Trinity of Magic

Book 4: Chapter 62: A Hard Fought Battle

Book 4: Chapter 62: A Hard Fought Battle

Zeke lunged to the side, narrowly avoiding the strike aimed at his head. In one fluid motion, he turned his momentum into a roll, dodging the follow-up attempt to ensnare him as well. By the time he came up to his feet, the whip had already circled around for another strike. Ishaan was not giving him any time to rest or catch his breath, crazily chasing after him.

Zeke did the only thing he could: he ran.

His breath was already getting labored from the continued action. It was unbelievable how fast the high-speed pursuit was able to sap his stamina. This couldnt go on for much longer. The hall under the headquarters of the Ember Scar Cartell was quite large, but he would eventually run out of places to escape to, even if his body were able to hold on.

Zeke sensed the whip enter his sphere of awareness. It was a vertical sweep bearing down on him from up high. Immediately, he took a step to the side, avoiding the strike with the least possible movements. Before he was even done taking the step, the shrill noise of air being split sounded out right next to his ear. He had made it, if barely.

However, before he could rejoice, the weapon changed course. It started to coil and pounced at him from right next to his body, spitting in the face of gravity and momentum. Zeke gritted his teeth and [Teleported] before the weapon impaled him. This wasnt the first time something like this had happened.

Not only did the whip move so fast that he could barely react, but the weapon also behaved like it was alive. It didnt feel like an inanimate object but more like a cunning predator chasing prey. It didnt take long for Zeke to realize that this phenomenon wasnt just because of Ishaans incredible weapon mastery. No, the [Bone Whip] moved in ways that would have been impossible for an ordinary weapon. It was blatantly obvious that Ishaan controlled its movements with Magic.

Most likely, the older man had engraved [Bone Manipulation] on his Core. This gave him the ability to perform attacks that would have been completely impossible through skill alone. Also, it made it almost impossible to predict his attacks. Even Akasha was completely helpless, as the weapon didnt follow any observable patterns.

Zeke pressed on with his escape, his breaths growing shallow and frantic. He leaped backward, contorting his body to evade yet another sweeping slash by the skin of his teeth. The whip sailed by, but it was already starting to coil. This was something he had come to recognize to be a sign that Ishaan was about to use his magic. However, it didnt let him know what attack would follow.

In his sphere of awareness, Zeke noticed that he was getting awfully close to a wall. If he continued to retreat in this direction, he would soon be cornered. After landing, he immediately rolled to the side. The tail end of the whip pounced at him, mimicking the perfect thrust of a spear. Even though he hadnt hesitated, the attack still clipped him.

The spike and the first three of the bone fragments grazed his arm as he rolled. Even though Zeke knew that it was a minor injury, the pain made it feel like a mortal wound. He wasnt quite sure how Ishaan did it, but even the smallest scrape inflicted such severe pain that Zeke could barely stifle a scream.

He came up from his roll and immediately started to run. Fortunately, there was no immediate follow-up attack. The reason for this was that the hall was ringed by giant stone pillars that stretched all the way to the ceiling. They made for a good cover against a whip, as even Ishaan had trouble using his weapon effectively with so many obstacles.

Zeke darted behind one of the pillars and took a moment to catch his breath. While his back slumped against the cool stone support, his mind worked furiously. He hadnt lost sight of his opponent, studying him for all he was worth. He needed to find a weakness he could exploit.


The opponent is bleeding heavily from the injury on his back. If Host is able to draw out the battle, the opponent is going to succumb to it in less than 22 minutes.

Zeke shook his head, dismissing the option. Even if he were somehow able to draw out the battle for that long, he wouldnt be able to win. At the moment, Ishaan was still confident in defeating Zeke. However, if he suddenly decided to run away instead, there was very little Zeke could do to stop him.

No, that wouldnt do. He needed to kill Ishaan without giving him the chance to run. For that, he would have to choose a strategy that would overcome the whip and armor at the same time.

With a fierce glint in his eyes, Zeke changed his right hand into the shape of a rapier and waited for the right moment. Now! Zeke disappeared. His [Teleport] placed him right in front of Ishaan. He was so close that the man couldnt easily use his whip.

Zeke immediately attacked. His target was the only weakness in Ishaans armor the small holes for the eyes. Ishaan was visibly startled by this brazen assault and took half a step back. Foolish. He should have used this chance to counterattack, but it was too late now. There was nothing he could do anymore.

Zeke stabbed with the ferocity of a viper. However, just before the rapier pierced through the mans left eye hole, the armor blinked. No, that wasnt right. It was an additional bone plate that slid in place to protect the eye. From what Zeke could tell, this wasnt even done consciously by Ishaan but a reflexive mechanism.

Zeke scowled but didnt abandon his attack. Instead, he leaned into it with everything he had, throwing the whole weight of his body behind the stab. Ishaans head snapped back, but Zeke could feel that his weapon didnt penetrate. The attack had failed. Not good.

He immediately jumped back, trying to escape behind one of the pillars. But he wasnt so lucky this time. The bone whip struck him straight across the chest before he could get away. Each of the fragments scraped a bit of flesh off his bones on its way past. This time, he did scream. Zeke wanted nothing more than to [Teleport] away, yet couldnt. Now that the weapon was already in contact with his body, he couldnt use the spell anymore.

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It felt like an eternity had passed when the last segment of the whip passed him by. He tumbled to the ground in a heap, having no control over his body. The pain was debilitating, in the truest sense of the word. Zeke knew that he should teleport, but it was impossible in his current state. He could barely collect the mental focus to move his body, let alone construct a Spellform.

