Will of chaos

Chapter 99 Cap 99: Those Who Conspire In The Shadows(Chapter Preview)

Pov Kira:

At the moment I am on my way to the place where Byakko informed me that the nobleman he was following is, he is in disguise along with three other people who are also in disguise, the nobleman I have been observing for the past few days is already dead, I killed him at the moment who left his house in a disguise.

Today is the day they set up business trips, as soon as I've killed the nobleman I strip off his clothes and change into mine, I put the body in my storage item and wear my Illusion Spirit Ring to change my appearance to look the same. to this nobleman, thanks to the days I have watched him, I will be able to imitate his way of walking and speaking.

As I killed the nobleman I didn't know where to go, so I followed the path that Byakko showed me, after a while, I'm in front of an abandoned house in the poorest area of ​​the city.

I go in and go straight to the last room, as soon as I open the door and enter I notice the other four who are wearing the same clothes as me, they are all men, I can't see their faces as they are wearing masks.

"It's about time you arrived, I've been waiting an hour!" (Noble A)

"Who ordered be the first to arrive." (Noble B)

"Stop talking, let's get straight to the point." (Noble C)

"Who do you think you are to talk to me like that?" (Noble A)

"Let's talk about the ambush to get this over with." (Noble D)

"I agree, I want to resolve this quickly, I didn't come to waste time with useless conversations." (I)

As soon as I walked in one of the masked nobles started complaining, then everyone started talking loudly and acting superior to each other, each of them looking angry and extremely proud, must be the effect of the cursed ring everyone is wearing, I walked in in the conversation in an attempt not to prolong it, I was imitating the voice and manner of speaking of the nobleman I killed so as not to attract suspicion, but I don't think they would notice anything like that.

We started talking about the plan, it seems that the place the master said is the correct one, the plan followed much the same as what the master said, the only difference is the magic items that these nobles took were explosive items, they want to bury them on the road and activate them using magic scrolls while raining powerful attack spells using various magic scrolls.

While I was worried about how I was going to sabotage these explosive magic items Byakko spoke to me in my mind.

"(Don't worry about these magic items, I can absorb the mana inside them and make them useless.)" (Byakko)

​ "(Are you sure?)" (I)

"(It will be easy for me, but it will take a while, I can't absorb mana from other people besides you directly, but I can absorb mana from magic items.)" (Byakko)

"(But it will take a few hours depending on the amount, it's not something I can do fast and I have to be close to them.)" (Byakko)

"(After they bury all the magic items you can start.)" (I)

Even while talking to Byakko in my mind, I was paying attention to the rest of the plan.

It seems they know the faceless brothers will be in the carriage with the third prince of Cartoza, they believe they are there to help them escape to the Kingdom of Light after the murder as they have been told to approach them to receive new orders.

Vibora's information was right, they think they will receive titles of Nobility one above those they have in this Realm, in the Realm of Light, they are being deceived, the Church of Light would never leave witnesses of their conspiracy plan alive.

After going through the plan that they were told below, they began to fight verbally to know who would be the leader, I also joined the discussion so as not to test myself against others, in the end, everyone agreed that there would be no leader as no one would obey the other.

We left town clandestinely as I expected, the other four nobles must have done the same thing as the noble I killed, he had sent an empty carriage to another town with a servant in his place, I killed him after that when was he alone.

It took us a day to get to the site, as soon as we arrived each one buried the explosive magic items they bought, there was a lot of discussion on the way about who would bury these items and that's what ended.

Once all the items were buried we climbed the rise beside the road and hid in the minimum distance to use the scrolls, where we are we have a clear view of the entire road, I left Byakko who was invisible to the four beside me to float to where the magic items were and starting to absorb their mana, luckily the four idiots beside me didn't notice.

The next few hours of waiting were excruciating to my mind, these nobles began to brag about the number of servants, prostitutes, and commoners they took to bed.

As if that wasn't enough, then they started a discussion of how they had fun torturing or beating members of other races, they talked about how everyone should be a slave, the worst thing was that I had to participate in these conversations, it increased my disgust about they.

"(Will the master let me kill them after the mission?)" (I)

While I was thinking about how I would kill them if the master allowed Byakko to come back to me and hides inside my clothes, two more hours later I see several soldiers wearing armor and a carriage coming towards us in the distance.


Faceless brothers pov:

The faceless brothers were inside the carriage seated in front of the third prince and two of his servants, the prince's maid was seated to the right side of the faceless brother and on his left side was his sister.

The third Servant was outside with the coachman, the prince had green hair and a body almost like the Human if not for the green scales on his arms and neck, he had golden eyes full of intelligence, he kept staring at the faceless brothers while talking to their servants who were all human except for their maid who was a woman from the tribe of the Man-Beast Cats.

The faceless brothers wore white clothes that covered their whole body and had a hood that covered their heads, they also wore featureless white masks, their clothes had various golden details and the symbol on the chest that looked like a golden sun with a white sword stuck in him.

"(He keeps watching us brother.)" (Sister without a face)

"(I know sister.)" (Faceless brother)

"(Does he know why we're here?)" (Faceless sister)

"(He doesn't know, but he distrusts our presence here, that look of his is a way of teasing us, so he can see our reaction.)" (Brother without a face)

"(I feel sorry for him, I didn't want to have to kill someone so concerned about his people.)" (Sister without a face)

"(We have our orders.)" (Faceless brother)

"(You know this time is different, what we are going to do will cause a war, thousands of people will die and suffer because of what we will do here.)" (Sister without a face)

"(I know, but still we have our orders.)" (Faceless brother)

"(I don't mind killing the five idiot nobles, but someone like him who just wants to bring good to his people, it bothers me to have to kill him.)" (Faceless sister)

"(I hate all this, why did this have to happen to us?)" (Sister without a face)

"(You always act like that in these jobs, don't worry, I'm on your side and always will be.)" (Faceless brother)

"(This time it's different, I feel something strange, for some reason I've been feeling a lot of anxiety since yesterday.)" (Sister without a face)

"(That's just nervousness, our orders this time were difficult.)" (Faceless brother)

"(This time the church went too far, releasing a monster with shadow powers in the Kingdom of Cartoza just to have an excuse to send us there, all just to kill a monster we captured ourselves.)" (Sister without face)

"(Anything so that we can be in that chariot, we even have a letter from a High Priest with a request to the Alchemist Guild headquarters to prove that we are on our way to the city of Valen from the Trigan Kingdom.)" (Faceless Sister)

"(This is all to start a damn war, why do we have to do this.)" (Faceless sister)

"(We can't go against our orders Sister, we're not the ones starting this war, if they hadn't sent us it would be someone else, nothing would change in the end.)" (Faceless brother)

"(Just calm down, we need to be prepared.)" (Faceless brother)

"(Okay.)" (Sister without a face)

While the faceless brother and sister talked telepathically they didn't make a move, didn't say anything, they were used to it because they've been living that way for years, always hiding what they feel or think from everyone but each other.

They are a pair that has already hunted many enemies of the Church of Light, they are the inquisitors of the light, this is the job that was given to them.

After another three hours of travel, the Sister informs the Brother by telepathy.

"(We are almost at the point of ambush, be prepared.)" (Sister without a face)

"(Yes.)" (Faceless brother)

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