Villain: Manipulating the Heroines into hating the Protagonist

Chapter 324 Wang Jian's Conversation With His Women

As the first light of dawn painted the sky with hues of pink and gold, Wang Jian and his companions prepared to leave the enchanted clearing, their encounter with the Azure Spirit Lion now a part of their extraordinary journey.

The majestic beast accompanied them to the forest's edge, ensuring they were as close as possible to their destination – the last Human Empire in the Northern States.

With a regal presence, the Azure Spirit Lion shared a final piece of crucial information before parting ways. "Beware of the Human Empress who rules over the final Human Empire," it warned, its voice a deep rumble resonating with wisdom.

"She bears the Wind Roc's Spirit that could be considered the bloodline of an ancient beast that used soared unfettered across the world. Moreover, she has inherited the legacy of a Wind Roc God, who was a legendary beast and could be considered unrivaled across the world, elevating her cultivation to the formidable realm of a half-Saint expert. Her unique spirit and the techniques granted by the legacy enable her to contend with Saint Realm experts."

Wang Jian, maintaining his characteristic composure, nodded in understanding. "It's only natural," he remarked with a measured tone. "Her strength was the key to preserving her Empire in the face of the Dwarves' expansion. Had she not possessed the power to match a Saint Realm expert, the Dwarves would have swiftly overwhelmed and seized control of her territory."

The Azure Spirit Lion concurred, its gaze unwavering. "Indeed. Few humans can earn the acceptance of the haughty spirit guarding a legacy site, and even fewer can do so unaided. She is an exception."

As Wang Jian and his companions journeyed further into the heart of the Northern States, the weight of the Azure Spirit Lion's warning hung in the air.

Wang Jian, for all his prowess and ambition, was not arrogant enough to believe that he was unrivaled within the vast expanse of the Emperor Realm.

The Empress they were about to meet, Victoria, clearly possessed something extraordinary – a unique cultivation technique and powerful legacy techniques.

Silence settled over Wang Jian's thoughts as he contemplated the possible depths of Victoria's abilities. He knew that such individuals were not to be underestimated. Her claim of battling against Saint Realm experts sent a clear message: she was not to be trifled with.

However, this did not shake Wang Jian's confidence in his own skills. He had reached the pinnacle of the Emperor Realm, honing his martial prowess to the utmost limit.

If a confrontation were to transpire between him and Victoria, he remained steadfast in his belief that victory would be his, albeit potentially at the cost of revealing his hidden trump card – the Devil Bloodline.

As they pressed onward through the vast and verdant landscape of the Northern States, anticipation and curiosity surged within Wang Jian.

The image of the Empress began to take shape in his mind based on the limited information he possessed.

Victoria, a name that resonated with regality, was rumored to be a heavenly beauty with resplendent golden hair cascading like liquid sunlight.

Her eyes were said to possess a mesmerizing hue, a shade of orange that evoked the warmth of a setting sun.

As the night deepened, their group huddled around the campfire, the warmth of the flames casting dancing shadows on their faces. The camaraderie among Wang Jian's companions remained palpable, but the conversation took a mischievous turn as Han Xifeng couldn't resist adding a playful twist.

"So, Jian," she asked with a teasing grin, "are you planning to make this Empress one of us sisters?"

Her question hung in the air, and the other women exchanged knowing glances. The topic of Wang Jian's unconventional harem had become a familiar one during their travels. However, the idea of Victoria, a powerful and alluring Empress, joining their ranks seemed to ignite their curiosity.

Luo Qiu, always perceptive and thoughtful, offered her insights. "Well, she is known to have an Immortal Beast's legacy and is a half-Saint expert. Her addition to our group would certainly be an asset."

Yan Niu, the embodiment of regal dignity, nodded sagely. Her words carried an air of authority as she added, "Indeed, it would not be unwise to consider alliances with those who possess such formidable strength and resources."

Wang Jian, the central figure of their discussion, couldn't help but let a sly grin play across his lips as he observed the reactions of his companions. His eyes, filled with a hint of mischief, met each of their gazes in turn, emphasizing the unspoken bond that had grown among them throughout their journey.

