Ultimate Choice System: I Became The Richest!

Chapter 27 Damsel In Distress

27  Damsel In Distress

As Noah continued walking, lost in his thoughts, something stirred in the corner of his vision. Ahead of him, a woman, unlike anyone he'd ever seen, moved with a refined, humble grace. She was striking — pale, fairy-like features that seemed out of place in the ordinary cityscape.

Her skin was the colour of freshly fallen snow, her hair cascaded down her back like a shimmering waterfall, and though her dress appeared simple, it radiated a level of elegance only the keenest eye could catch. n/ô/vel/b//in dot c//om

Noah's trained eye, honed by years of subtly observing details, could tell instantly that her outfit wasn't just expensive — it was crafted. Tailored, likely by a high-class designer, the kind you wouldn't find even in the most exclusive of stores. It had a quiet luxury to it that screamed of wealth without needing to flaunt it. Yet, despite her outward beauty and the obvious class she exuded, there was something… off. The sunglasses. Noah squinted.

"Why wear sunglasses on a cloudy day? The sun wasn't glaring down; there was no need for them. Was she hiding something?"

Noah shook his head, mentally chastising himself.

"Don't jump to conclusions," he thought. "Not everything's a conspiracy." shaking his head at his far-fetched thoughts.

But as his gaze lingered, something else caught his attention. Slowly, methodically, a black van turned the corner, its engine almost inaudible, creeping along the curb in an unsettling way.

Its windows were completely tinted, not a single sliver of light able to penetrate inside. The van rolled closer, its movement too deliberate, too calculated.

A chill ran up Noah's spine. His gut screamed at him — something was wrong. Really wrong.

He tried to brush it off. "Maybe it's just a delivery van," he reasoned, but deep down, his instincts — were telling him otherwise. As the van approached, he saw that there was no number plate either.

Before he could even process the feeling fully, a familiar chime echoed in his mind.

[Ding! The Ultimate Choice System has been activated!]

Noah froze. His breath caught in his throat as the familiar interface popped up in front of his vision, hovering in the air like a hologram only he could see.

This time, the stakes were higher. Much higher.

[Option 1: The woman is about to be abducted. Ignore it and leave to avoid trouble. The woman has a survival rate of 0%.]


[Reward: $100,000 & Anti-depression pill.]

[Option 2: The woman is about to be abducted. Call the police and inform them anonymously. The woman has a survival rate of 10%.]

[Reward: $25,000 & Audi A1 ]

[Option 3: The woman is about to be abducted. Save the Damsel in Distress.]

[Reward: Basic Inventory Skill & Basic Soldier-King Skill.]

His heart pounded in his chest as he stared at the options.

"What the hell… "

This wasn't like the other choices. Those were about social interactions, minor decisions, and harmless stuff that wouldn't get him killed. But this? This was life or death — not just for the woman, but for him, too.

The first option practically guaranteed her death. The thought made Noah uncomfortable. Sure, the reward was tempting, and he could easily avoid trouble. He wouldn't have to risk his life for someone he didn't even know. But then again, could he really just walk away knowing she had zero chance of surviving? Could he live with that on his conscience?

"No way," he thought, shaking his head. "I'm not that heartless, especially if I have the skills needed to save her" He added, whilst glancing at Option 3.

He glanced at the second option. Calling the police seemed logical, safer. But what if they didn't arrive in time? The woman's survival rate was only 10%. That was… pathetically low.

[Option 2: The woman is about to be abducted. Call the police and inform them anonymously. The woman has a survival rate of 10%.]

[Reward: $25,000 & Audi A1 ]

The reward wasn't bad, but it wasn't life-changing either. And what if the van sped off before the cops got there? She'd still be gone, and he'd have only delayed the inevitable.

Noah's eyes locked onto the third option.

[Option 3: The woman is about to be abducted. Save the Damsel in Distress.]

[Reward: Basic Inventory Skill & Basic Soldier-King Skill.]

That one sent a jolt through his body. It was clear what this option demanded — action. Real, dangerous, possibly life-threatening action.

It was bold, reckless even. And yet, the rewards were insane: [Basic Soldier-King Skill & Basic Inventory Skill.]

These weren't just perks; they were the kind of abilities that could change his entire life. He'd essentially be gaining combat skills and the ability to carry items in a personal inventory space — both invaluable assets in a dangerous world.

But still… this wasn't a game. This wasn't some superhero movie where he could charge in and save the day with no consequences. If things went south, he could get seriously hurt — or worse.

"Do I really want to risk my life for a stranger?" he thought, his mind racing. "I've got my family, Sarah. What if I get killed?"

"Life has finally started to show its rainbows and sunshine to him, he doesn't need to risk it for anything."

He clenched his fists, feeling the weight of the decision pressing down on him. This was the first time he was truly scared — scared that this choice, unlike the others, could actually end badly for him. But he couldn't shake the feeling that if he didn't act, he'd regret it forever.

His eyes drifted back to the woman, who was obliviously walking down the street, completely unaware of the looming danger behind her. The van was inching closer, its dark presence a silent predator.

"If I don't do something, she's as good as dead."

Noah could feel the adrenaline starting to pump through his veins. His body tensed, his heart raced.

"Come on, Noah. Think."

The woman didn't deserve this. She hadn't done anything wrong. She was just walking down the street, minding her business, and now her life was hanging by a thread. The fact that the system also issued a choice, further strengthened this thought.

Noah took a deep breath. He had a choice to make, and time was running out fast.

"Option 3… It's risky, but I can do this. I have to. I can't just walk away."

With one final glance at the system options, Noah made his decision.

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Creator's Thought



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