Trinity of Magic

Book 3: Chapter 74: Making a Deal

Book 3: Chapter 74: Making a Deal

After the Dragons words, silence reigned for a while.

Zeke was too shocked to even react. He had tried to talk to the Dragon many, many times. Ever since the latter had forced its heart on him, the uncertainty of his condition had hung like a sword over his head. Yet, now of all times, the Dragon spoke to him so casually, like it was a normal occurrence.

He had to know. Why now?

There was a brief moment of silence before the Dragon replied. I dont understand the question.

Why are you offering me a deal now? I tried so many times, asked you what you wanted, inquired about an arrangement, but you didnt reply a single time.

The Dragon snorted. I did not offer a deal, because there was no deal to be made, fleshling.

Zeke was perplexed. How would you know? We didnt even start negotiations.

It would have changed nothing, the Dragon stated with supreme confidence. For an agreement to be reached, both parties must possess something the other party lacks. And while I own many things that you might covet, you didnt have anything I wanted.

Zeke considered that for a moment. Since the Dragon could read his thoughts to an extent, it was likely that it knew everything he was willing to offer anyway. Reluctantly, he ceded the point.

Still, he couldnt help but grumble. It would have been nice if you had let me know of your intentions at least. Do you know how worried I was that you would try to snatch my body during the night? Especially in the beginning.

I am not your mother, fleshling, nor am I your friend. I bear no obligation to extend myself unduly for the purpose of soothing your fragile mind."

Zeke scowled. At the very least, we are a sort of neighbors, if unwilling ones. Wouldnt it be better to be on friendly terms?

We are not, the Dragon insisted. "And I harbor not the slightest inclination toward fostering camaraderie with your insignificant presence. I would sooner relish the bliss of isolation, were such an endeavor not doomed to fail."

Its words were harsh, but that wasnt much of a surprise. Dragons were known for their arrogance after all. According to the rumors and stories, they respected strength, and nothing else. And this one seemed to live up to their reputation just fine.

Zeke sighed. He had hoped for a bit more willingness to get along. Even so, he would get nowhere by berating a Dragon for its lack of manners. Instead, he tried a different approach. Now that you have come forward, it must mean something has changed. Did I acquire something you want?

As the Dragon moved, Zeke felt a peculiar sensation, as if something almost immaterial had brushed up against him. It almost felt like the wind tickling his skin. Quite perceptive. But no, you still hold nothing I desire, at least, nothing that you can give.

Zekes brows furrowed. You seem to be contradicting your earlier statements.

The Dragon chuckled. Its low voice rumbled deep and long in Zeke's consciousness. Am I?

What was this? A riddle? A test? Why couldnt that damn reptile just come out and state its desires clearly? Still, if the Dragon wanted to play, then Zeke would oblige. He was no slouch when it came to mind games.

Your change of heart is most likely related to Akasha, Zeke mused out loud. You even called her a kings treasure back then.

Go on.

Zeke smiled. Bullseye. He considered his next words. Akasha was a factor, but it wasnt her the Dragon wanted. It had to know that Zeke would not hand her over. Then, was it something Akasha could deliver? No, that was unlikely, or at least, not entirely correct. But what else was there?

His mind spun as he came up with one theory after the other, discarding them just as fast. This wasnt the way to go. Maybe another approach would be more fruitful. What did he know about the Dragon, what was he after? One thing immediately came to mind a body.

It was what the Dragon had wanted from the start. Even during their first encounter in the underground laboratory, he had taken Viola hostage in order to force Zeke to hand over his body. Back then, only his engraved spell had prevented the Dragon from taking complete control.

But this made no sense. Akasha neither had a body, nor did she have any way to provide one, so how were the two linked?

So far, all she had done was improve his already existing procedures. Akasha acted like a force multiplier for all of Zekes ideas. The moment he came up with a plan, she would search for ways to implement it. It was like adding wings to a tiger, but it didnt allow him to do anything he hadnt been able before. Could it be?

The Dragon had said that Zeke didnt yet possess anything it wanted. Was it just betting on his future, now that he had Akasha?

You most likely want me and Akasha to do something, something I am not yet strong enough to do? Is it related to your wish for a body?

The Dragon remained silent for a while, before barking his reply. Not bad.

A glimmer of pride appeared in Zekes eyes. He had managed to surprise the haughty reptile. Thats what it got for looking down on him. Still, it was time to bring this game to an end. I think thats enough playing around. Speak your demands.

Very well, the dragon rumbled. It is my belief that you and the spirit will be able to grant my wish for a new body at some point. This will require a high degree of proficiency in both Blood and Soul Magic, but it is not impossible for you.

Zeke nodded. He had pondered the subject before as well, especially the part relating to Soul Magic. His understanding was still shallow, but it should be possible to attach a Soul to a different body once his mastery increased.

He didnt yet know how to create a body from scratch, much less a Dragons body. Yet, with Akasha and the Dragons help, it was conceivable that he would be able to devise a way. Even so, this was not something he could attempt any time soon.

I dont think this is feasible before I reach the Arch Mage level.

That is my belief as well.

Zeke had not expected it to react so calmly. The Arch Mage level was still decades away for him, at best. Yet, the Dragon didnt seem to be dismayed in the slightest by the long wait. Was this the difference in perception between humans and Dragons? No, this wasnt important right now. He had been swept up so much in the Dragons pace that he hadnt even asked the most important question yet.

So, what is it that you will be offering in return?

