, how should we subdue these guys?

“Where do dogs in the house bark at their owners?”

Were my words that shocking?

The apprentice wizards looked at me in confusion.

A face that doesn’t understand the current situation at all.

Well, if you remember what kind of guy Raymond is, you can understand their reactions.

Originally, Raymond would have been upset when he saw those guys.

Who wouldn’t be embarrassed if Raymond suddenly says something harsh?

Anyone who knows Raymond would be perplexed.

“young master…?”

A voice mixed with absurdity and bewilderment.

Still, it was funny to see the people who constantly called me a master even though I was the son of a count.

Aren’t their actions and speech completely different?

I couldn’t help but laugh.

“They are the dogs of the house, master. “You are saying too much.”

“I feel very insulted. “I would like you to formally apologize.”

The apprentice wizards’ faces hardened and they glared at me grimly.

That sight is so funny.

I’m annoyed because there are people in front of me who would keep their mouths shut like 10,000 tails in front of the Count.

“Don’t be a dick.”

Although they called him ‘young master’, none of them ever acknowledged Raymond as ‘young master’.

It’s still the same now.

“young master! “If you keep doing this, we can’t just sit still.”

Frowning, one of the apprentice wizards glared at me and raised his arm.

Mana flowed around the guy’s arm, and the air current changed slightly.

Prepare to use magic at once.

Although I was a little afraid of magic, I calmly continued acting.

“Are you saying that my family will use magic against me?”

It was a situation that made no sense.

The Millennium family was a count family that was considered one of the most famous magic families in the kingdom.

What would others think if they saw that the Millennium family was trying to use magic against Raymond Millennium?

“How should I accept this? “This really looks like the worst thing anyone can see.”

I turned my head slightly and looked at Ellis.

Ellis, who was preparing for an emergency, immediately lowered her head at my words.

“It is clearly a terrible situation and we will report this to the head of the family officially.”

Even though she said that, the apprentice wizards just snorted.

“What if I tell the head of the family? “Do you think they will protect their incompetent son over us, talented wizards?”

What I’m saying is true. It offends people.

“Daniel, watch your mouth. “Put that hand down right now.”

Ellis said in a low voice.

He raised his arm and stopped her from stepping forward.

Ellis immediately fell silent at my actions.

He smiled wickedly at me as if he was thinking about my actions.

I guess he thinks the reason I stopped Ellis was because I was afraid of his magic.

“What if I don’t put it down? “If I really use even simple magic like this, will our incompetent master be able to stop it?”

You’re ignoring me now, right?

It was absurd. I was able to know very well what he thought of me on a daily basis.

‘Why is he being such a dick again?’

Next to him, another apprentice wizard was also raising his arms and preparing to use magic.

There is an appropriate level for everything.

And they have gone far beyond that reasonable level.


“young master. what…?”

Ellis, embarrassed by my words, took a step forward to stop me, but now was not the time for her to step forward.

He stopped her and pointed his finger at them.

I didn’t forget to give him a wry smile.

Daniel and another apprentice wizard frowned.

It must be hard to know what I’m thinking.

“Why are you scared now that I told you to try it?”

I deliberately provoked him further.

Then, he calculated the distance to Daniel.

I am definitely not bluffing without thinking.

I am not that irresponsible.

I thoroughly analyzed and reviewed ‘The Master of Talent’, which I had read over the past few days.

Of course, there are plans in place for such situations.

“I think you won’t be able to do it if you ask me to…”

“Do it. I will tell you what happens when the dog barks. ”

“This crazy bastard…!”

Finally, Daniel couldn’t bear it anymore and stretched out his hand towards me.

Mana rushed in front of his hand.

“Magic Missile!”

Two arrows made of mana were created in the air.

The two magic missiles, which were only about half the length of regular arrows, flew at high speed.

Facing it directly, I kicked the ground and ran forward.

Ellis opened his mouth, but there were no magic missiles lodged in my body.

One passed near the arm and the other near the head.

“What is this…”

Daniel tried to say something in confusion, but his words could not be continued due to my fists stuck at my sides.


Daniel’s face crumpled with a dull sound.


