Transcendent Warrior With A Dimensional Shifting

Chapter 91

Transcendent Warrior With A Dimensional Shifting Inventory 91


The man standing in front of the magic tower entered the eyes of the red dragon.

A strong sense of chaos was felt from him.

“So you’re the visitor.”

Minhyuk was also looking at the red dragon.

It was several times larger than the other dragons he had seen so far.

It must have been Srinagam, the red dragon who reigned as the king of dragons.

‘I was really popular with dragons.’

The Wyvern’s words were true.

He said that the dragons would be desperate to kill Minhyuk.

A black dragon came looking for him inside the magic tower, and as soon as he came out of the magic tower, the red dragon, the leader of the dragons, came looking for him.

It wasn’t a bad thing.

I was going to find their nest anyway,

But it saved me the trouble as they all came to me on their own feet.


The red dragon turned its head and looked around.

Then he asked Minhyuk.

His voice was not loud, but it was heard clearly even though he was far away.

[Where did you hide all your men?]

The red dragon already knew that Minhyuk’s soldiers were stationed around the magic tower.

That was what he’d heard from the Red Dragon.

However, when he arrived at the watchtower, Minhyuk was the only one there.

“They all went home a while ago.”

Minhyuk had finished all of his duties at the watchtower.

So, he’d used Kaon to withdraw all the soldiers to Astel Fortress.

Just as Minhyuk himself was about to teleport to Astel, the red dragon appeared.

[I’m a little late. If I had come a little sooner, I could have incinerated all of your limbs as a gift to commemorate our first meeting and turned you into a pile of charcoal.]

“Are dragons usually this talkative? If you’re going to attack, just attack already.”


Minhyuk loaded the minigun and aimed it at the red dragon.

Then, the red dragon replied with an expression of amusement.

[There’s no need to rush me. I will burn you to death in less time than it takes for a fly’s wings to burn off in a flash of lightning. However, it would be a shame to end it too quickly, so I’m just enjoying some foreplay for now…]

“Wow, you really are talkative.”

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Minhyuk opened fire on the red dragon with the minigun.

During his day spent in the isolated world of the watchtower square, he had modified the minigun at one of the magic tool shops there.

He had added a magical effect to the minigun that counteracted the physical force caused by the recoil, eliminating the recoil from firing.

So, it had become a recoilless gun with absolutely no recoil.

Originally, recoilless guns in modern weapons eliminated recoil by expelling the explosive gas out of the back of the barrel.

The force of that backblast was so powerful that it could harm not only the shooter but also the friendly forces behind them.

However, Minhyuk’s magical recoilless gun didn’t have that drawback.

He could fire precision shots safely and comfortably.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Minhyuk continued to fire at the Red Dragon.

As the shells exploded, shrapnel flew in all directions.

The red dragon’s hide was torn, and blood gushed out.

However, it didn’t even flinch.

Its size meant that it was also incredibly tough.


Light burst out from the red dragon’s entire body.

It was using healing magic.

The wounds all over its body were healed in an instant.

Then, immediately,


It vanished like smoke.

‘Where did it go?’


The red dragon suddenly appeared right in front of Minhyuk’s nose.

Minhyuk was startled and resumed firing.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Even as blood poured from the cannon wounds, the creature didn’t flinch.

Information about the creature appeared before Minhyuk’s eyes.

<Flammdramon (Flame Dragon) discovered.>

<You will receive 2,400 hours of return time if you defeat the Flammdramon (Flame Dragon).>

This one was slightly different from the other dragons he had faced so far.

It wasn’t just a dragon, it was a Flame Dragon.

He had heard about Flame Dragons from Professor Raymon.

‘Wyverns’ were completely different creatures from dragons, but ‘Flame Dragons’ fell into the category of dragons.

Regular dragons typically lived for several thousand years, but some individuals lived for tens of thousands of years.

Dragons that lived that long went through one or two transformations (metamorphosis) and gained much stronger bodies and abilities.

The red dragon in front of him was such a Flame Dragon.

Killing it would earn him 100 days of return time, 10 times more than regular dragons.

‘Is it 10 times stronger than other dragons?’

From Noble mtl dot com


The red dragon breathed fire towards Minhyuk.

It was a direct hit from a very close range, so there was no way to avoid it.

Its flames were much hotter than those of any other dragon he had faced so far.

In an instant, the blue flames pierced through the protective barrier and the flame-proof armor and reached Minhyuk’s skin.


Minhyuk groaned in extreme pain.

His entire body was burned.


The red recovery potion in Charon’s potion pouch was consumed at an incredible speed, healing his wounds.

But soon, he was burned again.

It was impossible to keep going like this.

He had to get away from the flames.

There were two ways to escape.

One was to return to the real world,

The other was to use the necklace to enter the isolated world.

‘Let’s go to the Magic Tower Square.’

Minhyuk infused magic power into the necklace pendant.


With a blinding flash, he was transported to the Magic Tower Square 20,000 years in the past.


Minhyuk was standing in the middle of the bustling square.

It was exactly the same scenery as when he first entered this place.

The same day kept repeating.

The only difference from last time was that Minhyuk’s body was on fire.


He used cooling magic to put out the remaining flames on his body.

And filled Charon’s potion pouch with red potions.


He uncorked one bottle and drank it directly.


The burn wounds healed instantly.

