Will of Сhaos

Chapter 1258: Cap 1256: The insect war begins part 10

Chapter 1258: Cap 1256: The insect war begins part 10

Pov Alice's: 

When we exited the teleportation gate we were at the bottom of the ocean, the water pressure was a momentary surprise as I turned to Karina waving for her to start. 

Her body scales came loose floating around her as magical symbols light up, each scale then becomes the core of a small illusory Dragon flying in different directions before Karina looked at me. 

I come closer and we hold hands while touching our foreheads to each other, our Sacred Powers and Authority come from the same source yet are different, thanks to this our current interaction complements what we are when our will becomes a single shared will. 

"< Blood Eclipse Dragon Sacred Land >" (me/Karina) 

Our Sacred Power and Authority complement each other as it circulates between the two of us, the power of Zenos within us resonates as we engrave his power into this land using our will to take this area permanently. 

Using our Aura as a means to push further and further, we continued with this thanks to Karina's preparation and took this Holy Land as far as Karina's scales went. 

With this, we were able to realize that the will of the world is not interfering with our takeover of this region, but there was a second will that sent shivers down my spine that exerted increasing pressure against us. 

Our wills were almost being pushed back by this pressure, but still, the will of the world acted to hold back while the process to consecrate this land was completed. 

When we opened our eyes what I saw was a pale face covered in sweat and a body full of wounds, I looked at myself realizing I was in the same state as her before looking around. 

The bottom of the sea was different, I could feel the residual presence of Zenos present around me like air and the Holy Power seemed to arise around us nourishing our body as I felt the power fill me. 

"They will come." (Karina) 

"I know, tell Lyra to start we don't have much time." (I) 

Those who joined us were the 3 Heroes of Zenos along with Lyra, the 3 of them were close to her while we created this location. 

"We have a problem." (Karina) 

"I wouldn't call it a problem, just an inconvenience." (Lyra) 

"What it was?" (I) 

"I'll need something for the poison..." (Lyra) 


Pov Natasha's: 

When exiting the teleportation gate was exactly where I wanted it, I couldn't help but smile at the scenery in front of me, the Heavens were full of enemies just like the earth below, hundreds of fleshy tentacles coming out of the earth while writhing as they collided with a barrier that I am inside. 

When I looked back the World Tree was in a worse state than I imagined, its trunk is cracked in several places, almost no leaves were left on its branches and the allergy circulating through it was strange on many levels. 

"This is worse than I thought." (Freya) 

Freya who came along with me as well as Sylvia, both of them were looking shocked at the state of the World Tree. 

"I'll take care of the guests, try to be quick, we only have a few days to do this." (I) 

"I know." (Freya) 

"Can you take care of them?" (Silvia) 

"Yes, I can keep them distracted while I give them a new layer of protection, but I prefer them to be quick." (I) 

Speaking until now I turn away from them, I couldn't help but smile when I saw the battle that was approaching, it has been many centuries since the last time I fought alone, and I couldn't hold back my emotion. 

My body transformed into that of a Dragon, after being burned by the flames of Zenos' Authority I was able to better integrate with the power of Dragons, thanks to this I maintain a more Humanoid form even as a Dragon. 

"< Territory: Ruler >" (I) 

"< World of Blood and Death >" (I) 

With me as the center, my Aura and Authority takes for me the space of hundreds of kilometers, the view of the world did not fight my claim to territory, but another presence did, the sensation of that presence recalls the abominations of the Apostles of Truth. 

"(Your will is still weak!)" (I) 

The will of the world may be a problem because it is a representation of the world itself, but no matter how much stronger this second presence is than the will of the world, it does not represent the world and has no Authority to go against my claim. 

My will was tempered in the flames of countless wars and bathed in the blood of countless enemies, even among other Deities only mine Elizabeth surpasses me in this aspect below the level of the true Gods. 

