Transcended as Lord Buggy

Chapter 364: A Tour

Chapter 364: A Tour

Their big party lasts for hours from night to morning. Well, it's a normal thing for the Clown Pirates though. But it's a special occasion for the crew, so that party seems lacking actually. That's why they hold another party again, but now everyone on the island participates.

So instead of a party, it is more proper to be called a Grand Celebration or a festival. This is to celebrate the reconstruction of Clownland, after all. It's also a moment to announce this island's status as the crew's base officially.

Then to make it better, they start trying out the entertainment concepts of this island. They activate all the modes and open up all the public buildings. Then The Clown Pirates are touring around the entertainment district to have fun.

Buggy has given The Caribbean and the reconstruction team the basic concepts & ideas for this place. But he let them add things that they thought are good. So only those involved in the construction process know everything this place offers now.

Even Buggy doesn't know it yet, so he is very excited to see the stuff here. This will also be an evaluation time though because he & his clueless crewmates will judge what's good and bad from the perspective of those who don't know anything yet.

The first thing they see are some people dressed as pirates with Clown masks. These people are welcoming visitors like other tourist destinations. It's a normal thing, but then a man completely dressed up like Buggy comes out.

The Clown Pirates are stunned to see the man who imitates Buggy's appearance very well. His basic appearance seems to be close to Buggy, so he can imitate his looks so well. Buggy is still speechless by it because he didn't plan this, but his crewmates are rolling on the floor while laughing their ass off.

"HAHAHAHA, HE LOOKS EXACTLY LIKE YOU," shouts Cricket while holding his stomach that hurts because he laughs too loudly. Everyone laughs harder when they hear that.

"Sigh, who's fucking idea is this?" asks Buggy while slapping his forehead.

"Hahaha, who else? It's the idea of someone who can mimic his surroundings and even a person's appearance," says Palu.

Buggy looks at Deon who is still laughing on the floor. A tick mark appears on Buggy's forehead and he picks up Deon's foot and raises Deon upside down quite high in front of him. Deon is still laughing even when he's hanging upside down now.

"It seems you really want to get beaten up," says Buggy pissedly.

Deon holds his laugh and looks at the fake Buggy before saying, "Oh no! Lord Buggy, no, Captain, help me. This man is trying to beat my ass. Oh, wait! I talked to the wrong person."

Everyone laughs even harder now when they see that and some of them add fuel to the flame by saying that Buggy is the one imitating the man dressed as him. This crew really doesn't care if Buggy is their Captain. They will make fun of him anytime, it's not something that can't be found in other crews.

The veins on Buggy's forehead increase in number and size. He also grinds his teeth because he is very pissed right now. His face also gets red which makes it similar to his red nose now.

Then the pissed Buggy says, "You know what? I also have a new idea to add to this place. It's a fun mode to give people a flying experience. But we need to test its safety first, so why don't you volunteer, Deon? I never saw a flying Chameleon before, but I'm sure you can do it."

Deon is confused at first, but then his face becomes pale, "U-Uh, n-no no no, wait! I'm sor-."

"Toodeloo, motherfucker!" says Buggy before throwing Deon to the sky.

Everyone can hear Deon's scream which starts getting fainter as he flies higher. Now everyone shuts their mouths, even the Giant Magnus.

"Enel, you catch him," says Buggy.

"Why me?" asks Enel in protest.

"I know you were the first one to agree with this damn idea. So catch him or I'll beat your ass," says Buggy.

Enel clicks his tongue because Buggy's guess is right. He unwillingly flies to the sky to catch Deon before the guy falls onto the island or even the sea. As for the rest, they are just standing silently in their spot.

"Sigh, you, the one who imitates me, go and change. I won't fire you, but you won't dress up as me again. If you want to get attacked by those who want my head, then you can do this anytime," says Buggy.

The man looks terrified when he hears that. He has just realized that being Buggy is actually a very dangerous thing to do. So he nods rapidly like a chicken before running off while removing his fake nose & wig.

"Alright, let's continue. You better not pull off something like that again," says Buggy.

The ones who came here earlier and planned that joke are whistling while looking away now. But Buggy just sighs before continuing their tour. His eyes darkened again just a few minutes later though, and so are the others' eyes.

They find a bunch of people who dressed up as each one of them, even the teenagers who have started their own crew. The surprising thing is that these impostors are very similar to them, unlike the fake Straw Hats in the series.

Buggy holds his forehead and says, "You know what? Let's just use this idea."

"What?! You hated it when it was you who get imitated, but now you loved it when it's us?" asks Mantis.

"That's not it, someone will still imitate me. I think it has a lot of benefits, I can smell the money here. But we can't just let them roam around in the open places where bounty hunters or Cipher Pol can suddenly catch them. We need to gather them in an enclosed place," says Buggy.

"How if we make them do a play? A theater?" asks Brook.

Everyone looks at Brook with an impressed look which makes him nervous.

"W-What is it?" asks Brook.

"Genius," says Magnus.

"Well, it's a normal idea. You guys are the ones who are too stupid to not even thought about it," says Buggy, making everyone feels a stab in their hearts.

"Anyway, we need them to do something instead of just loitering around. At least people will know they are actors, so they won't get caught. People are not always that smart, after all. That's why we need to be careful. Ruff, prepare some safety devices for our actors. Dela, find scriptwriters to make some scripts for the act. Also, make the actors look like us, but not too similar so people won't be mistaken. We can improve it after people get used to this, so no one will get caught," says Buggy.

Buggy explains a few more things and gives more tasks to his crewmates. Even Enel who has just returned with the unconscious Deon gets a task. Deon also doesn't get spared and still gets a task that will be relayed later.

The crew continues their tour and they comment on everything. They give their opinions and ideas to improve this place. These people have gone to many places around the world, so they have many interesting ideas based on their experience.

Not everything is approved though and they are still discussing the ideas further. After all, not every interesting idea is good, some are fun to watch but not profitable, or vice-versa. So they discuss them properly and look at the ideas from many sides first.

They try all the modes here, but they find out that what's interesting for normal people might not be interesting for them again. The examples are the Roller Coaster & the thrilling modes. None of them feel thrilled at all because they've gone through many more thrilling things. But well, normal people will like these things, so they don't really mind it, they're just disappointed.

They finish the tour around the entertainment district in a few hours. Everyone is enjoying the tour, after all, so it takes a rather long time. Then they go to the place that can't be entered by anyone except their group, the Castle.


You can read up to 35+35 chapters ahead of my fanfics and more pictures on my Pa_treon page if you are interested.

Voting for this book is highly appreciate. Cover image is the MC, artist's ig: @fatmaqn_

I've uploaded:

1. Chapter 388 of Fairy Tail: Sun Eater

2. Chapter 399 of Transcended as Lord Buggy

3. Pictures of both stories (ex: bounty poster & magazine cover) by fatmaqn_ /CaptMermain

(the web didn't use _underscore_, it's to avoid censorship)

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