Will of chaos

Chapter 134 Cap 133: Auction Part 4(Chapter Preview)

Kira Pov:

After a while of hugging and kissing the awkward couple, she finally realizes that there are other people in the room beside them and they both get red-faced with embarrassment.

"Sorry for showing you such a shameful scene."  (Anton's wife)

"Where is my education, let me introduce myself I'm the beautiful and sweet wife of this drunken Dwarf, my name is Tania."  (Tânia)

"Where is this beautiful sweet wife I never met?"  (Anton)

Anton's careless comment is answered with a hard kick to the head by his wife that sends him slamming face-first into the ground.

"How many times do I need to tell you so you don't interrupt when other people are performing?"  (Tânia)

I couldn't stand to keep seeing this strange scene and I tried to clear up my doubts with Tania.

"Why is your personality so different from when you came in here?"  (I)

"Aren't you afraid of these three masked people who bought you and your husband?"  (I)

Tania has a confused look for a moment and looks back to her husband who just nods at her.

"I was worried until I saw Anton's smile as he walked towards me, this idiot would never act so relaxed and run to me the way he did if we were in a bad situation."  (Tânia)

"Seeing how you haven't interrupted my exciting meeting with my dear husband and how calm you are talking to me that I'm your slave in a normal way, I can assume you're good people and I appreciate you buying me and my husband too."  (Tânia)

"No need to thank us, that was a happy coincidence, we needed to buy a Blacksmith and a Tailor at this Auction."  (I)

"I must say your husband didn't trust us that much when we bought him, we took a while explaining to him that we weren't going to do him any harm."  (Irius)

"He was always very suspicious of people he doesn't know especially now."  (Tânia)

"But even without knowing that we needed a Tailor, he begged us to buy his wife."  (Irius)

"I am so grateful to you for allowing me and my husband to stay together."  (Tânia)

"(Didn't you say that the Runic race was calm and peaceful? Why don't I see these qualities in them?)" (Zenos)

"..." (I)

After things calmed down I brought Nira and Tania together to explain what we had talked about with Anton earlier about how we want them to work, I also told the three slaves that they would have a choice to do after we got back.

It was at this time that we heard a scream coming from inside this room.

Ahhh!  Ahhh!

"So much pain, so much suffering, make it stop, make it stop!"  (Byakko)

I ran to Byakko who was still lying on the couch watching the auction, I picked him up and hugged him.

"What happened Byakko, why are you like this?"  (I)

When I caught Byakko in my arms he calmed down and stopped screaming.

"What did they do, why someone broke a Taboo."  (Byakko)

"What are these people doing selling this at auction?"  (Byakko)

"Is this about the auction?"  (I)

"See what they're taking to the stage now, even your master was shaken and you didn't notice."  (Byakko)

Was the master affected by something?

My connection with the master was cut, what happened?  How did I not notice this before?

"Master! Master!"  (I)

I suddenly feel the connection between the master and me again.

"Master, can you hear me?!"  (I)

"(Don't worry about me Kira, I'm fine now, I was just caught off guard by that horrible scream.)" (Zenos)

"(Byakko can you hear me too?)" (Zenos)

"Yes I'm listening."  (Byakko)

"(What was that scream of agony?)" (Zenos)

"(It's like several voices screaming, crying and pleading all at the same time.)" (Zenos)

"Someone broke a Fairy Taboo and this is the result, poor creature."  (Byakko)

"Watch the auction, they'll soon show you what made that scream."  (Byakko)

Auction?  Fairy Taboo?  Shout?

What they're talking about I didn't hear any screams, as well as everyone, went back to the couch and paid attention to the crystal on the wall that is showing the auction.

I could see the auction stage just like before, but this time there was a cage half the height of the auctioneer on top of a very luxurious and ornate table, there was a shiny cloth covering the cage and the auctioneer is holding one end of the cloth.

"[ Ladies and gentlemen, we have finally arrived at the last item of the annual Black Market auction and I hope you like what we have prepared to close this great event! ]" (Elsa)

"[ This is not only an extremely rare item like other things we feature at this Auction, but this is also a unique item that may not reappear, so if interested parties let this chance pass they may never have an opportunity again, be warned. ] "(Elsa)

"[ This is the result of a powerful Necromancer's research while also being the reason for his death. ]" (Elsa)

Auctioneer Elsa pulls out the cloth and shows the grotesque creature inside, as well as other smaller items that appeared in the auction before the crystal zooms in on this creature for a better look.

