Transcendent Warrior With A Dimensional Shifting

Chapter 74

Transcendent Warrior With A Dimensional Shifting Inventory 74


Minhyuk looked down from Chun-sam’s back.

The citadel of Asdel came into view.

It looked to be about 1,000 meters high.

“This is dizzying.”

He had always wondered.

What would it feel like to ride a winged beast like a dragon or griffin and fly through the sky?

And now he knew for sure.

“If I fall, I’ll die instantly.”

The strength of his arms hugging Chun-sam’s neck increased.

If he were to fall from his back now and crash to the ground, he would die instantly without even having a chance to drink a recovery potion.

Would Chun-sam save him by descending at an incredible speed?

“I don’t think that’s possible yet.”

Chun-sam, who had only recently been able to fly, was clumsy at controlling his direction.

He would never be able to perform an acrobatic feat like catching Minhyuk in the air as he fell.

So riding Chun-sam and flying high was still extremely dangerous.

“Chun-sam, descend!”


Chun-sam followed Minhyuk’s words.

Like a parrot.

And then he slowly began to descend.

He didn’t just follow his words, he understood what he meant.


The altitude decreased by several dozen meters.

Then, the faces of the people in the town square became clear.

They also looked up at the sky.

“Wow! It’s His Majesty the Emperor!”

“His Majesty the Emperor!”

Both children and adults cheered at Minhyuk.

Minhyuk had expanded the territory of the sanctuary, opened up the future of Asdel, and enriched the lives of its people.

He was more than just an emperor; he was their superstar.

No wonder ‘Emperor’ was the number one aspiration for the children of Asdel.

There were even ministers who insisted that such children should be punished for treason.

Flap, flap-

Chun-sam hovered over the town square.

“Chun-sam! Let’s go home!”

“Let’s go home!”

Chun-sam slowly turned and headed for the Imperial Palace.

Not only did he understand human speech, but he also knew the location of the Imperial Palace.

The chick that had hatched just a month ago was very intelligent.

Flap, flap-

Chun-sam, who had arrived at the Imperial Palace, landed in the garden.


Min-hyuk, who had safely set foot on the ground again, was relieved.

Professor Raymond, who happened to be in the garden, approached him and said.

“If you put a saddle on the Griffin’s back, it will be more comfortable to fly.”

Min-hyuk had been thinking the same thing.

Since he was riding bareback, the fur was very slippery.

His butt kept sliding to the right and then to the left,

Making it difficult to maintain his posture.

It would be much easier to ride if a saddle was made to fit Chun-sam’s body.

However, it could not be a safety device in case of a fall.

It would be safer to wear a parachute when riding Chun-sam.

However, it would not be easy to make a modern parachute.

Even if he found the blueprints and made an exact copy, he would have to go through countless trial and error and modifications.

He suddenly wondered what kind of safety devices the wizards of the past used.

After all, there were those among them who tamed and rode Griffins.

“What did the wizards of old do?”

“Wizards didn’t have to worry about falling. They all basically learned the magic of flight.”

The best way not to die from a fall was to learn how to fly.

“If you can fly, why ride a Griffin?”

“It’s probably because the Griffin is faster. It also saves magic power.”

The only way for a human to fly without any special equipment was through the magic of flight.

But in an age when all the wizards were gone, where could one go to learn magic?

Suddenly, the unidentified man that Tarman had mentioned came to Min-hyuk’s mind.

He had used his staff to create a gust of wind and blow away the dragon’s poison.

“Isn’t there a single wizard in Astel?”

“No. Before the Cataclysm, there were quite a few, but… Even in Sylphir, where the Magic University was located, there are no wizards left.”

Astel bordered two countries.

Melvec to the south and Sylphir to the north.

“It was said that all the wealth of the world gathered in Astel, and the wise men gathered in Sylphir.”

Sylphir was also the hometown of the great wizard, Allen, who created the Altar of Protection.

“How do you know that there are no wizards in Sylphir either?”

“A dozen years ago, the ‘Magicians’ of Sylphir visited Astel Castle.”


“They are people who specialize in handling magical tools. They said that all the wizards from the Magic University had also disappeared.”

Apparently, after the Cataclysm, all the wizards on the continent of Rania disappeared overnight.

Why that happened was still an unsolved mystery.

“The sorcerers may be gone, but the magical tools they crafted remain.”

Those who excavated and utilized the tools left behind by the sorcerers were known as Magitech Specialists.

However, it was said that the Magitech Specialists of Silphir and Asdel had engaged in battle.

Apparently, all the Magitech Specialists from both sides perished in that incident.

“Why did they fight?”

“I heard that they deceived the late emperor. I don’t know the details. I wasn’t serving in the Imperial Palace at the time.”

Since then, Asdel and Silphir had no further dealings with each other.

“Silphir’s Academy of Magic must still have various magical tools. There might even be books that teach magic.”


Minhyuk was lost in thought.

He had been contemplating where to conquer next after Melbeck, and now he had a new destination.

“I’m hungry!”

Chun Sam began to whine for food.

Minhyuk ordered the attendants to bring fruits and grains.

First, he took out some dried blue earthworms from the refrigerator and fed them to him.


The attendants brought over 20 large basins filled with Chun Sam’s food.

The amount he could devour in a day was enormous.

Perhaps it was because he was still growing.

Crunch, crunch-

Professor Raymon spoke as he watched Chun Sam eating his food with gusto.

“It is said that a fully grown parrot griffin is as large as a giant duck.”

Parrot griffins were not as large as colossal beasts like dragons, teidons, or kudalkangs.

