Villains also get Second chance

Chapter 6: Get rid of her memories

Chapter 6: Get rid of her memories

"The rarest one, the one you brought from marchioness house?" she confirmed, as their duchess would never use anything that she brought with herself. She always asks duke for whatever she needed. So, she wasn't sure, if she was getting it right.

I nodded, she bowed and went to bring my jewel box. It was the one my mother prepared for me before her death. That's why I never wore anything from it, afraid it would get damaged.

But now I realized life is much more precious then these possessions.

"your highness, the box." She put the jewelry box on the table near me.

I opened the jewelry box, precious stones and gems of all colors started shining from inside. Diamonds, garnets, emerland, corals, pearls, sapphires. It looked like a starry sky with all the stars shining brightly

There was all the rare and precious jewels inside it. I picked a pair of diamond earrings. The one which was shining the most. "Here, take it." I said handing her the earrings.

Lina took her hand out and held the earrings, handling them with utmost care, she stood there.

"You can go now." I said waving my head. I need time to relax myself on this luxury again.

But the girl stood there with furrowed brows. I raised a brow looking at her and she quivered.

"My apologies your highness, what shall I do with these earrings?" she asked with a deeper bow.

'Huh! How would I know that. You decide since they are yours now." I replied her looking out of the window and leaning more on the chair.

The girl's hands shook and the earrings slipped from her hands, like they are made of burning lava. But she stumbled and fell in the process of catching them afraid of breaking something precious she couldn't afford.

I saw the girl who was fallen on the carpet with annoyed look. How could she care about stones more than herself. But I think she misunderstood. As I could see her flinch, tears brimming in her eyes.

'Is it because of falling or because of me.' I mused.

"Apology, please forgive me your highness, this subject couldn't understand your deep words" she replied trying to stand up but her ankle was sprained.

I sighed, why is she so pitiful! "I gifted those earrings to you, Lina." I said simply, "What is there so deep that you didn't understand?"

"I.I don't need anything your highness. Your jewels would be wasted on me." She replied shaking her head like a rattle drum. Like her life was depending on it.

"No, they won't. And since when you have been this courageous Lina to deny my orders." I asked eying her the way she is trying to maintain her balance.

More tears gushing out of her eyes. It annoyed me more.

"Why are you crying now. I have given you a gift. You should be happy." I asked the question which was irritating me. 'Aren't diamonds liked by every woman?'

"Yes, your highness, I apologise your highness" with that she smiled. But her smile was uglier than her cries.

I sighed, the ideas are not working. 'What shall I do now to be a good person?'

"Now go, I want to take rest." And think more ideas to be good. I added in my heart.

She nodded and bowed, just when she turned, I added once again. "Remember to wear them every day."

She nodded and scurried away as if demons are chasing her. The other two maids who were listening to the conversation were dead silent.

Norma's mouth was left agape, unable to tell if this was dream or reality.

In the chamber

I took out my papers and jotted down some key points that can help me in being a good person.

"Giving gifts to everyone.

Spending time with Killian

Bringing good food for him.."

I noted everything I could.

While outside, it was already past lunchtime and the maids were contemplating whether to disturb their Duchess or not.

For some reason they were more afraid of her now. They were sure she has become crazy. She was doing all the queer things.

While Kate's eyes were stilled on Lina's ears where the rare diamonds were shining like stars.

Suddenly an idea hit her and her eyes shone brightly. She ran towards the duchess room. Knocking on the door, she entered after getting an affirmation.

"Your highness, would you like to have lunch here or in garden?" she asked bowing her head. But her hands were scratching her ears.

I looked out and then at the paper in my hands. It was almost full of ideas. I nodded at her and replied, "I will prefer garden Norma."

The girl smiled and bowed deeper. But her hands were fixed on her ears. I stifled a laugh, Norma is really smart to hint me like that.

'But she never did anything good do me. Forget it, as I am trying to be a good person. I will let her have it.'

"Norma, come here." I said picking a jewel box. Not the one I used to gift Lina, a bit normal. But still it was much more than she could afford.

The girl grinned like Cheshire cat while coming towards me. "Yes, your highness" she replied bowing.

"Here, these rubies will match your hair color. It will look good on you." I said giving her the earring Cassius has gifted me. Since there is no love, what's the sense in keeping the memories.

"How can I take these your highness?" she said but excitement was clear in her voice.

"Since you don't want then, I will give it to Kate." I said taking them back.

"No your highness, I mean I can't deny your kindness. She replied holding the earrings tight in her hands.

I just nodded letting them go. Opening the box again I took out a ruby pendant of the same set and decided to give it to Kate. With that I will be free of his memories also .

[ wishing all of you a very happy new year. please do votes as my new year gift. add it to your library for further updates. thank you]

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