What was inside the cage was a small bald humanoid being with five pairs of half-transparent insect wings of different colors, it had totally red eyes a deformed mouth full of razor-sharp teeth, it had four arms of different sizes and shapes moving around. different directions without stopping and he had mouths, eyes and sometimes faces that appeared and disappeared all over his body, his eyes dripped bloody tears without stopping and he seemed to be always trying to scream but no sound came out of his mouth, his skin was colored black as ink, the cage that was completely still before began to shake in all directions without stopping by the violent struggle of the creature that seemed to have no intelligence hitting its own body on the bars.

"That scream is even more unbearable now that she's taken off that damn cloth!"  (Byakko)

"Who would do something this despicable."  (Byakko)

"(This scream is killing me, it hurts so much just to hear it.)" (Zenos)

"Please buy this creature, maybe your power can help her, if this continues her suffering will have no end."  (Byakko)

"(You're sure it's going to be safe, it looks like an unintelligent and extremely aggressive monster to me.)" (Zenos)

"That cry of suffering shows that there's still someone in there, I'm begging to save this fairy."  (Byakko)

"(Okay, do your best to buy this Fairy regardless of the price.)" (Zenos)

"(I would be worse than a monster if I just stood there doing nothing after hearing a scream that carries so much suffering.)" (Zenos)

Byakko was talking directly to the master that only he and I could hear in my head, they were talking about a scream but I and no one else in the room seemed to hear apart from Byakko and the master.

His conversation was quick and the master told us to buy regardless of the price, at the same time the auctioneer, who was silent for a while, probably waiting for the auction participants to understand what we were seeing, spoke again.

"[ Now that everyone has seen it and I've given you some time to appreciate this valuable item, let me explain more about it. ]" (Elsa)

"[ For those who didn't realize this is a Fairy, the Necromancer whose identity I don't know besides imagining how powerful it was researching how to create a multi-elemental Fairy, I don't know what process he used but our experts said that the traces of the bodies of five Fairies of different elements present in this specimen, not only that but it has been confirmed that the souls of the five Fairies are within this single body. ]" (Elsa)

"[ Make no mistake about her appearance, this Fairy actually has the powers of five elements being the lightning element, the ice element, the fire element, the wood element, and the space element. ]" (Elsa)

"[ The Necromancer who created it used rare and powerful elements to create it, this little creature ended up with two villages and an unknown number of people before being captured by one of our employees who was nearby, from the information we collected it seems that by breaking a Taboo the Necromancer was attacked by five Faerie Kings, there was nothing left of his body and by the warning that the Faeries left in the region after the battle the Necromancer's soul was eradicated as punishment. ]" (Elsa)

"[ I say this calmly because you don't need to worry about breaking any Taboo by buying this beautiful specimen, you can use this Fairy for experiments or you can force a Family contract on her to control her because your race is listed as Kimera now, either what you want to do with this Fairy is undeniable it is high value so its initial value will be 20 crystal coins and the value of each bid must be at least 1 crystal coin. ]" (Elsa)

"[ Let the bidding begin! ]" (Elsa)

Once the bidding started, it wasn't as fast as before, that's a huge sum of money for anyone after all.

"(Forget the old bidding strategy, there must be few people who would agree to participate in such an expensive bidding war, start bidding, you have my permission to use all the money you have if you need to.)" (Zenos)

"We are allowed to spend all the money if you need to buy this Fairy, start bidding now!"  (I)

"All right."  (Irius)

The bids continued to increase to the value of 35 Crystal Coins, so it was just us and one other participant bidding.

"Who is the idiot who dares to compete against the great Byakko for this Fairy?"  (Byakko)

"Be quiet now Byakko."  (I)

The other participant just stopped bidding with the value of 38 Crystal Coins, we made our last bid with 39 Crystal Coins, and luckily he didn't keep bidding anymore.

"[ Congratulations to the participant who got this magnificent specimen. ]" (Elsa)

"[ With that we ended this year's auction, I thank all the participants for being present today, I hope to see everyone here next year. ]" (Elsa)

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