Will of Сhaos

Chapter 157: Synthesis part 1

Chapter 157: Synthesis part 1

I had my heart racing with a hand on my chest as I looked around my room in shock from that horrible nightmare. 

"(What a freaking horror movie dream was that.)" (I) 

"(To make it worse all that's left was to show up a guy in striped clothes and with a burnt body saying he wanted to kill me in my nightmare.)" (I) 

"(I almost got a goddamn heart attack because of that damn nightmare.)" (I) 

"Let go of me stupid master, how long do you plan on holding me like this!"  (Layla) 

"Huh!?"  (I) 

Suddenly I hear Layla's voice, then realize I'm still holding her with one of my hands, so I let go of her and let her fly as she slurs at me for holding her so far. 

It took me a while to calm this little demonic being, after that she tells me that Freya had asked her to wake me up since the breakfast was ready, she also told me to hurry up as Leo and Diana are having trouble holding Ibuki that left alone eats everything alone. 

"Thanks for coming to wake me up."  (I) 

"Here, this is a gesture of apology for holding you like that."  (I) 

I open my hand and make a small sphere of Mana for Layla to eat, after eating she smiles again and sits on my shoulder as I go to the bathroom to clean my teeth before heading downstairs to join the others to eat. 

When we were all together eating we started talking to find out what each one planned to do that day. 

"I had a nightmare in my sleep, but I won't let it affect me."  (I) 

"I'm thinking about taking the day off to study magic, I'm planning on exploring the Dungeon every other day."  (I) 

"So everyone is free to do as they please."  (I) 

At this point Freya and Caryna started talking about going out shopping for various spices they need to cook, Leo called Diana, Irius, and Sophia to train in the back of the mansion, Ibuki, Alice, and Nolan teamed up with Irina to study, rica he said he's going to join me to train his magic too, Anton and Tnia said they'll continue with their usual jobs, Kira and Nira were talking about looking for some information about some rare item we can use and Layla said she's going to train a little with Byakko his Thunder magic as the two have the same element. 

With everyone already knowing what they need to do we split up after we've finished eating, before starting my magical training I go to Nira to find out about what she found in the storage items that Layla and Byakko brought from that Alchemist's lab I devoured. 

"Have you finished evaluating everything that was in the storage items that came from that Alchemist's lab?"  (I) 

"Yes, as I imagined before, many of the bottles were filled with drugs, there were also some types of poison, I was going to do what the master asked, which was to destroy the drugs and keep the poisons."  (Nira) 

"You can still do this."  (I) 

"Find anything else?"  (I) 

"I found some weak HP and MP potions, they also had some good ones."  (Nira) 

"Other than that I found some monster materials, alchemy tools, alchemy ingredients, books, jewelry and money."  (Nira) 

"Did you find money too?"  (I) 

"From the amount I found I think it was that Alchemist's entire fortune, the storage item it was in should be his."  (Nira) 

"I found 78000 gold coins in total, I don't know how he managed to walk around with all that money."  (Nira) 

"That gives us a lot of help, what about the books he had?"  (I) 

"Over half of those books were normal alchemy books that most competent Alchemists already have, the rest are banned books on drugs and poisons."  (Nira) 

"Unfortunately I also had diaries of the experiments that Alchemist had done, it was very detailed."  (Nira) 

"There are many cookbooks of potions, drugs, and poisons among the books I spoke about."  (Nira) 

"Put all the books in the library, there are the books we brought and the books they already had in this mansion."  (I) 

"As you wish, master."  (Nira) 

"Try not to spend all your time working, you can do whatever you want when you're not working, I advise you to find something fun to do."  (I) 

"I will think about it master, I never had the opportunity to think of something to amuse myself."  (Nira) 

After talking to Nira I go to Kira to see if she already has any information about Prince Drago that I asked her for yesterday. 

I close my eyes and try to feel my connection to Kira as soon as I feel the direction she is in, so I open my eyes and start walking towards it. 

After a while I'm at Kira's bedroom door, I knock a few times for her to answer the door. 

knock knock 

"Go on in, master."  (Kira) 

After she says I go into Kira's room, as soon as I go in I look around and see only a generic room. 

