Transcended as Lord Buggy

Chapter 187: Big Target

Chapter 187: Big Target

The war goes on and Cricket has led the Clowns to defeat 3/4 of the Marine soldiers. There are some Marine officers from Captain or Lieutenant ranks, but none of them can match the executives.

From 682 Marine soldiers, Cricket alone has defeated 214. He doesn't attack them actively and just helped his crewmates that have a hard time. Some soldiers also attacked him so he defeated them.

The other executives also just helped the normal members but still defeated a lot of soldiers. It proves that the normal members are still not good enough fighting enemies with a much higher number than them.

That's why this war is important for them to gain experience. The executives can also learn to lead and watch over their crew members. If it's just them, then this war will be over by now, but they all want their crewmates to be strong.

Although Enel doesn't care about that and just wants to fight in the big war even though he is tired. So when he arrived, Cricket knocked his head and now he is unconscious. He shouldn't be allowed to disturb the normal members' fights or they won't grow.

Many people and crews will deem what the Clowns do unnecessary. Most crews will do anything to win and don't care much about their crewmates' individual strengths. If some people die, they can just replace them.

What they need is just a number, but Buggy doesn't think like that. He cares about his crewmates' individual strengths because that is important. Everyone can grow strong with the correct method, that's what he believed in.

His target is to make everyone in his crew very strong that even the weakest will have the strength of someone with a bounty of 100 million. That will be very difficult and need a long time to be achieved. People will think that's impossible but he knows that nothing is impossible in this world.

Teaching the crew some proper Martial Arts including Hasshoken is a big step. Other crews won't even bother to teach their members something like Martial Arts. They will just keep it for the main members and let the normal crew members remain weak.

Buggy also will let the normal members eat devil fruits if they find them. He won't tell them to give the devil fruits to him or the executives because they are just normal members. Being fair and square is a must in his crew, and he proved it with Bastia yesterday.

Bastia found a zoan devil fruit and Buggy didn't hesitate to let him eat it. Now everyone in the crew trust that he will be fair with all of them. Some of them don't trust that he will follow the rules before because they all are pirates.

Pirates don't follow rules, even their own rules, it's a normal and common thing. But Buggy has shown that he follows the rules that he set himself. He is someone that will do what he said and won't do the opposite.

That's why now the normal members are in high spirits in this war. They know that if they get stronger and contribute a lot, then they will be able to learn Haki. All of them know what Haki can do and they want it.

So they keep fighting even though the enemies are strong. They get injured but their spirit is getting higher instead. Their high spirit even scares the Marine soldiers who think of them as Maniacs.

Then finally, 20 minutes after the war started, the Clowns have defeated the Marine. Both sides have shown great persistence in this war. Many of them are injured but they stand up & fought again. But the ones who laugh in the end are the Clowns.

"Now we just need to wait for Captain, Palu, & Magnus," says Cricket as he helps some injured crew members.

"They will be fine, especially Captain. Let's just focus on helping these guys, they were forcing themselves too much," says Mantis.

"They wanted to show that they are strong & useful, after all. Ruff! Deon! Call Jude and then tie all those Marine soldiers. Take whatever valuables they have then go back. Brook, play some good songs to entertain our men. Mantis, go cook something for us while Manba treats them," orders Cricket.

They all nod before doing what Cricket ordered. Buggy & co hasn't returned, so they need to do what they can while waiting. Cricket knows that after Buggy returns, they will leave this island immediately, so they all need to be prepared.

In another place when the war was still going on, Magnus fights with Ronse. Magnus has transformed into his Asura form and now wields 2 giant Axes on each side. 4 of his 6 arms are holding the Axes while the other 2 are free.

Ronse is surprised by Magnus's transformation, but he doesn't faze. What he needs to do won't change, he needs to defeat Magnus. He doesn't know what the situation is on the battlefield or the other fights, but he needs to win.

'I don't know what he can do in that form, but I will attack first,' thinks Ronse before attacking Magnus with his Axe.

Magnus sees the incoming Axe and blocks it with the Axe in his right hands. Then he swings the left Axe horizontally to Ronse's body. Ronse sees it coming and jumps away to avoid that.

'Damn, he has higher power than before, and now he has 2 Axes and 2 more free hands. I need to be very careful with this,' thinks Ronse.

"What are you spacing out about, Ronse?" asks Magnus as he attacks Ronse with the right Axe.

Ronse gets surprised and jumps back in reflex, narrowly avoiding the Axe.

"Don't get distracted in our battle, I don't like it," says Magnus as he charges again.

Magnus swings his Axes from all directions toward Ronse who keep blocking one attack and dodging the other. With one Axe, Ronse's choices to attack & defend are a few. It's difficult for Ronse to find a way to attack Magnus who is now bigger & stronger.

As a giant, Ronse is used to fighting people smaller than him. So now when someone a little bigger than him appears, he doesn't know what to do. This lack of experience nearly cost him his life when Magnus slashes his torso 2 times and creates an X shape.

"Ugh!" grunts Ronse as he holds his wounds.

"Is this all you've got, Ronse?" asks Magnus, returning what Ronse asked before.

"Damn," says Ronse in frustration before he charges at Magnus and swings his Axe diagonally from left below.

Magnus counters that attack with his own attack from left above. Then he grabs Ronse with his free left hand and throws the Axe on his right hand.

He forms his 3 right hands into fists and says, "It's over, Ronse!"


Magnus punches Ronse with his 3 right fists at the same time. He hits Ronse's chest, solar plexus, and stomach with his 3 fists. Ronse spits some blood as he gets flung to the sky and then drops on the ground with a big impact.

Ronse lifts his head a little to look at Magnus before he falls unconscious. Magnus puts his Axes on his back and returns to his normal form as he looks at Ronse. He smiles before he turns around and leaves the location.

"Let's fight again in the future, old friend," says Magnus as he leaves.

Meanwhile, Buggy is seen blocking & dodging John's attacks and doesn't attack back at all. He has just kept defending since their fight started. Then suddenly, he grins and jumps back rather far.

"Damn, when will you keep dodging? Come and fight me like a man!" says John.

"Well, I was just playing around before. But it seems playtime is over. My men have done their parts perfectly, so now I need to do mine too. Sorry but, I will attack now," says Buggy as he smirks.


You can read up to 35+ chapters ahead of this fanfic novel & the other one on my Pa_treon page if you are interested.

Clicking that power stone/like also seem to be a good choice, hehe.

I've uploaded:

1. Chapter 211 of Fairy Tail: Sun Eater

2. Chapter 222 of Transcended as Lord Buggy /CaptMermain

(the web didn't use _underscore_, it's to avoid censorship)

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.