The armor that had been damaged by fire was also cleanly repaired by the auto-repair spell.

Some passersby who were passing by ran over with surprised expressions and asked.

“Are you okay? You were on fire just now.”

“It’s nothing.”

“Well, that’s a relief.”

The passersby went their separate ways.


Only then did Minhyuk breathe a sigh of relief.

‘I almost died.’

The red dragon’s words that he could kill Minhyuk in an instant were by no means a bluff.

He couldn’t even imagine that it would move to his nose in an instant and spew flames.

He could move at a speed almost like teleportation within his line of sight.

Anyway, he got out of the crisis.

However, strictly speaking, the crisis was only ‘paused’ for a moment.

If he spends a day here and returns to his original time, he will be engulfed in his flames again immediately.

‘I need to come up with a plan.’

There were a lot of magic shops here.

I didn’t even look around much when I came last time.

And there were all sorts of magical tools.

If you look carefully, there must be a way to block the red dragon’s flame attack.

‘Let’s prepare the money first.’


Minhyuk headed to the material shop he had visited last time.

I was thinking of getting rid of the rare metal and raising funds there.

The 100,000 dallants I had prepared last time have already been spent.

<Charles’ Material Shop>

When he entered the store, the owner of the store greeted Minhyuk from last time.


He looked at Minhyuk’s outfit and continued.

“You don’t seem to be from here! Let me guess!”

It was the exact same line as last time.

Minhyuk just answered first.

“I’m from Bromley.”

“Ah… As I thought. But where in Bromley…”

“I’m from a very small countryside that you wouldn’t know even if I told you.”

“Well, there are many small towns in Fromm. I’d rather be in a small countryside than a big city like this.”

“I have some items I’d like to sell.”

Minhyuk got straight to the point.

He didn’t have time to listen to the shopkeeper’s chit-chat.

He needed to quickly secure some cash and come up with a plan to block the Red Dragon’s flames.

The shopkeeper asked Minhyuk with a slightly nervous expression, “What do you have for me?”

Minhyuk placed a handful of Star Metal grains on the table.

Then, as if on cue, the shopkeeper’s expression brightened.

“Oh! So much Star Metal!”

Last time, he had offered 100,000 Dalant for a handful, and it had been accepted right away.

So this time, he offered 10 times that amount.

“1,000,000 Dalant.”

The shopkeeper waved his hand dismissively.

“Oh, 1,000,000 Dalant is too expensive. 500,000 Dalant, maybe.”

“Then 900,000.”



“700,000! I can’t go any higher.”


The price for a handful of Star Metal was set at 700,000 Dalant.

That was 7 times higher than last time.

Minhyuk sold 100 handfuls of Star Metal.

He secured 70,000,000 Dalant.

Considering the cost of living here, it was about 70 billion won in Korean currency.

He wasn’t sure if this amount of money would be enough to secure a way to block the Red Dragon’s flames.

Well, if he ran out of money, he could always sell more Star Metal.

“By any chance, do you know of a way to block a Wyvern’s flames?”

Minhyuk asked the shopkeeper before leaving the materials shop.

He didn’t deal in weapons or armor, but he might know something.

The shopkeeper scratched his chin with his index finger and said,

“Even among Wyverns, the strength of their flames varies greatly depending on the species. Which species of Wyvern are you referring to?”

Minhyuk recalled the information about the Red Dragon.

He was of the ‘Flarma’ species.

“A Flarma Wyvern.”

“Flarma! They have the strongest flames among Wyverns! There’s no way to block their flames with ordinary methods! Are you planning to hunt a Flarma Wyvern?”

Minhyuk nodded.

“Then you’ll need very special armor. There’s only one place in the world that deals in such rare armor.”

“Where is that?”

The shopkeeper pointed to the top of the Magic Tower with his finger.

“The very peak of the Magic Tower.”





Minhyuk arrived at the top floor of the Magic Tower through a teleportation portal.

The Magic Tower in this era was not a dungeon where monsters popped out.

It was like a shopping mall where stores were located on each floor.

There was a teleportation portal on each floor, so you could freely move between floors.

There were also hundreds of stores on the top floor.

He walked around slowly, looking around, and found the store that the material shop owner had introduced him to.

<Helena’s Defense Shop / Custom-made Specialist>

Minhyuk entered the store.

The store was not that big.

A middle-aged woman with a warm body who was sitting at the counter got up and approached Minhyuk when she saw him.

“Welcome! Are you here for custom-made armor?”

“I need armor that can block the fire of the Flamma Wyvern…”

“But customer…”

She looked at the armor that Minhyuk was currently wearing and made a surprised expression.

“Where on earth did you get such armor? No matter how much retro is in fashion these days, that’s too much!”

It was a roundabout way of saying that the armor he was wearing had terrible performance.

“My underwear has higher defense than that customer’s armor. Hohoho!”

She said, holding back her laughter when Minhyuk didn’t respond.

“Oh my, I’m sorry. You’re not offended, are you?”

“Not at all.”

Her salesmanship to stimulate the customer’s pride was obvious to Minhyuk.

Minhyuk ignored it and asked the main question again.

“Do you have any armor here that can block the fire of the Flamma Wyvern?”

Then the store owner nodded with a serious expression.

“Of course! If you wear the latest flame-retardant armor that I recently made, the fire of the Flamma Wyvern will feel like a warm spring breeze.”

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