After all, this time here, and Kira still hasn't arranged her room to be her own way? 

"Need me for something master?"  (Kira) 

"Yeah, I was wondering if you've found out anything about Prince Drago like I asked yesterday?"  (I) 

I see Kira sitting on the floor, leaning against a wall with a reading crystal in her hand. 

"I was checking this information just now, got it yesterday."  (Kira) 

"Excellent work as always."  (I) 

"It was a simple request, master."  (Kira) 

"From what I'm reading in this information and what we already know about Prince Drago, it's not hard to guess what he's been up to."  (Kira) 

"It appears that he and the Duke have been investigating the five traitorous nobles who participated in the ambush, in fact, they are investigating four traitorous nobles as I killed one when I went undercover among them."  (Kira) 

"This I expected, but why was he going to the Adventurers' Guild yesterday?"  (I) 

"Also wanted to know why he's still in Valen's town even after all this time?"  (I) 

"Looks like he wanted to make sure he didn't get attacked again when he headed towards the capital."  (Kira) 

"I can't be sure for you, but I think Prince Drago may have gone to the Guild yesterday to talk to the Guild Master about an escort mission to the capital Trigan."  (Kira) 

"That's a good guess, thanks for all the great work."  (I) 

"I am happy to be of assistance to you, master."  (Kira) 

After that I go to my room, then I take the books I've been reading about magic and I study the theory for a few hours, then after a few hours I stop and go to the back of the mansion where the others are training, I went there. to train a little my attack and defense magic spells. 

After a few hours, I managed to use one more element with my beginner-level spells, but I still haven't got the skill for that, I'll probably need to practice this more. 

At night we had a quick meeting just to talk a little, everyone talked about their days, after that I asked who would go to the Dungeon tomorrow and it ended up being the same members as yesterday. 

After the meeting, I go to my room carrying Layla who slept through the meeting in my hands. 

As soon as I walk into the room I put Layla on the bed and cover her up, then head out to the porch. 

"(I have to order a comfortable chair to put here or maybe a hammock to lie down on.)" (I) 

While thinking about these random things I stand with my hands on the balcony looking out over the mansion grounds. 

"(Now it's time to use that ability, but first I'll identify it to find out what it can do.)" (I) 

<[ Skill identification result: 

[ Synthesis: 1 ]---> Unique Ability that allows the owner to Synthesize Items, Ingredients, Elements, Spells, Bloodlines, Abilities, etc.

Energy consumption varies depending on the compatibility of the energy used with the synthesis targets.

If the owner does not have enough energy or HP the synthesis will not activate. 

Number of targets per synthesis: 2 

Available daily use: 1 


Synthesize physical targets: (-1%) energy up to (-100%) energy depending on target compatibility. 

Synthesize strain: (-1%) HP too (-95%) HP depending on strains. 

Synthesize Ability (Passive/Active): (-1%) energy to (-100%) energy depending on abilities and the compatibility between energies and abilities. 

Synthesize Unique Ability: BLOCKED


"(This skill is much better than I imagined, but it seems that because it is so strong it also has strong restrictions.)" (I) 

The energy that speaks in the skill description must be referring to mana, spiritual power, and Ki. 

What is talking about combativeness should refer that the cost for the synthesis of magic abilities will be lower if I use mana for synthesis maybe? 

"(I'll still have to test to prove this theory.)" (I) 

The lineage synthesis is going to be a very useful thing, I was getting worried about these lineages piling up inside of me, but I was also thinking of a way to use it. 

I already know that I am able to grant a bloodline to someone else since every time I transform or awaken someone I have the option to grant a bloodline or ability to someone. 

I've been thinking for a long time about how I can make the most of this, now that I have the synthesis skill I can start the plans I've been thinking about. 

What worries me is knowing that I have to use my HP to do the lineage synthesis, this can be dangerous. 

But these restrictions are really bad, it will slow me down as I can only use this skill once a day and I can only synthesize two things together at a time. 

But unlike other unique abilities, this one has a level, so if I level it up I can loosen those restrictions, maybe I can even use it more times a day and synthesize more things together at the same time. 


"(Now what should I do, how should I use this skill today?)" (I)

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