"Well, ladies," he remarked, his voice laced with confidence and allure, "diplomacy can indeed take various forms. Let's just say that if the opportunity arises, I won't hesitate to explore all possible avenues."

Lady Zhuoran, known for her maturity and seriousness, spoke next, her tone a touch more measured. "While our main objective is to secure Empress Victoria's cooperation through diplomacy, we should be prepared to adapt to any circumstances."

Han Xifeng, always candid and unapologetically mischievous, grinned mischievously. "Jian, you can count on us to help you explore those 'various forms' of diplomacy, should the need arise."

The other women nodded in agreement, their expressions ranging from playful to intrigued. The idea of adding someone as powerful and alluring as Empress Victoria to their unconventional group was undoubtedly enticing.

Wang Jian's sly smile deepened as he gazed at all four women, his eyes lingering on each in turn. "Indeed," he replied seductively, "it's a good thing I brought all of you with me. Our unique relationship, where you are aware of my... wickedness," he emphasized the word with a suggestive tone, "allows me to remain unrestrained in my actions."

The four women unconsciously glanced downward, their faces flushed with a bright blush. Wang Jian's audacious words had a magnetic effect on them, stoking the desires they had grown accustomed to indulging.

As the night wore on, Wang Jian's voice took on a sultry quality. "And it's equally fortunate that each one of you is a mesmerizing beauty who can easily keep me entertained during this long journey." He leaned in closer, his lips brushing against the delicate curve of Han Xifeng's ear. "You can all see that even after spending every single night in this unrestrained passion of lovemaking, I still can't get enough of you all. That's just how... exquisite it is."

His comment ignited a fierce blush that deepened the allure in their eyes. With a shared understanding, their hands found their way to Wang Jian's clothing, determined to remove any remaining barriers between them.

Clothing fell away like forgotten memories, and in the heart of the wilderness, surrounded only by the gentle rustling of leaves and the crackling of their campfire, their desires flared to life. Wang Jian, entwined with his companions, embarked on an intense session of lovemaking that transcended the boundaries of the physical.

There were no judgments, no inhibitions—just the shared pursuit of pleasure and intimacy that fortified their unbreakable bond. As the night unfolded, their laughter was replaced by passionate moans and whispered words of affection, mingling with the warmth of their campfire.

As the night of intense passion drew to a close, Wang Jian's group embarked on the next leg of their journey, leaving behind the wilderness and heading toward the final Human Empire known as Verzen.

Wang Jian wasted no time once they were out of the forest, immediately employing the Spatial Movement technique to expedite their journey towards the Royal Palace where Empress Victoria resided. With each teleportation, they drew closer to their destination, bypassing long and treacherous paths that would have otherwise delayed their arrival.

Empress Victoria, the ruler of Verzen, had an unusual approach to her reign. Unlike most monarchs, she had chosen not to marry, and as a result, she lacked direct heirs to the throne. Instead, she had implemented a unique system wherein she personally trained her successor, imparting the knowledge and skills necessary to govern the empire effectively.

Over time, she had come to realize that the responsibilities of ruling an empire could be overwhelming, particularly for someone striving to reach the peak of cultivation. Her pursuit of the Golden Roc God's legacy had been hampered by the incessant administrative tasks that came with her role as Empress.

Nearly a year had passed since she had inherited the legacy, yet she had found little time to devote to its mastery. The weight of governance had kept her occupied and distracted, a far cry from her days as a carefree princess solely focused on her cultivation.

However, Victoria was acutely aware that entrusting the management and administration of the empire to the conniving and avaricious ministers would be a grave mistake. Their insatiable greed could devour the very heart of Verzen, rendering it a hollow and corrupt entity.

With the wisdom of a ruler who truly cared for her people, Queen Victoria had already initiated the training of her chosen heir. She was determined to prepare her successor to not only shoulder the responsibilities of leadership but also to safeguard the empire from internal decay.

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