Tunnel Rat

Chapter 233: Just a small slice, please.

Chapter 233: Just a small slice, please.

Moving upward through the Mining Guild, Tallsqueak nodded politely to people but said nothing. He didn't ask where to go and walked through the guild as if he had every right to be there, showing confidence and poise. Milo contrasted that with his first trips up and down, getting lost and asking questions from people that didn't enjoy his intrusions into their business. Knowing the layout of the guild helped him present the demeanor of a confident Wizard from the Tower of Spite. Which he was, sort of. But he needed there to be differences between Tallsqueak, the ratkin, and Milo, the human. There was a possibility that someone might be looking for a Were-rat Scout, and he didn't want to give them clues. Especially if it was Victor. His identity in the game was now tied to the real Milo in the habitat. Belinda knew, and he hoped she wasn't telling anyone.

Arriving at the top of the Mining Guild, he made his way over to the Adventurers Guild and spotted the overworked halfling, Bernard. He strode up confidently and bowed. Bernard looked at the elaborately dressed ratkin mage before him and sighed. "Let me guess? Daddy gave you money to buy spiffy stuff for your first character, and here you are, ready to go on a huge adventure."

The ratkin cocked his head and smiled. "How many guesses are you allowed? Your first is incorrect."

Bernard was used to rattling new players. A few ratkin came into the guild after starting down in the Hollow and racing through the tunnels to get to the more familiar human city to start doing quests for the Thieves Guild or to join a gang. This player was different, somehow. "Well, you got me there, chief. I get bored making guesses. I'll just assume you took Tailor as a trade skill and sewed that fancy gown yourself. Nice look to it, by the way; I like the subdued runes and the matching staff. So let's make guess number two that you're here to pay your guild dues."

Tallsqueak bowed low. "Rumors of your ability to guess the obvious are proven true. I am Professor Tallsqueak of the Tower of Strife, a prestigious college of the Arcane Sciences located in lovely Limburger Hollow. You should visit sometime. Chef Smiley makes a very tasty cheese soufflé; his puff cakes are second to none. I've been told that you accept yearly dues here from 'adventurers.' I would like to sign up. What are the dues for a Tier 4 mage? I would like to pay ahead by three levels to save a return trip later."

That got Bernard's attention, and he made an effort to Identify the person in front of him. He was telling the truth. Solidly in the third tier and heading to the fourth. But what was a Runic Mage? He had a lot of bling, that was for sure. Magic Robe, magic pants, and multiple magic rings. "I like people who pay ahead. Tier one is 15 copper, and then 15 copper for tier 2. As you might extrapolate, the third tier will cost you 15 gold, but I'm running a special for Runic Mages. All you have to do is tell me what the hell your class does, and we'll round things down to 16 gold, even."

"That is a bargain, sir, and I don't mind explaining at all. You've just given equally valuable information that my class is rare among humans. A Runic Mage studies runes from different races and learns to adapt them and create Runic Formations that are the basis for powerful spells. Observe." One fingertip traced a simple rune in the air, then two more. When Tallsqueak snapped his fingers, the glowing lines became a small ball of storm magic, crackling like blue fire and sending off sparks.

Bernard looked at it and relaxed. Another odd class to add to his book. "Nice for killing small critters and level-one players. Thanks for the demonstration. Here's your badge, and welcome to the Shadowport Adventurers Guild. If you have questions, give me a yell, and you can check out the quest board to your left."

Another snap of the fingers and the ball of lightning was snuffed out, and sixteen gold coins were placed on Bernard's desk. The Runic Mage pocketed his badge, bowed, and said "Good Day." before walking out of the Guild Hall. Bernard pondered his words. "What's a Puff Cake? And why am I suddenly hungry for them?"

Tallsqueak wandered the night market outside the guild hall, looking at interesting things and sniffing the air. Finally, near a fish vendor in a corner of the market, he spied the small cheese stand he had bought from before. He quickened his pace and saw broad grins on the faces of the halflings inside. Looking at the assorted cheeses, he inhaled deeply, savoring the scents. "My, it all smells so good. I can tell that this is a difficult decision. You have a fine selection."

Cousin Bungo was on duty. He hooked his fingers in his suspenders, anticipating a large sale. "Finest cheese in town, and at the best prices. How much would you like, sir, or should I get a crate and start filling it?" He'd seen the look in the eyes of ratkin before, and this one was no different as he stared at one cheese after another.

"I believe that small half-round with the heavy rind is ten-year aged Gouda?"

Bungo bowed low. "It is, excellent eye and nose, sir. That is a small sample wheel. We also have ten and twenty-pound wheels. You could also "Hollow-Size" your order and pick up one of our fifty-pound wheels."

"Thank you for the information. I'll take a slice, please." The ratkin waited patiently, exhibiting none of the shaking Bungo usually saw.

"A slice, sir, to sample?"

"Oh no, simply to purchase. A slice, make it generous, two ounces at least." He leaned patiently on his staff while Bungo tried to puzzle things out. Luckily, Lizzie was there as well. She cut the slice, wrapped it in waxed paper, and handed it to the waiting customer. "Here you are, sir. Try that out, and know we have much more to offer."

Tallsqueak handed her several coppers, at least double the normal cost. "Thank you for your service. I am allowing myself a small slice today to celebrate this new town. While I adhere to Master Bleusnout's litany of 'Be Master of the Cheese to be Master of yourself.' a small bit now and then for medicinal purposes is good for the digestion. Good day to you." He walked away, whistling, the cheese in his pocket."

Bungo watched him go. "He'll be back. I can tell."

Lizzie wasn't so sure. "He seemed to have his cravings under control. That's not a good sign."

Bungo heard the sound of running feet and saw three ratkin dressed in black clothing with rags around their faces, sporting a colored patch of the Red Talon gang on their shoulders.

"Payday, we have money!"

"And money buys cheese. What do you have for us, Bungo?"

"Let's get an assortment platter, guys!"

The two halflings raced to assemble a lovely cheese tray for the three players, collecting every copper they had on them—thoughts of the distressing customer who came before the three addicts were forgotten.

Tallsqueak melted into the shadows of Light's End after leaving the cheese shop. Spying a tall building, he scaled the back of it, climbing steadily until he was on a secluded roof, unobserved by anyone. Milo spent some time changing the Runed Cowl to its original orange and tattered look. Shadow Blight was in a belt loop at his right side, his pick on his back under his backpack, and a heavy spanner hung from his belt on his right. His class changed from Runic Mage to Senior Deep Rock Engineer. The new ability, Shroud of Hecate, was incredibly useful, allowing him to adjust the information someone gained from trying to identify him and strengthening the illusion ability that let him pass for human. Neither of his forms showed his true class of Ancient Runic Engineer. He wondered about the vague mission she had given him to find the mysterious adversary behind the Slaver Mage. Astraeus was sure it was the same person who had caused him so much trouble in the past. That was all Milo had to go on for the time being. He'd just have to keep searching for secrets and see what he turned up.

Which reminded him of his reason for being here in Shadowport. He needed to talk to Belinda and find a way out of the Gordian Knot of promises he found himself tied up with.

Mama told him not to lie to her.

Belinda asked for his trust and no lies.

She also needed his help finding out how his gloves fixed her arms.

But he couldn't betray Wally.

And didn't want Victor to find out anything.

And didn't want to tell his secrets.

And he had to keep his family safe, from Victor, from Manpower, from everyone.

But he needed her medical records.

He wasn't going to be able to follow all of those rules. It was a linear programming problem with too many restraints and no optimal solution.

He had just enough time to meet her and see if they could find a way to defeat Koschei the Deathless without dying themselves.

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