My even smaller will tears through the abominable presence like a blade tearing its way through the jungle, I went as far as I could in my current state before consolidating the territory. 

The area where the World Tree is located is in the middle of the Territory while I surround the World Tree without destroying its barrier, this way we save time while I can have fun. 

"< Will of the Fallen: Rise >" (I) 

My Territory was a large valley marked by countless battles, weapons scattered everywhere with blood still dripping and rivers of blood full of vitality running between the mountains of corpses, all while the blue sky gave way to red clouds. 

The creatures surrounding the World Tree barrier were not just Bugs, there were many creatures with deformed bodies and giant creatures. 

"This is going to be fun..." (I) 


Pov Haku: n)((--)/-)(((1/(n

I left the teleportation gate with Caitlyn, we were inside a spacious cave with hundreds of shelves containing glass vials. 

"We're in, are you staying here?" (I) 

"Yes, I can feel him around us, he knows of our presence, but he doesn't seem to know which teleportation gate we entered through." (Caitlyn) 

On this trip to this world, we have many separate plans working together, one of them was how to get to the places we needed to avoid unnecessary fights, thanks to the Space Dragons we managed to open many false teleportation doors around the planet, this would be just one of many distractions. 

Right now the Dragons should be starting their attack from off-planet, with the others fighting on the planet's surface and Lyra at the bottom of the ocean preparing her poison, I can move more freely in this place, making my Aura look like theirs is easy I was once one of them. 

"You only have a few hours, if you appreciate." (Caitlyn) 

"Okay, I'm going..." (I) 

I start to run hiding my presence, my body moves quickly as I try to remember the assistants who were always around me at that time, I needed a reference of their clothes, bodies, and general way of acting. 

With this I change my body, clothes, voice, and even my Aura to be unable to stand out from others, I know that the Assistants don't even care about their own name and I myself also didn't record the names of those who worked with me, for the Apostles of Truth only the research is something relevant or some of the plans where we put this research into practice. 

Having a more suitable appearance I continue running, but this time I adjusted the speed so as not to be too fast, it seemed strangely quiet and I soon discovered the reason, patrols appear, their bodies crude modifications made just by mixing parts and pieces of monsters' bodies. 

They came to me immediately surrounding my surroundings while one of them with the head of a Tiger and arms of an Ogre stood out while talking to me. 

"Who are you!?" 

"I'm an assistant, I'm under Mrs. Haku's command." (I) 

"Don't try to pretend, this area was abandoned days ago and Mrs. Haku is no longer receiving anything from anyone, so I'll ask again." 

"Who are you!?" 

As soon as he finished speaking his head was already rolling on the ground, my scythe cuts two others in half while I captured one of them alive while I finished tearing all the others apart. 

"How did they discover me?" (I) 

"You can't fool anyone, he knows about you, and what he knows we know..." 

The only survivor seemed not to care about the death of others and did not seem to be afraid of me, he smiled as he spoke and guided holes appeared in the walls of the cave where fixed tentacles tried to hit me without success. 

I tried cutting them off, but it was no use as a new tentacle always grew in place of any I cut off. 

I cut the body of the last survivor in half horizontally before trying to run, but the tentacles kept appearing until Caitlyn appeared in front of me with a symbol in her hand, she hit my forehead making me feel something burning before running in front of me disappearing like an illusion, all of this lasted 1 second when I noticed the Tentacles stop appearing and the one behind me still remain immobilized before retreating into the walls once again. 

"(Be careful, he seems to be in better condition than we expected.)" (Caitlyn) 

Even though I couldn't see Caitlyn I was still able to hear her voice in my mind, I understood what had happened and I went towards where the people I killed came from. 

"She'll definitely be there." (I) 

This time I abandon everything, deciding on a lethal attack against everything I would see in front of me, the greatest fighters would not stay inside the facilities with so many combat points challenging them all over the world. 

"(I'm going to kill everyone I pass until I'm satisfied.)" (I)

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