Transcended as Lord Buggy

Chapter 366: New Journey

Chapter 366: New Journey

Clown Pirates finally starts sailing again because they've finished their Clownland business. The Caribbean can already manage it themselves, so the crew can leave it. Some problems may need their help, so they need to always be ready to return anytime.

They don't have any problem returning anytime because they are just sailing relaxedly now without any big goal like reaching the end of Log Pose. This is just the time for a fun adventure around New World. The sea of nightmare for most crews is just a place to have fun for The Clown Pirates.

Buggy has heard that Big Mom is planning to visit Clownland soon, so he decides to explore Big Mom's territories first. His reason is simple, Big Mom won't be able to do funny things on Clownland because he will destroy her territories if she does.

Big Mom knows this too, but she's just laughing and still goes to Clownland. It's not like she wants to start a war with the Clown Pirates now, she still needs their weapons, after all. So she still goes to Clownland and sends her older children to supervise The Clowns on their exploration.

Surprisingly, Big Mom really enjoys her visit to Clownland. She wants to visit it often, but Buggy forbids it because she will scare the civilians. His staff also can't handle Big Mom, so Buggy stops her using any means.

Then, it's Whitebeard's turn after Big Mom. Buggy laughs when he knows that Whitebeard is visiting Clownland. He even calls the old man just to laugh at him. Buggy even regrets leaving the Clownland at this time because he wants to see Whitebeard's old ass riding a cute pony on a merry-go-round.

Of course, the old man is pissed by his useless call and immediately closes it. Buggy & his crew are laughing on the ship floor right now even though currently they are sailing in very bad weather. But imagining Whitebeard taking a photo with some mascots is more important than the weather that can sink their ship.

This becomes a nice topic for the crew because they will be able to see footage of Whitebeard's Clownland adventure when they return. The Clownland has many surveillance cameras and Buggy has asked his staff to record what Whitebeard & Big Mom did for fun.

Some organizations also come to Clownland when The Clown Pirates are away. Most of them just want to check the Emperor's base while trying to plant spies. Buggy knows it will happen, but he isn't worried at all.

He has prepared countermeasures for this kind of thing. One of his most trusted staff in the Clownland has eaten Glare Glare Fruit, the devil fruit that Viola has in the series. It allows the user to read others' minds which will help them find spies from other organizations.

The one who ate the fruit is a man who was once a member of Clown Pirates named Woles. He retired before the war against Beasts Pirates because he lost his right foot. Ruff has made an artificial right foot for him, but he still doesn't want to return to the crew because he already has a family now, so he doesn't want to be a pirate again.

Buggy then offered him to work in the Caribbean and he agreed. Then when the Clownland was constructed, Buggy trusts the management of the Clownland to him. Buggy even gave Woles Glare Glare Fruit to help his job, making him very grateful, and swore to protect Clownland at all costs.

With Woles's ability, Clownland will be safer because it can prevent danger before it happens. But one man can't do everything, so they need other protections too. Aside from weapons, they need trustworthy people to manage the Clownland.

All of Buggy's crewmates who have retired are now working in Clownland. Even some of Roger Pirates' former members are working there. Not only because they know Buggy, they are paid well and this place offers them a lot of freedom while working, something they really like.

That's why Clownland will be safe while The Clown Pirates are away. Buggy is even confident his people in the base can hold attacks from Marine, WG, Whitebeard, or Big Mom until his crew returns. As for average pirate crews or organizations, they will get defeated without Clown Pirates' help.

Anyway, Clown Pirates' adventure is going well without any meaningful problems. They are exploring Big Mom's territories, after all. So other than uncomfortable gazes that can't pierce their thick skins, everything is fine.

They are a bunch of shameless people, after all, so they can walk around enemies' territories as if those are their places. The crew doesn't even hasten their exploration, they take their time. It frustrated Big Mom's children, but there's nothing they can do because they want to avoid war.

The Clown Pirates' exploration on Big Mom's territories takes 4 months to finish. There's no big clash or something though, so the media is very disappointed. They thought that war will happen, so they follow Clown Pirates' movements for 4 months, but nothing happen.

After Big Mom's territories, they go to explore Whitebeard's territories. Unlike Big Mom Pirates, Whitebeard Pirates are more relaxed about the Clown Pirates' exploration. Even if they aren't friends, Buggy's relationship with Whitebeard is far better than Big Mom's.

Whitebeard doesn't even send his children to follow Clown Pirates. He only instructed those who manage his territories to call him if the Clown Pirates are causing a problem. But the only calls he gets are panic calls because those people are afraid.

The Clown Pirates just walk around normally, but people are too paranoid sometimes. They get afraid & worried even before anything happens. Their worry doesn't last long though because in just a few days of their visit, the Clown Pirates have blended with the people.

The exploration on Whitebeard's territories takes 7 months, 3 months longer than Big Mom's territories. Not only Whitebeard has more territories, but he also doesn't limit the place that The Clown Pirates could visit like Big Mom. So they have more places to explore which increases their exploration time.

These territories are interesting, but the adventure isn't too exciting especially Big Mom's territories. All those places have been changed to her liking and even Whitebeard's territories have been changed even if it's not much. So those places look quite similar to each other.

It's been more than a year since their break and many things have happened all over the world. One thing that interests them the most is the news of their apprentices. The teenagers have finally entered Grandline after staying in North Blue for 2 years.

Their crew's name is Legend Pirates and their flag is a cracked skull with a big L character behind. No one knows why they chose it, but it angers a lot of veteran pirates because it's a presumptuous name. That's why they often get attacked by veteran pirates who have operated for many years but haven't accomplished big things.

Big Pirate crews with great achievements like the Emperor of the Sea or those with high bounties are ignoring them though, it's just a name, after all. The ones offended are just those who never actually accomplished anything great and they get offended for no reason.

And those people actually make these young rookies turn into real legends by getting defeated. Of course, people will notice if a rookie pirate crew is defeating quite many veteran crews. Even if those veterans are weak, they are still veterans with a lot of experience, so defeating them is still a great feat.

The Legend Pirates now have 19 members and they all are young people. But the ones who have bounties are still just the 4 apprentices. Their bounties are high enough to make the Clown Pirates proud of them.


You can read up to 35+35 chapters ahead of my fanfics and more pictures on my Pa_treon page if you are interested.

Voting for this book is highly appreciate. Cover image is the MC, artist's ig: @fatmaqn_

I've uploaded:

1. Chapter 390 of Fairy Tail: Sun Eater

2. Chapter 401 of Transcended as Lord Buggy

3. Pictures of both stories (ex: bounty poster & magazine cover) by fatmaqn_ /CaptMermain

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