Through his blurred vision, Zeke found Ishaan's gaze. The lid over his left eye had disappeared, revealing a countenance marked by disdain directed squarely at him. Strangely, this sight brought a semblance of clarity to Zeke's mind. With his newfound determination, he focused his efforts on channeling his Blood Magic to his wounded chest, prompting his flesh to shift and mend. He needed to buy a bit of time before he could move again.

Finally caught you, Ishaan said in his echoing voice. He raised his whip-wielding hand even before finishing his words. He clearly wasnt willing to give Zeke the time to recover.

Zeke ground his teeth and raised his own hand. Freeze, he yelled with all his might. Ishaans eyes seemed to mock him, but they soon widened in surprise when he noticed that his hand wasnt moving.

Zeke used all his focus to hold onto his [Spatial Barrier]. He had managed to trap Ishaans hand. However, he could already feel the spell straining as Ishaan put more and more force behind the attempt to free his hand. After a few moments, Zeke could tell that he would lose this exchange, yet he held on with everything he had.

With a final grunt of effort, the spell broke, and Ishaan wrenched his arm free from Zekes control. However, he hadnt come out of this exchange unscathed. The wound on his back had opened up even further, and the small trickle of blood running down his back had turned into a constant stream.

Even so, Zeke knew that he couldnt afford to do this again. The short exchange had taken a significant toll on his Core, while Ishaan had only used his physical strength. It had still been worth it, as the worst of the damage to his chest had been patched up. At least he would be able to move again.

You damn pest! Ishaan yelled, waving his hand in anger. However, before his whip even reached halfway, Zeke disappeared from his sight. He reappeared a couple of steps away but didnt bother to turn around; he kept running straight.

Akasha, I need your help, Zeke said as he quickly approached the corner of the room. He was running along the wall, keeping the pillars between himself and Ishaan as best he could. He didnt bother to explain his plan to her but merely thought about what he needed her to do. Can you do it?

Akasha was silent for a single moment.



Zeke smiled upon hearing that, but that was soon replaced with an expression of grim determination. This would be his last attempt. Either it worked, or he would die.

He reached the corner of the room and slashed down with his right arm, which had turned into a mace. The stone floor shattered under the impact, with tiny splinters flying off in all directions. Zeke didnt stopa second hit and then a third. In the blink of an eye, the floor in front of him had turned into a powdered mess.

By the time Ishaan reached him, he had managed to repeat the process two more times, creating three craters around his kneeling figure.

Ishaan was stunned, but his expression soon turned mocking. Have you finally lost it?

Zeke stopped his actions, turned around, and stood, facing the Grand Mage squarely. Ishaan, seeing the look on his face, took half a step back and eyed their surroundings warily. However, after nothing happened, his caution disappeared. He slung his whip back in preparation for a final strike, clearly tired of this cat-and-mouse game.

Simultaneously, Zeke raised his hand, mirroring Ishaans action. However, he wasnt holding anything. It was just an empty hand. Ishaan narrowed his eyes but didnt pause his actions. He was done getting tricked.

Die! Ishaan yelled as he brought his whip forward.

Zeke also brought his hand forward, and as he did, he activated the spell he had been preparing [Telekinesis]. From the three craters around him, powdered stone erupted like geysers. The explosion of dust covered the entire area, making it impossible to see for more than a foot.

Zeke closed his eyes and stepped to the side, wholly relying on his sphere of awareness. He easily dodged the attack coming for him, as Ishaan had entirely lost sight of him.

Do it, Akasha, he ordered.

In the next moment, three blocks of stone appeared above Ishaan. They each hit their target, knocking the armored figure to its knees. Ishaan screamed in fury but immediately bolted back to his feet.

Fool, he yelled. Did you think this would be enough to defeat me?

Zeke remained where he was, not a trace of nervousness on his face. By now, most of the dust had settled, and his outline was clearly visible once more. Instead of replying, he merely smiled and looked at Ishaan's feet with a triumphant expression.

Ishaan had a bad feeling but still followed his gaze. There, he found one of the three stone pieces that had fallen on him. It was round and intricately carved, and somehow it seemed very familiar

Immediately, Ishaans gaze snapped up. However, he wasnt looking at Zeke but at the stone pillar closest to him. His eyes widened in horror. The middle part of the pillar was gone. He looked up just in time to see the collapsing ceiling closing in on him. Ishaan put all of his strength into his legs and jumped.

Yet, before he could get far, he slammed to the ground, face first. His foot had caught on something. Looking back, he noticed that it was indeed stuck in midair?

Need a hand? Zeke asked in the most cheerful voice he could muster. He had already [Teleported] out of range of the collapse and was now holding onto Ishaans foot with everything he had.

At his words, Ishaan looked up, meeting his eyes. There was real panic in his gaze but also a deep-seated anger. It seemed as if he wanted to eat him alive. However, it only managed to make Zekes smile widen in glee.

Damn you, Blood Drag Before Ishaan could finish his curse, the avalanche of stone descended upon him, engulfing him entirely. The ceiling collapsed with a thunderous roar, sending debris cascading in all directions. Massive chunks of rock crashed down, pulverizing everything in their path as dust and fragments filled the air, shrouding the chamber in chaos.

Zeke observed the spectacle with an expression devoid of emotion before gradually lowering himself to the ground, his strength waning. A torrent of conflicting sensations overwhelmed him: pain, relief, weariness, and more. Despite the tumult within him, he was happy that this was finally over. Ishaan had been a monster, and he wouldnt lose even a minute of sleep over his death.

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