It was nailed properly. As soon as I recognized it, I turned my body slightly.

Magic missiles passed through my body and hit the wall.

The apprentice wizard next to Daniel hesitated and eventually used magic.

“How dare you?”

He raised his foot and kicked the apprentice wizard in the solar plexus.

The physical movements that I couldn’t do even when I was an actor are now effortless.

My body moved so flexibly and it followed my thoughts.

I hit Daniel’s face with my elbow.


The feeling of something breaking passed through my elbow.

Daniel must have been trying to use magic during the split second I was kicking the other apprentice wizard, but a small flame appeared in the air and immediately disappeared.


Daniel screamed, perhaps because the pain was too much.

There was no particular emotion in the scream.

I raised my fist and swung it at that unlucky face.


When I swung my fist again at Daniel’s face, which was already covered in blood, he flinched and fell down.


Daniel screamed and waved his arms aimlessly, trying to block my fists.

If I had used magic in the meantime, things would have been different.

I guess I didn’t think of that.

In the meantime, I saw an apprentice wizard who had escaped the pain sneak up and raise his arms.

I immediately lowered my head as I felt an exhilarating feeling in the back of my head.


A magic missile passed by his head and hit a decoration on the wall.

A cold sweat broke out.

If I had been just 0.5 seconds late, I would have died from a magic missile hitting my head.

For a moment, my legs lost strength and I almost collapsed, but my body held on.

When my body stiffened from the shock of almost dying, I was able to calm down quickly as the fear disappeared, as if there was some kind of restraint.

To be more precise, my body moved on its own.

Turn your body backwards and kick the ground.

A body floated in the air.


I could feel my ribs breaking on the top of my foot.

The apprentice wizard, who had been hit in the chest by a foot, fell backwards.


As soon as I confirmed that the guy had fallen, I hit his shoulder with my knee.



A strange screaming sound.

I slowly got up, pressing my fist against my neck.

“If we’re dogs, let’s live like dogs and wag our tails.”

It’s too dull for me to feel.

I felt goosebumps at my calm self for a moment, but I tried not to show it and turned around.

‘Luckily I wasn’t excited.’

If I was excited, I would probably be shaking my fist right now.

And their lives could be in danger.

I have no intention of committing murder.

“young master.”

Ellis approached.

Her eyes turn to my hands.

I glanced at her fist and tried to shake it off, but Ellis covered my fist with a handkerchief.

Her voice trembled a little as she wiped away all the red blood.

“I never imagined you would look like this.”


I also had no idea that this would result.

Just remembering what was described in the book, I thought I could still narrowly beat the 2nd circle wizard…

‘I didn’t know it would be this overwhelming.’

I swallowed my words.

Now she was very surprised.

I, who just kept my head down every day, couldn’t help but be embarrassed as this was my first time seeing such a drastic side.

After making sure she had wiped off all the blood, she turned her head and looked around.

There were traces of magic missiles here and there, and Daniel and the apprentice wizard were lying on the floor.


Daniel was trembling in fear, holding his face with one hand and waving in the air with the other hand.

The apprentice wizard was curled up and moaning in pain.

In my entire life, I’ve never been punched more than 10 times and I’ve never seen so much blood.

Although I have seen a lot of fake blood.

Even though I, who had never fought properly, put two people in a miserable situation.

Strangely, I felt no emotion whatsoever.

“I’m going to be late for class. “I’ll clean up this place, so you can go quickly.”

Ellis raised his eyes and invited me.

At those words, I realized that I was moving to participate in class, so I nodded and moved.

After watching her for several days, I realized that she was a capable maid.

At the same time, she was truly thinking about Raymond.

Ellis will take care of it.

As I stood in front of the gate, the light bothered my eyes.

When I closed my eyes and opened them, a blue glowing gate came into view.

It was amazing that I could see the flow of mana right away, so I looked at it and Ellis reacted sensitively.

“Master, are you okay?”

“uh. are you okay.”

I nodded to her worried question and walked inside the gate.

It’s time to live as the count’s bastard.Raymond Millennium.

An unfortunate swordsman genius born into a magic family.

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