Why I Quit Being the Demon King

Chapter 289

Why I Quit Being the Demon King Chapter 289

65. Meeting the Fairy King (2)

Deus said while looking at Elandras.

“Anyway, I don’t think he’s very close to Yulgeum. Kamael seems to be quite friendly.”

“I’m from the Indian school.”

“What is that?”

“Reading and writing books is more enjoyable than anything else.”


“Including that. That is why it governs magic and rules the Hand after the Silver Age, a symbol of magic.”

“You’re not a natural match for the fighter Kamael, are you?”

“Generations are also different. I was born between the Old and New Testaments. “If I had to distinguish them, they are angels of the Old Testament, but their status is different from other archangels.”

“You don’t play with old people. “Because there is a generation gap.”

Yulgeum intervened angrily.

“Can you please stop trying to define everything as cheap


“They say you get more angry as you get older.”

“I warned you, right? “Don’t talk about your age.”

“Age is a symbol of wisdom, right? “Don’t hate me so much.”

“It makes me hate you!”

Deus shrugged and turned his head to Queen Elandras.

“So what do you plan on giving us for making sure Horsetail Woods is safe? Please note that we do not accept cheap ones.” “

Wouldn’t the fairest deal be

to give you what you want ?”

“Are you going to give me anything?”


“It’s actually scary because they come off so innocently. “What are you planning?”

Elandras smiled again at that question.

But the smile didn’t look like a laugh.

Yulgeum frowned.

It wasn’t just Yulgeum who felt something in her expression.

Zeke looked blankly at Elandras and then looked away, thinking it was rude.

Meanwhile, Deus continued speaking without much change in his expression, either because he did not notice or because he was not interested in the first place.

“Anyway, if they give it to me, I have to take it. “Let us release all of the original warp technology.”

“all right. “I will send some fairies who are particularly skilled in warp magic there.”

“Wait a minute, you can’t change your words later. It’s not like renting someone. “We need to completely teach warp-related magic here.” “

I will teach you

all types of space movement technology, fixed, mobile and portable .”

“…Are you really the Fairy King?”

“Don’t you know better?”

“I don’t know if it’s the Fairy King or what

… but I’m certain it’s Archangel Raziel.”

“Even if I were to deceive your eyes, I wouldn’t be able to tell a lie in front of Yulgeum.”

“But why are you helping the demons so readily?”

“First of all, you are not a demon. Weren’t you exiled?”

“No, if I really have to ask, it’s true

. But I can also say that’s not true because my daughter is a demon lord…

“It doesn’t matter. “If you only act for the demons, other factors will control you.”

The moment he heard the word “different element,” Deus glanced at Zeke.

If Deus made an angle with humans, there was a high possibility that Zeke would turn into an enemy.

And considering Zeke’s current abilities, it was difficult to expect a one-sided victory.

“Have you calculated it up to that point?”

“Even a child can understand this.”

“That aside, warp is one of the highest level magic. “Is it okay to just give it away like this?”

“Is it really that hard to believe when I say it’s because I’m really grateful to you guys?”

“I’m not naive enough to believe in the purity of goodness.”

“This is my pure heart born out of good intentions.”

“Don’t play with words.”

Elandras sighed.

“It’s true.”

“Hmm… Anyway, I guess I’ll take it since it’s given to me. Don’t regret it later. “I’m going to leave it as a contract.”

“There is no need to change anything.”

“I will use warp technology to complete a transportation network on this planet called Earth. So that we can fly to the farthest reaches of the stars in an instant. You’ll even get paid. Very expensive.”

“good idea. “It is a technology originally created for that purpose.”

“Isn’t that right?”

“When completed, humanity

will once again establish itself as the true ruler of this planet.”

“It’s ‘I’, not humanity.”

“With technology, even if there is a monopoly that makes money from it, the total benefits that users gain are greater. If you set a fee that exceeds the cost of using the service, no one will use it. In the end, humanity will benefit the most.”

“Is that so?”

” yes.”

Deus looked back at Yulgeum and Zeke.

Both of their expressions looked complicated.

After the negotiation with the Fairy King, the party headed to the warp gate on the outskirts of the forest.

Connected to the other side was none other than a resort island.

It was evening when we left Horsetail Woods, but it was midday again when we arrived at the resort island. It was because of the time difference.

The beach of the resort island was crowded.

It was thanks to the employees of Rosdia. The number of

dwarves and human fairies working there

was already well over 30,000.

A military warehouse the size of a large city filled the underground space.

Thanks to this, the process of arming the dragons also accelerated considerably.

The dragons were also active in the work.

This was thanks to the great results experienced in the war with the giants not long ago.

Rosdia was the place where all the races in the world came together and developed technology. And hard work


rest .

It was this warm southern island that was targeting that niche market.

We haven’t even been able to name the island yet.

The Age of Gold might have had a name, but Deus did not recognize that name.

It was to claim ownership.

Whatever the reason, coastal resorts grew in size one after another.