However, they were still considerably large creatures.

A giant duck was roughly 4 meters tall.

If Chun Sam grew that large, his flying speed would be much faster than it was now.

“Eat well and grow big and strong.”

“Got it!”

Chun Sam replied to Minhyuk’s words.

Sometimes, he would respond with more than just repeating the same words.

“Don’t use informal language. You should say, ‘Understood.’”





The day finally arrived for Minhyuk to depart for Melbeck.

Asdel’s soldiers had gathered outside the city gates.

Minhyuk had mobilized 30,000 troops for this visit to Melbeck.

Many of them were soldiers who hailed from Melbeck.

They were filled with excitement at the prospect of returning to their hometown and seeing their families after so long.

“Could you please pass on a message to our families when you get to Melbeck?” the soldiers who couldn’t go this time asked them.

“It would be better if you wrote a letter. I’ll deliver it for you.”

“Actually, I’m… illiterate.”

“What have you been doing all this time without learning to read and write? Okay, I’ll tell your family that you’re doing very well.”

“Thank you.”

“You’re welcome. And you’ll be coming to Melbeck soon, too.”

Minhyuk planned to transport the Gate from Tamirn Fortress to Melbeck.

Once the Gate was installed in Melbeck, not only he but anyone could use the Teleport to travel between Astel and Melbeck.

This would allow soldiers who worked in Astel to rest in Melbeck during their time off.

And vice versa.

Bam! Bam!

The sound of a trumpet rang out.

Clack, clack.

The soldiers began to march in unison.

The soldiers who set off from Astel Fortress arrived at Tamirn Fortress after a day’s march.

There, they loaded the Gate onto a wagon.

And so began the journey to Melbeck in earnest.


Minhyuk flew over the marching soldiers on Chun-sam.

After making a saddle and putting it on Chun-sam’s back, he felt much more stable than before.

Even so, he didn’t fly very high.

Minhyuk’s eyes fell on the princess.

She was walking at the front of the procession.

As she had wished to follow him wherever he went, she had joined them on this trip.

But her hairstyle had completely changed.

Her long, flowing hair had been cut short.

After landing Chun-sam, Minhyuk got off his back.

He approached the princess and asked, “Did you cut your hair?”

“Yes, my long hair was getting in the way of my sword training.”

The princess had become engrossed in swordsmanship lately.

She practiced swordsmanship with General Drake almost every day.

Even on days when she didn’t have swordsmanship lessons, she never let go of her sword.

She was sublimating her desire for revenge against Mina into sword training.

According to General Drake, her swordsmanship skills were improving day by day.

However, Minhyuk’s interest was not in her swordsmanship at the moment.

‘Now that she’s cut her hair, can she still make a bunch of dollars?’

Since she had gotten a haircut, he wasn’t sure if all of her hair had turned into Dragon’s Breath, or if it could still turn into a bunch of dollars.

Well, I don’t need dollars right now, so let’s check the refrigerator later.

Min-hyuk asked the princess something else.

“Do you remember the sorcerers from Sylphir?”

Since Professor Raymon did not know the situation well, he asked the princess.

“Yes, they visited the imperial palace when I was very young.”

“Do you know why they came to Asdel?”

“I was too young to know at the time, but my father told me about the incident in detail a few years later.”

The sorcerers from Sylphir asked the late emperor for access to the Altar of Protection in the basement of the Asdel Imperial Palace.

“What were they trying to do with the Altar of Protection?”

“They said they could expand the realm of protection without a magical orb. Of course, my father didn’t believe them.”

The late emperor refused their request.

However, the sorcerers of Sylphir did not back down easily.

They tried to access the Altar of Protection secretly but were caught by the guards.

And a battle ensued.

The guards alone could not handle them armed with magical tools.

In the end, Asdel’s sorcerers came out, and everyone died together during the battle.

They all perished together.




Finally, the Asdel soldiers crossed the Horn Mountains.

A huge lake caught Min-hyuk’s eyes.

It was the lake where Kudalkang had lived.

‘Isn’t it said that old clams live there?’

He wanted to go and pick up the conch shells right away.

If he found a shell from a 1,000-year-old clam, he would get 1,000-year-old ginseng.

However, for now, he had to endure it and visit Melbeck Fortress first.

No matter how great an emperor he was, he could not satisfy his desires while leading an army of 30,000 soldiers.

And this place was outside the realm of protection, so there might be some dangerous elements lurking around.

A dragon could also attack.

So, he would first restore the Altar of Protection in Melbeck Fortress.

If he restored the Altar of Protection with the dragon’s heart, part of the lake would be included in the realm of protection.

Then, he could leisurely collect the clam shells without interference from the dragons.

‘Should I just pick up one while I’m passing by?’


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Min-hyuk moved toward the lakeside riding Chunsam.

When he saw it up close, the lake felt like an ocean.


It was a lake, but it even had waves.

It seemed like a place where 1,000-year-old clams would live.

Minhyuk looked around the lake.

A large seashell half-buried in the sand caught his eye.

Minhyuk got off Chun-sam’s back and picked up the seashell.

<Rose Conch Shell>

It was the very seashell he had been looking for.

He counted the number of stripes and it was a whopping 300.

‘300 years old!’

Minhyuk put the seashell in the refrigerator.



With a flash of light, he was back in the back of the truck.

He opened the refrigerator and found a ginseng much larger than the one he had bought for 100 million won.

‘Let’s get it appraised.’

Minhyuk carefully packed the ginseng in a box, making sure not to damage the fine roots, and headed to the appraiser.

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