Villain: Manipulating the Heroines into hating the Protagonist

Chapter 311 Devil Nests Activate

Chapter 311  Devil Nests Activate

Wang Jian's plan was well thought out. They had set their sights on approximately fifty resource-gathering sites belonging to the Spirit Affinity Sect and around sixty similar sites controlled by the Heavenly Lotus Sect.

Here's how the devil's strategy worked: They intended to use their Devil Nest to establish connections with these targeted resource-gathering sites.

This connection would enable them to instantly teleport between these locations through the Devil Nest, provided that the expert managing the Devil Nest's array allowed such access.

However, there was a catch to this perk. To make use of it, the Devil Nest needed to be activated. Activation involved enveloping the entire area in a shroud of Devil Aura, which would, in turn, make the Devil Nest's precise location easily detectable to anyone within the area.

Consequently, it wouldn't be a challenging task for the Spirit Affinity Sect or the Heavenly Lotus Sect to attempt to locate the Devil Nest once it was activated.

After the Devil Nest activation, the Primordial Yin-Yang Immortal Dominion, where the Heavenly Court was situated, extended its senses toward the Nest.

If it detected the presence of a Saint Realm devil aura, it would instantly send out an alert.

This was a safety feature that the Spirit of the Primordial Yin-Yang Immortal Dominion had cooked up after the Heavenly Court folks asked for it.

Just so you know, this fancy alarm system was only available in the Central Region of the continent.

But guess what, there weren't any big-shot Devil Saints hanging out in this Devil Nest. So, the Primordial Yin-Yang Immortal Dominion stayed silent. This meant the strongest devil in there was just a Devil Emperor. The Central Region sects had to handle it on their own.

When the Spirit Affinity Sect and the Heavenly Lotus Sect found out about the activated Devil Nest taking control of their resource-gathering spots, they knew they had to get moving fast to reclaim them.

So, both sects put together teams of heavy hitters. They made sure to pair up team members who had complementary elemental powers, so they could do these fusion attacks and defeat the devils.

At this moment, Wang Jian sat in his room, intently studying a huge map spread out on the table in front of him. On either side of him, Luo Niu and Yan Niu sat, their eyes fixed on the map with curiosity.

Meanwhile, Wang Jian was deep in conversation with Han Xifeng and Lady Zhuoran. Lady Zhuoran was a member of the Spirit Affinity Sect, while Han Xifeng belonged to the Heavenly Lotus Sect.

Since both women had recently joined their respective sects, they weren't assigned to participate in the battle against the devils at the Devil Nest.

However, given their elevated positions within their sects, they had easy access to information about which teams were being deployed to which locations.

Han Xifeng spoke up, "Husband, in the Heavenly Lotus Sect, we have three main factions that hold significant influence. The first is led by our Sect Leader, Fairy Ruo Li. The second is under the guidance of the Third Elder, Fairy Zhi Lian, and the third faction follows the Fifth Elder, Fairy Qian Shui."

Following her, Lady Zhuoran added, "Master, the situation is quite similar in the Spirit Affinity Sect. We have two major factions here. The most dominant one is led by Sect Leader Fairy Bi Xia, primarily because it boasts the support of the senior and more experienced members of the sect. The second faction is led by the Second Elder, Fairy Ming Lan, who seems determined to establish her influence within the sect. Her strength rivals that of the Sect Leader."

Wang Jian chimed in with a smile, "You've both gathered quite a bit of information about your sects in a short time."

Han Xifeng replied casually, "It wasn't too hard, Husband. Representatives from each of these factions privately approached me for recruitment. The faction led by Sect Leader Fairy Ruo Li willingly shared information with me. They want me to feel welcomed and highlight their faction's dominance within the sect, emphasizing that the other two factions pose no threat."

Lady Zhuoran continued, "As for me, both factions within the Spirit Affinity Sect have approached me. They've attempted to sway me with various incentives. However, they share a common goal: trying to make me betray you. Every day, Sect Leader Bi Xia engages in lengthy conversations with me, often speaking negatively about men and questioning the trustworthiness of our relationship. She also tries to dig into our history, using examples to create a negative impression of you."

