Warlock of War: My Ares System

Chapter 385 The Primordial Being Of Time And The Olympians

The man took a step towards me, slightly yawning as if he had dealt with this many times before. His pale white skin contrasted with the black background, accentuating an angelic look that made me itch with discomfort. 

Suddenly, his eyes split into two more pairs, causing four separate eyes to plaster against his face. One pair was on his forehead, while the other was right next to his mouth and nose. This made a shiver shoot down my spine, creating the only movement I had made since I was forced to kneel in the presence of this man. 

"If you select that option, your life won't be pretty. You will become something that will force you to isolate yourself from the rest of reality. Sure, you have a chance at becoming one of us, but is that worth it?" 

Hypno tried to talk me out of it, but the closer he got, the more my eyes shifted to the acceptance button. I couldn't click it but with the will of my mind and sure confidence that I was going to select this option… I selected it. 

"This is kinda bad." 

(God of Space and Time POV) 

"KRONOS, YOU BASTARD! GET OUT HERE!" A voice boomed through the endless space of floating cats and rigid islands. Everything about this place was simple and comforting, so whenever somebody ruined that peace, I couldn't help but get a bit agitated. 

"Tch…" I clicked my tongue, teleporting halfway across the dimension of floating cats and revealing myself to the god, who angrily stormed towards me. His feet shook the very space around me, my own domain, as his immeasurable power boomed throughout the cosmos. 

"Kronos… You fucking bastard…." The man's lips quivered as he attempted to withdraw the urge to sock me right in the jaw. Though, he was well aware that provoking me was unwise of him, so he could only take out his anger on the surrounding cats. 

He blew them to fluffy pieces of cotton with large lightning bolts, only for them to reshape back into their original form, making the god even angrier. It took him quite a while and a few large explosions powerful enough to destroy a universe before he finally shut up, allowing me to speak. 

"Your anger is childish of you. If you're really so angry about it, then do something," I glared at the man, who glared right back. His piercing golden eyes flickered with sparks of electricity, attempting to paralyze the dimension around him while I stood in it, provoking me without touching me. 

"Shut the fuck up… I know you did that on purpose, you asshole." 

"And if I did? What would you do about it?" I softened my eyes into that of a provoking smirk, staring down at the man who was only but a few inches shorter than me when in his pitiful human form. 

"Ah… I see…" The god smirked back at me, his bone-white hair rustling with sparks of electricity flying off of him. His long, flowing beard tickled the earthy island beneath us, sending a shiver down my spine as he practically touched me. 

This dimension was my powers incarnate. Yet, not just my powers but also my soul, my will, and my body all fused into one… thing. This dimension was the result of my blood, flesh, and tears fused into one amalgamation of my hopes and dreams. 

"What do you see?" I questioned the sly god, his glowing golden eyes suddenly flashing with even more lightning than before. 

"I see the connection between you two. That disgusting thing and you… yeah, you're related, aren't you?" He asked, causing me to silently stare at him, waiting and watching carefully at what he was going to say next. "Yeah, I'm gonna kill him." 

And just like that, the space around him began to fold inwards, causing the man to turn and twist as if he was a spiraling whirlpool. His flesh twisted in both directions, causing him to scream in pain, his bellowing voice echoing through the endless void around us. 

My eyes darkened as the man saw my real body slip out from underneath this perfect vessel I had formed. The thousands of eyes and tears of that chaos flowed from them, leaking into my realm of felines and gracing the existence around us with my true and utter power. 

"ARGHHHHHHHH!" His voice only got louder as my power poured into his soul, darkening its pure white body with miasma. Its aetheric properties immediately began to quake upon being introduced to my real power. 

And then, in a split second, my hand, which had reached out towards the god, bending and contorting every single limb on his body, stopped. I glanced around at the eleven gods holding their own respective weapons against my throat. And with the goddess of hunting, I noticed she had her arrow of nature incarnate pointed in between my eyes, ready to release and kill me in an instant… or so she thought. 

"Father-in-law, please set him down. Without his leadership, Olympus will fall, and we will be forced to scatter across the various pantheons. Please understand that what you intend to do is foolish… please," My son in law begged, the tip of his spear quivering as he stared into my soul. 

"I guided you and helped you through the loss of my daughter and your wife… yet you dare to side with these aether assholes?" 

"Father-in-law… please."

"Count yourself lucky that one of your cock sucking servants is my son-in-law… otherwise, you would already be dead… Also, it seems you have a new addition to your twelve dick riders." 

I dropped the god to the ground, his body immediately recovering as soon as he touched the rocky surface below us. He heaved for air, sucking in as much as he could whilst sweat dripped from every square inch of his forehead. His gaze looked up at me, fearful of his future which I held in the center of my palm. 

My eyes then shifted to a woman with six spider-like legs protruding from her back. Her eyes held six pupils in every individual one, different colors spreading throughout them. These eyes were creepy as hell but were slightly canceled out by her unparalleled beauty. 

From her head, long strands of purple hair fell down to her waist, and the slim-fit dress that she had plastered along her body accentuated the hourglass figure she held. She was definitely a rare beauty amongst the rest of the gods and their pantheons… but her power made me immediately uninterested. She was weak… so weak that I couldn't understand why she was with these other real and powerful gods. 

"You…" I pointed toward this brand-new goddess. "What is your name? I've never seen or heard of a spider goddess like you," I questioned her while the surrounding beings lowered their weapons as I lowered my guard. 

"It is an honor to meet a primordial being like you. Beings that existed before existence came to be is rare, and I take pride in the fact that I get to meet somebody like you… and, my name is Arachne, but you can call me by my title, the Goddess of Control and Knowledge," her voice bellowed through my ears like a silver stream running inside a large echoing cavern. 

"I like you… but at the same time, you're weak. You're oh-so-very weak… why do you have such a position? In my eyes, you don't deserve a position like this." 

"I'm disappointed in myself that you don't approve of my power. But don't worry… soon, you will recognize me," The goddess smiled, and those eerie twitching lips of hers somehow made a shiver shoot down my spine. I couldn't tell if it was out of excitement, awe, or possibly fear… but what I did know what was that this woman was up to something. 

"You remind me of my grandson," I smiled, causing everybody surrounding me to perk up. "Mmmm… That's right. You all disapprove of my grandson, who I have granted access to one of the most powerful species in existence. But the thing is, I only gave him access to it. I never helped him achieve it, as he has done that himself through his own will, intelligence, and power. You all are just fearful that you will lose your cozy little positions. And while we're at it, I don't approve of the fact that you watch over the mortal realm like it's a play to be entranced by." 

Every single god around me quivered with anger besides Ares and this new goddess, Arachne. Zeus was the worst of them as he had such a big ego which most saw as a huge amount of pride, but in reality, he was just a whiny and sensitive little bitch. 

"Now, out," My voice echoed through the endless universe I had created. Kittens and cats attacked them from all angles, and even as they tried to fight back, my feline friends clung to them, causing chunks of their existence to disappear. There was no regenerating of these injuries. "Don't worry… I'm just removing you from the existence I had formed around me. Now, out." 

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