The Dragon chuckled. You fleshlings, always so greedy. It is the one trait your entire species has in common.

Zeke frowned. How is it greedy to demand fair compensation?

You still owe me a body, if I remember correctly. You agreed to give me yours, after all.

Zeke scoffed. Agreed? You forced me into that deal while holding Viola hostage. But the tables have turned, and you dont hold any hostages anymore.

The Dragon chuckled again. The tables have indeed turned, and I am no longer able to influence the outside world. However, it would be wrong to assume I dont have any hostages.

Before Zeke could ask what the Dragon meant, the breath was squeezed out of his lungs. It was like he was being crushed by a mountain. But it only lasted for a moment. Following another chuckle, the pressure ceased.

Zeke took a shuddering breath. He had never wanted to feel this again. Soul pain was a type of misery one could never get used to. While the body could be trained to endure, the Soul could not. It was pure agony, just like the very first time.

This was a wake-up call. The Dragon could attack his Soul freely and by the power he had just felt, he had no way to even fight back. The message was clear: he was still a hostage, and there was no escape. Still, he would not allow the Dragon to dictate its terms freely.

Youve made your point, Zeke said resolutely. But we both know that you dont intend to convince me with force. Otherwise, you wouldnt have spoken of an arrangement that would benefit us both.

The Dragon grumbled discontentedly. How needlessly perceptive of you. But you are right, I indeed intend to offer you something in return for your help.

Zekes eyes lit up. What would it be? Secret Dragon Magic? Treasured artifacts? He almost drooled at the thought of what sort of help such a powerful ancient being would offer. What is it?

The mirth was audible as the Dragon replied. A history lesson.

Zeke deflated. What kind of reward was that? He wasnt one to look down on knowledge usually, but wasnt this too much of a letdown?

Reading his thoughts, the Dragon chuckled again. So shortsighted, fleshling. Do you have any idea how much knowledge I carry? Ive been alive since far before your puny empire was founded. The reign of the moon goddess, the dominion of the bronze legion, the culling of the tribal empire, I was there for it all.

Zeke was intrigued, he had never heard of any of those events. He barely had any knowledge dating back before the founding of the empire. Still, as much as this piqued his curiosity, it wouldnt help him get stronger. Id rather have something more practical.

The Dragon scoffed. Tell me, who do you think came up with your so-called Grand Rituals? What if I told you I knew not just the four, but all seven of them?

Zekes eyes widened. Seven? There were seven Grand Rituals and the Dragon knew them all? His mind spun. Is there a Ritual to safely advance to the Arch Mage level?

What do you think? the Dragon replied smugly.

This was madness. Something like that would be more valuable than all the knowledge Zeke had collected up until now. T-Then, what is it that you offer?

Zeke couldnt see the Dragon, but from its tone of voice, he was certain it was smirking right now. Very well, Ill tell you. What I offer is the knowledge of a Mana purifying device.

Zeke's eyes shone. He knew better than to look down on anything the Dragon offered at this point. What does it do?

It purifies Mana.

Zeke was rendered speechless. Did the Dragon take him for an idiot? Who wouldnt be able to tell that much?

Reading his mind, the Dragon grumbled awkwardly before clearing his throat. I didnt think I would have to explain the advantages of something like that to a Mage, but I guess I was wrong. Basically, it purifies and concentrates ambient Mana to a point where you can use it instead of what you call Essence crystals

Zeke was intrigued. If this device could truly replace Essence crystals, it would be an amazing boon. But for him, it wouldnt make much of a difference. He had enough gold to buy all the crystals he would ever need. On top of that, he had barely made a dent in the stockpile he had won at the empires tournament. They would last him for a long time still. However, all his thoughts were shattered upon hearing the Dragons next words.

without putting any strain on your Core.

What!? Zeke couldnt help but cry out. This was ludicrous! He could only use a single crystal at a time before taking several days rest. If he were able to use them continuously, he would be able to advance to the Grand Mage level in days.

The Dragon laughed heartily, evidently pleased with Zekes reaction. It is not quite as miraculous as you imagine. Even with the device, it would still take you about a year to grow your Core to the appropriate size. But thats still a lot faster than using Essence Crystal, wouldnt you agree?

That was an understatement. It would take Zeke about ten years to advance to Grand Mage using the normal method. What the Dragon offered would reduce this time by 90%. It was a complete game-changer.

You would give me something like that?

Yes, the Dragon replied coolly. It is in my best interest for you to grow stronger as well. After all, I cant have you killed before you make me a body.

Zeke was overjoyed. If he could get his hands on that device, he might still be able to join the upcoming war. It most likely wouldnt end anytime soon. A war of this scale might very well last years, decades even. Still, there was something he was curious about.

Arent you afraid Ill go back on my word when the time comes?

No, the Dragon said right away. You arent the type to go back on your word. That is the sole reason I even considered making a deal.

Zekes chest swelled in pride. This was the first time the Dragon had complimented him. However, his high spirits were doused in the next moment.

And in case I am wrong, Ill just eat your Soul and kill us both.

His smile turned crooked. Even so, Zeke wasnt bothered by the threat. He had no intention of going back on his word. Despite their past troubles, he held no animosity against the Dragon. He even pitied the creature for the cruel treatment it had experienced at the hands of the Giger people. If he could, he would definitely help the Dragon obtain a new body.

With newfound determination, Zeke gave voice to his decision.

You have a deal!

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