Transcended as Lord Buggy

Chapter 185: Against The Marine Again

Chapter 185: Against The Marine Again

After Buggy pushed John a little, he moves to attack John. The situation on the battlefield is still under their control, so he can go to fight his opponent.


"Roger that," replies Cricket.

Buggy moves toward John Giant and then jumps onto him with both his swords ready on each side. Then he slashes his swords upward diagonally and creates a cross slash. John blocks it with his sword but he can't destroy it because it's too strong, so he throws it into the sky.

Buggy grins and says, "Good, if you can't even take that then you're not worthy to have that Vice-Admiral title."

"Hmph, don't look down on me, pirate! Even if you have a bounty of 500 million, this John Giant will not faze," says John firmly.

"Ooh, such a strong determination. I expect no less from the first Giant who join the Marine," says Buggy as he sends another slash attack using Pollux.

John strikes from above to counter the slash attack. But then he gets surprised because this slash attack is a lot stronger than before. Buggy has used Pollux's pressure ability in that slash and it's very strong.

The slash is so strong that it sends John, a giant flies quite high. It surprises the Marine soldiers because they never see John getting pushed until he flies like this. The Clowns' normal members are also surprised and only the executives who aren't that surprised.

"Heh, it's been a long time since Captain used Pollux's ability in a battle," says Mantis.

"He must've missed it. But this is good, now the 3 Giants have left, so we don't need to worry about them," says Cricket.

"Yeah, but I'm worried about Palu. Magnus is a giant and Captain's strength is beyond normal. Palu is strong too, but his opponent is a giant, so it makes me worry," says Deon.

"Hah, don't worry about him. He has sparred with Magnus many times, so he has experience fighting a giant. Besides, Captain gave this task to him, so he must be able to do it," says Cricket.

"Why Captain asked him to fight the giant instead of you, I wonder?" asks Brook.

"Who knows? Ask Captain yourself after this is finished. Now, let's focus on the war and destroy them," says Cricket before he rushes to the enemies.

The war continues and the Clowns are on fire because they are overpowering their opponents. They have high confidence now after defeating the Marine soldiers. Each one of them has defeated more than 3 soldiers, so it really boosted their confidence.

On the ship, however, someone is frustrated. Enel is very annoyed right now because the Marine ships are keeping their distance from Black Pearl. They are very wary of Pearl's railgun, so they go very far and don't do anything.

"Damn, how will we attack them if they're that far? I want to join the big war too, so those ships need to sink," says Enel frustratedly.

"Then why don't you shoot them with your lightning?" asks Manba.

"Can't you see that they're too far?" asks Enel back.

"Heh, so the great Enel can't shoot his lightning at this distance, huh? It's just 5 km and you can't reach it, pathetic," says Jude in a mocking tone.

"What'd you say?" asks Enel pissedly.

"You hear it yourself, you're pathetic. You know that the sky is 10 km high and the cloud can create lightning that reaches the ground. It can travel 10 km, but you can't even shoot it past 5 km. What else should I call you except pathetic," says Jude while smirking.

"Damn bitch, I will show you that this is just a trivial matter," says Enel angrily before he goes to the crow nest.

Manba sighs seeing their quarrel while Jude is smirking. Buggy has asked her to provoke Enel in this situation. Enel is too comfortable in his safe zone lately and doesn't improve that much. So he needs a challenge.

One of Enel's current weaknesses is his attack range. He is too used to close-range combats that he neglects his long-range combat skills. Lightning is good to be used for long-range attacks, so Enel is wasting it by not training his long-range abilities.

That's why Buggy told him to guard the ship because the Marine ships will surely keep their distance, so Enel must use long-range attacks. Although he didn't predict that the Marine ships will take a 5 km distance. He thought it will be 2 or 3 km.

Nevertheless, the longer their distance, the better it is for Enel. Now he is trying to shoot his lightning but he can only reach 2 km. He doesn't use enough power and his lightning is also pulled down by the water.

Jude watches it from below while smirking before she talks to Manba. "Manba, you can leave the ship and help on the battlefield. Captain has asked me to tell you this after Enel starts shooting his lightning. You won't have anything to do here with Enel attacking the Marine ships. So go to the battlefield and tends our men's wounds."

"Captain has thought about everything, huh? What about you?" asks Manba.

"He sure has. I will stay here to watch over that drum man," says Jude.

Manba nods before he takes his medical tools and leaves. Jude is watching Enel while still watching over her surroundings. Some Marine soldiers might sneak into their ship from land, so she needs to keep her guard up.

Meanwhile, on the other side of the island part, a battle of giants is happening. Magnus and Ronse are fighting on the other side of this island part, far from the main battlefield. None of them want to trample over their comrades while they fight seriously.

They fight using the same weapon, a giant 2-handed Axe. Magnus has 2 Axes, but he only uses 1 now because he hasn't used his devil fruit transformation. He wants to fight Ronse with his normal power first. But the result isn't good because Ronse is stronger than him in normal form.

"What's wrong, Magnus? Is this all you've got? We haven't met for decades but you haven't improved that much. This is why you need to side with justice," says Ronse while they clash.

"Shut up, Ronse! I don't care about that justice of yours, I prefer freedom. There's nothing more vexing than too many rules. I don't understand how you can stay sane with all those rules in Marine," says Magnus.

"It's because I value Justice very high," says Ronse.

"Whatever," says Magnus as he jumps back.

Magnus looks at Ronse and knows that he has a low chance of winning in normal form. Ronse has more experience than him because he has joined the Marine since young. Being in Marine means he gets trained hard and has more experience in battles against strong enemies.

On the other hand, Magus was always in Elbaf until he went on his journey to find Dorry 5 years ago. Sure he often trains and spars with other giants, but those are different from real battles where his life is on the line like Ronse. So Ronse is stronger than him now but that's when he is in normal form.

"We often spar when we were young, but you suddenly left to join the Marine, and I was very disappointed at you. Still, I know you will get stronger and stronger in Marine, so I didn't want to lose. I keep training and training then I have a lucky encounter," says Magnus.

"Hmm? What are you talk-," Ronse can't finish his words because Magnus suddenly transforms.

Magnus's skin gets redder and he grows a little bigger. He also grows 2 more heads and 4 more arms. Then he takes his 2nd Axe and now he holds 2 Axes with 2 hands on each side.

"Devil fruit, huh? You sure have a lucky encounter," says Ronse.

"Luck is also power. Now, let's continue the fight, Rear Admiral Ronse," says Magnus as he gets ready to fight again.


You can read up to 35+ chapters ahead of this fanfic novel & the other one on my Pa_treon page if you are interested.

Clicking that power stone/like also seem to be a good choice, hehe.

I've uploaded:

1. Chapter 209 of Fairy Tail: Sun Eater

2. Chapter 220 of Transcended as Lord Buggy /CaptMermain

(the web didn't use _underscore_, it's to avoid censorship)

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.