Villains also get Second chance

Chapter 4: before she died

Chapter 4: before she died

"Norma, stand up" and the command did wonder. She stood up straight like a soldier.

"Why are you here?" asked again smiling and her eyes turned teary.

'I smiled, then why are you rather crying.' Do I look scary? I was pondering over when she spoke: "the bath is ready my lady." I nodded my head in acknowledgement.

I laid there in the bathtub with contend. I missed this simple luxury down there. Norma scrubbed me gently and it felt so soothing and relaxing. I could sleep again here. The way she is messaging my scalp. It looks like years had been passed.

I moaned and she stopped. 'not again' I mumbled in irritation and thank goodness she continued after a pause.

This time with more vigour. She washed me, after a long time when I finally felt wrinkles over my skin I came out.

She helped me in changing into a fresh light pink gown. Ah, fresh and soft cloth felt so good over my skin.

"Good, now ask Lina, to prepare for my breakfast in the garden," I said smiling at my reflection.

And this time, she nodded and scurried away without widening her eyes.

'Looks like I am improving' I patted myself for the progress.

"Norma are you sure she smiled, maybe she was sneering?" asked Kate, another maid of Duchess Marianne.

"I am, I am sure miss Kate" she whispered back in a hushed tone. Afraid that the duchess would hear them and then they will be punished.

"Just what is she up to now?" they didn't have an ounce of respect for that cruel Duchess.

"looks like she is getting crazier" replied Norma looking around to check nobody is listening.

"or maybe this could be a trap" mumbled Kate widening her eyes.

"what are you doing here, whispering and all. Didn't Duchess ask you to serve breakfast" scolded Lina, as she was the head maid and lady in waiting for the duchess?

They wanted to say something but kept their mouth shut looking at her furious face. Lina never badmouthed duchess no matter what.

They nodded and moved from there. so that they can do their assigned task. "there is no way its that simple, Norma. She is definitely plotting something, mark my words. This is Duchess Marianne we are talking about."

They continued their whispering even while working. Listening to them Lina sighed. She can't blame these two. As duchess always torment them with various foolish orders. That lady was full of cruel schemes.

But there was something which was changed today. Her eyes, that used to be so cold till yesterday was looking warm today.

Or was it just her illusion? She shook her head. It has nothing to do with her. She would just do her work for which she is here.

"Miss Lina, the food is served," said Kate coming towards her. Lina nodded and went to call the duchess.

She knocked on the door slightly and entered after getting an affirmation. "Lady Marianne the food is served in the garden as you wished for" she replied bowing her head.

I nodded and followed her to the garden. It was a beautiful rose garden, there were various kinds and color of roses. But not any other flower. It was said that the previous Duchess loved roses, therefore duke had made this garden specifically for her.

That was the main reason. I never liked to be here. I hardly go to the garden in the past. Once I even tried to burn these plants. I was jealous of even the memories of old Duchess.

But now when I look closely, it's a beautiful place to spend time. The smell was also so good, I walked slowly, strolling in the vast area.

Enjoying the smell and basking in the sunshine. I looked at the lotus pond in the distance and decided to walk there after having breakfast. Nodding at my decision I sat there and smiled looking at the breakfast.

The tea was warm just like it used to be. The breakfast was sumptuous. With all the variety of bread, cakes, sweets, eggs, salads. Oh! How much I missed it.

In prison, I was only given a loaf of stale bread and cold water. Eating such tasty food after a long time feels like a luxury. I enjoyed my breakfast with a contented smile.

All the three maids were looking at her with widened eyes. All the hairs of their body were standing. 'didn't Duchess always eat only a bit of food, that also very gracefully. Now she is wolfing the food like a person who is hungry for ages. And her hand movements were also very fast. Not only that the smile on her face was.. it was looking real'

They were so lost in looking at her eating that they didn't notice that I had already finished.

I looked at the dumbfounded girls staring at me. Okay, I agree, I ate a bit fast but I was hungry. Would they keep staring at me, for everything I do now?

I was getting irritated but controlled my best and mustered a smile. But all the maids just blinked, like they can't believe their eyes.

Irritated I frowned and they all gave a triumphant smile. 'and they call me crazy' I exclaimed and cleared my throat.

All the maids came out of their stupor and moved. Some cleared plates, Kate asked if I needed anything else and Lina just bowed following me when I stood up.

Walking to the pond, I stood there looking at the flowers that were growing in mud. I would also rise from the dirt where I had been thrown.

And for doing that, I just have to keep one thing in my mind. I would never ever love Duke Cassius. My eyes turned cold at the thought of that heartless man who was my husband. He didn't even find it necessary to come and see me for the last time when I died.

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