A buoy bridge was floated over the sea and hundreds of floating houses were built in calm waters.

It was a kind of maritime hotel.

There was a surfer’s house on the beach, and Zeke’s beach stand was also doing well.

Godfather Hodeus, who owned it all, always started his day by sitting at Zeke’s stall and flipping through the newspaper.

“I’m busy preparing for business. “Since you’ve been so far, why don’t you take a day off today?”

“The day is unusually long. “I left to meet Elandras in the morning, and it is still only midday.”


“I’m not tired. Rather, I feel good because the meeting’s results were good.”

“I’m the one who makes the money.”

“Deus’ success is my joy.”

“Good posture.”

Zeke put down the cold fruit juice in front of Deus.

It seemed like it was made while taking time out from cooking.

“thank you.”

” you’re welcome.”

“But why did you make that expression earlier?”

” yes?”

“When I saw the Fairy King. Yulgeum also

seems strangely quiet.”

“Oh, about that… I don’t know if it’s okay if I tell you first. “I’m also curious about Yulgeum’s thoughts.”

“Why are you pretending to notice Yulgeum again? “He even went out to meet a woman who went out alone at night.”

“That’s a separate story. “I guess it’s not a separate thing.”

Zeke dried his hands and paused for a moment.

Deus, who was waiting, drank a drink.

“Oh, it’s delicious.”

“Yes? Tropical fruits definitely

have a good flavor. “This is a drink with mangosteen at the center.”

“It’s okay. “I can sell it.”

“Yes, I will put it on the menu.”


“Ah, to go back to what we said earlier… I felt a sense of déjà vu from Raziel’s expression.”

“Deja vu?”

“Bored and tired. And doubt and pain.”

“Well, that’s just like that. Raguel That woman… Oh, come to think of it…

“A fallen angel.”

“What, so you’re saying that Raziel is also corrupted?”

“I don’t know if it will be already or soon.”

Someone sat next to me. It’s probably Yul Geum. Because she always sat down.

just as expected.

“What are you talking about already?”

“You were also wrong in selling it at a high price. “Because my butt is light.”

Yulgeum pouted at Deus’ words.

“Are you the only one who thinks that way? Even if it looks like this

, it’s Jin Geum-yong.”

“I’m not interested in that. So what? “Do you think Raziel has started to deteriorate?”

« O ” Hmm.

“Is it like an epidemic? “It’s called corruption.” Yulgeum sighed and shook his head.

“The Old Testament era is the era of promise.”

” promise?”

“You could also call it a contract. A time when we could face God directly in deep faith without doubting that He still exists. “The most important thing at that time

was God’s covenant.”

“Are you saying that God himself made a promise?”

“Live well. Keep order. Revere harmony. If I did as he said, I could get what he promised.”

“It was a direct transaction.”

“It’s not so wrong if you add faith to it.”

“It means that the angels of the Old Testament faced God directly. “Did you see it yourself?”

Yulgeum laughed. There was no answer. Deus tilted his head at that strange attitude and asked again.

“What is the New Testament?”


“It seems like the Golden Age was divided into several. The age of myth, the age of de-divineness. “What on earth is desacralization?”

“It refers to a time when humanity grew and no longer relied on God. “It was around the 50th century, during the Golden Age, when the desacralization movement arose.”

“It’s a post-divine nature…

“There is no God!”

“Ho, you’re so cocky. “On human subjects.”

“I came to think that there was no need for it because new technology made it possible to measure everything in the world


“So God refuses to talk anymore? “Because you sulked?”

“On the contrary, he was happy.”

“Are you a masochist? “Are you happy because you’re being ignored?”

“Anyway, you! It’s not like that. It seems like a natural growth stage. The New Testament… what should I say… it is the era of faith. But that faith is not faith in God, but faith in yourself.”

“Belief in the angels themselves?”

“The belief that everything God has accomplished is right


“But you can’t see God? Often times, they just give oracles. “It’s perfect for doubts to sprout.”

Meanwhile, Zeke made a drink and served it in front of Yulgeum.

“thank you.”

“That’s what comes to mind when I listen to Yulgeum’s story.”


“Maybe there is a higher world. And isn’t God living in that world? “That’s where humanity really needs to go, but

we may be staying here because we keep failing.”

Yulgeum smiled.

” answer.”

” yes?”

“It’s just as you said. There is a place humanity must go. “By the end of the Gilded Age, man had almost reached that land.”

Deus said.

“Babel is the key. That is why the third period of the Golden Age is called the Age of Babel.”

“Space and time cannot be separated from each other. No matter how fast you run , it is impossible to catch up with the light .

The speed of light is time, and it would take more than 4 years to reach the nearest star. “That is the post-divine order that mankind believed in.”

“But does that mean you can jump through time using a barbell?”

“We are entering the second wave. “I realize a new axis of space and time.”

“What are you talking about?”

“Simply put, all beings on the second wave can live in the same amount of time.”

Yulgeum savored the juice Zeke made.

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