Han Xifeng added, "In the Heavenly Lotus Sect, their experts have begun doing something similar. They introduce me to different gatherings, where women discuss how being with a man would hinder my true potential in cultivation. They suggest I should abandon you and focus solely on my growth. It feels like they've been thoroughly brainwashed."

Wang Jian smirked upon hearing their accounts. "Poor souls. They had no clue that attempting to turn both of you against me by speaking ill of me is futile. Our relationship began with dubious intentions, and you're both well aware of my wickedness. Yet, you fell in love with me, unable to resist my allure—be it physical, mental, or spiritual."

"Yes, Husband," Han Xifeng responded with a hint of amusement.

Even Luo Qiu and Yan Niu, who were seated beside Wang Jian, found themselves nodding in agreement.

Originally, they had served as the Empress and Second Queen to Wang Jian's father, Emperor Wang.

Their relationship with Wang Jian was that of half-mothers, as they were their father's wives.

However, even this connection hadn't deterred Wang Jian from pursuing them with his lustful desires.

While Luo Qiu and Yan Niu harbored resentment toward Wang Jian, they couldn't deny the overpowering allure he held over their bodies, minds, and spirits during those unforgettable and intimate nights they had shared with him.

Those moments had brought them immense pleasure, mingled with a sense of humiliation that completely shattered their resolve.

The allure and command Wang Jian held over their minds, bodies, and spirits was to the point that even at this moment, both Luo Qiu and Yan Niu had wrapped themselves to Wang Jian's body even without having him ordering them to do so.

They would share intimate moments with him off their own accords.

Wang Jian's tone turned serious. "Alright. Please begin by informing me where the experts from each faction will be dispatched. I need this information to plan our strategy."

This directive was aimed at Han Xifeng and Lady Zhuoran.

Both of them promptly began sharing details about which locations and times each faction's teams would be dispatched to.

The Spirit Affinity Sect's most formidable experts, including the faction leaders, were gearing up for a direct assault on the Devil Nest that had taken control of their resource gathering sites.

Similarly, the most powerful members of each faction within the Heavenly Lotus Sect were plotting a similar course of action.

Within the Heavenly Lotus Sect, it was important to note that there were three distinct factions. The faction led by the Third Elder, Fairy Zhi Lian, and the one led by the Fifth Elder, Fairy Qian Shui, had joined forces.

Their intention was to strike the Devil Nest that had commandeered the Heavenly Lotus Sect's resource gathering sites ahead of the faction led by Sect Leader Fairy Ruo Li.

mission, as it would significantly boost their standing within the sect. They aimed to win over neutral members who might join their Both of these factions were keen on achieving success in this mission, as it would significantly boost their standing within the sect. They aimed to win over neutral members who might join their ranks in the wake of a successful operation.

However, both groups proceeded with caution. Initially, they decided to dispatch their experts to liberate a few crucial resource-gathering sites.

By battling the demons and devils occupying these locations, they hoped to identify which devil clan they were dealing with, whether it was a lesser-ranked or formidable one.

Recognizing that the powerful experts from each sect were not planning to act immediately, Wang Jian instructed the Blue Moon Eclipse Devil Clan and the Nether Curseweaver Devil Clan to deploy lower-ranked devil clans to guard the spots soon to be targeted by the Spirit Affinity Sect and the Heavenly Lotus Sect.

Only Devil Kings were stationed at these locations.

Through this strategy, Wang Jian aimed to downplay the threat posed by the Devil Nests and make both sects underestimate their true capabilities.

In just a week, both of these sects had made significant progress. They had managed to eliminate a large number of demons and members of lower-ranked devil clans while liberating numerous resource-gathering sites from the control of the Devil Nests.

At this point, neither the Spirit Affinity Sect nor the Heavenly Lotus Sect had any inkling that two of the most formidable devil clans, the Blue Moon Eclipse Devil Clan and the Nether Curseweaver Devil Clan, were actually operating these Devil Nests.

The members of both sects were thrilled with their successes. They believed that they could maintain this momentum and swiftly eliminate those Devil Nests in one decisive strike.

Meanwhile, the Wind Cloud House was confronting demons attempting to seize control of their own resource-gathering sites. It 

 appeared that these demons had fled from the resource-gathering sites owned by the Spirit Affinity Sect and the Heavenly Lotus Sect, making their way to the sites belonging to the Wind Cloud House.

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