Will of chaos

Chapter 1264 Cap 1262: My will is stronger! Part 5

Chapter 1264 Cap 1262: My will is stronger! Part 5

Pov of a loyal son of Yntra: 

I have been doing my research on the Bug Nest, the core of the Bug Swarms we are affiliated with, they are a reliable source of flesh and blood, unfortunately, the constitution of Bug flesh is not the best with their genetics focusing but on their body armor and mental characteristics that allow them to act in better coordination than any other race of creatures. 

I loved it when Haku was present, she's better at leading than me and knows how to interact with the Insect Empresses, so I could usually make the most of my time on my research. 

The way the mind of the insects connects with the mind of the Empresses is fascinating, the concept seems to be different from what our mother uses in her divided bodies. 

My mother is literally controlling something from a distance, the direct one-way street, but the Bugs in their simplicity are more complex, their minds can be classified into a classification. 

The Insect Empress connects with the strongest in her troop who in turn connect with those below them and so on until the end of the ranking pyramid. 

But this connection does not control the insects, their minds are still independent, what happens is that they become auxiliary minds of the central consciousness, and their wills are replaced by the central will that normally belongs to those at the top like the Insect Empresses or their weaker version being the Queens. 

Insects work like a computer network with a single server, this is fascinating to research, the concept is simple to understand, but the more I delve into it I realize its complexity, especially during my tests where I always fail when trying to replicate this with other races. 


2 months later. 

Today we received a mission from Mother after being successful with my research and a great opportunity was offered to me, an opportunity that will let me always be by Mother's side. 

It seems that this opportunity came due to information from our allies, our trade with them has been very good, Haku always says that they are not trustworthy, but I am not the one who deals with them and so I don't spend my time thinking about it. 

Haku was away for a while, but now I feel like she's different, her drive for her research doesn't seem the same and she spends more time leading others, but that might even be better for me as it saves more time for research. 


1 month later. 

The Swarm of insects as always is incredible, thanks to them we were able to collect all the natives of the chosen planet, using one of Haku's inventions we were able to collect all the vital energy while I was preparing. 

Today I was finalizing the arrangements to divert the flow of energy from this solar system only to this planet, as this is the first experiment of this magnitude, the best thing would be to have the highest quality of vitality possible. 


3 days later. 

I was informed of the decay of the other planets due to the change in the flow of energy, this was great news as it is an indicator that the plan works, even feeling the vital energy increasing, this type of energy is difficult to quantify in numbers, for These indicators help with the accuracy of our information. 

Today I will be starting the plan, my body will be opened to be used as a living ritual, magic has proven to be excellent for complementing our research in areas where technology has proven to be very restrictive in our universe. 

Haku and I were excited, if we were successful I would transcend Human limits completely, and I would be the closest to perfection we've gotten since Mother. 


Several days. 

The ritual proved useful, but there were some unexpected problems, my sense of time was affected and my mind was often confused, this must be due to the forced connection with all the brains I had to use. 

The more my body expanded throughout the world it became more difficult to control, just as we predicted it was impossible for a mind alone to control a body of such mass, it was necessary to increase the number of brains and refine the mental connection with me as the central focus, Haku proved useful collaborating with me. 

I constantly feel resistance coming from the world, these are the so-called "Wills of the World", it seems that the Planets in this universe are living creatures of bodies made like Planets based on minerals and many other things, we cannot truly understand how these things exist and why It has been a pain to deal with this resistance generating varying levels of pain in my body. 

There is also an area that I cannot reach, that would be the World Tree, but our troops can deal with it, I feel like it is weakening just like the world's resistance. 


Days later. 

I have given up having an accurate sense of time by accepting that higher forms of life think on different scales, trying to limit what I am becoming just to better understand things around me no longer works, I must start discovering myself from what I am becoming. 

Strangely I noticed this when I started to be attacked, several areas of the planet under my control were being resisted while rejecting me, some unknown type of energy was responsible for this. 

Haku made all our forces attack this point, but I felt existences of greater numbers attacking from the Planet's orbit, they were clearly trying to distract us, but without knowing their plans I made Haku attack both sides at my time, all I need now is time to If I finish my transformation, then none of your petty plans will be enough against a superior being. 


?? Days. 

Many things happened, my mind became even more confused, and I was not able to make decisions, control my body well, or communicate with others for a long time, something was interfering with my mind, but without internal help, it was difficult to get rid of this interference until he felt his mother's presence. 

That was when I discovered that one of the complementary brains belonged to a split body of the mother, thanks to her my mind cleared and she helped me with the rest of the process, it seems that Haku had been killed while I was waking up, which was of little importance when I noticed a bigger problem. 

My body had been contaminated, the ocean is becoming Poisonous, and this poison carried a will as it spread through rivers and underground streams, the pain was not something that affected me, but it showed itself in the diminution of my power and this distraction allowed the Will of the World escaped to the areas that strange energy still kept me away from. 

As if that wasn't enough, the World Tree disappeared, but its roots connected all these areas that reject me, and where the location of the World Tree once was has now become the largest of the areas with this energy, even though these areas are tiny considering my totality was still an impediment to achieving perfection and transcending completely. 

I was feeling my Mother's help more and more, her power flowing through me helping to ease the weight on my mind and washing away the endless pain of the poison, thanks to this I felt I could adapt to the poison, and the more I resisted it to the poison healing my body it would only be a matter of time to reach some degree of resistance against this poison, it was at that moment that I felt a strange sensation before feeling fear as I screamed in my mind as I felt something being burned deep inside me as my Mother screams in my mind. 


Pov Zenos: 

I was covered in sweat and blood, until a few moments ago I was recovering from what I had to do for Niryna, right now I'm still adjusting clothes I received in red and purple. 

"Why did you need to destroy the gate?" (I) 

"Don't take it personally, I closed all the open ones, just the Gates blocking my contact with other realities or universes." (Callidora) 

"Gates that were once more stable were only temporarily closed, while unstable Gates created by people just like your sister were closed completely." (Callidora) 

"I needed to be completely focused on you and Niryna, I didn't want to be disturbed or destroy part of some universe by accident." (Callidora) 

As she spoke, we were walking along a path completely without light, a gate seemed to appear out of nowhere in front of me when we stopped in front of it. 

"Did you call for them?" (Callidora) 

"Yes, but it was strangely difficult, I'm not even sure they understood." (I) 

"Only Gods have the ability to reach beyond dimensions with their Authority, you are just a newborn Demigod, it is already a surprise that you managed to connect with them even with my help." (Callidora) 

"They're opening." (I) 

Suddenly the Gates began to shine and open, the more the gate was opening the more I could feel their call to me to the point where I didn't even realize I had started walking before a hand landed on my shoulder seeming to immobilize the very space I occupy to block me. 

"Don't die or I will make everyone close to you spend eternity in endless agony." (Callidora) 

"Thank you for the vote of confidence." (I) 

"Then good luck dear, don't forget our time together..." (Callidora) 

"(I don't think I would be able to forget even with thousands of years of therapy...)" (I) 

I reflexively placed my hand on my chest before passing through Hell's Gate, but as soon as I saw the scene before me I began to wonder if I had really left Hell. 

"What the hell is going on here!?" (I)

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