TOP SECRET: Adventures in the Dark Continent

Chapter 132: The Little Girl

Chapter 132: The Little Girl

The Cook skill was one of the most common and weak, as it does not help the person in combat or something like that. She can only cook delicious foods and on rare occasions, the food can permanently increase some attributes.

To increase the chances of food giving special attributes, the level of the cooking ability needs to be much higher. Or have a rarer cooking skill as a Master Cook, Chef, and more.

Since Lisette's skill was the most basic and common, Cook. She could create delicious foods, but it was difficult to have special attributes.

Liu Yang knows this, and yet, he bought her to be part of his group. At the same time, he knows that slaves with the best skills have already been bought by other nobles.

Who wouldn't want to have extra status permanently? Anyone would want something that easy. Besides, as the best skills were more likely, these slaves were very disputed.

Not just slaves, people with this kind of skill were rich and in demand to be cooks for the nobles. This kind of skill was a great source of wealth if one knows how to use it.

The ability to cook was not for combat, but in the hours of rest, good food can improve anyone's mood.

Lisette was just one of many slaves who had the ability to cook, so she would not be considered special. But Liu Yang already had a plan to help her improve her skill.

"Young master, do you think I'm good to be eaten?" Lisette asked pervertedly. She knows what a slave must do when she is alone with her master.

Besides, the two have done this before in the slave market. She wanted to feel that pleasure again. 

"I will only know after trying it out" Liu Yang stood up and kissed her on the lips.

The pair started to roll on the bed, their clothes flying before moans of pleasure echoed through the room.

One hour later

"You can get some rest. I will talk to the others "Liu Yang looked at the beautiful young woman lying on the bed. She had her eyes closed with a beautiful smile on her face.

The activity session left her very satisfied.

Lisette was sleeping soundly and did not answer Liu Yang's question. He squeezed a ring on his finger, Heidi and Lilaris got out of the ring.

The ring was made of steel with some gold and silver designs, some jewelry was also placed on the ring. The ring was pretty flashy.

What ring is that Liu Yang had on his finger? He didn't have that before.

The answer is simple. That ring was something he managed to get off the gacha machine.

"You two know what to do." Liu Yang ordered.

"Roar" The two beasts accepted the orders and used their skills.

Lisette was sleeping more soundly than before. The two beasts were making her sleep a lot and not waking up easily.

Liu Yang's hand flashed before touching Lisette's head. He removed the old slave mark and put his mark. The process was quite painful, luckily, he found a way to relieve that pain.


The cart with the food plates has already been devoured by the four women. They were happy to be able to eat something so good after so long. Two of them were sitting in different corners while two were together.

"Tessa, could you come with me for a moment?" Liu Yang called the little girl who was standing next to a woman. The two were sitting on the sofa.

"Yes, young master" The little girl replied excitedly. She looked to be about eleven or twelve. Her appearance was beautiful and cutie, but her lean and malnourished body was in contrast to that beauty. This was because she was not well-fed in the slave market.

Why did Liu Yang buy her? Besides, the woman who was with her seemed to be very concerned about the little girl after she was called by Liu Yang.

"Tessa ..." The woman was startled to see the little girl jump off the sofa and head towards Liu Yang. The woman's appearance was a little worse than the little girl's appearance because she gave some of her food to the little girl to have a better diet.

"Mom, you don't have to worry about me. The young master will not do anything to me" Tessa replied excitedly. She has talked with Liu Yang in the slave market a bit before.

"..." The woman was quiet and could only watch Liu Yang and her daughter enter another room.

The other two women were a little strange to see this scene. For it was a little strange to see an adult man and a little girl entering a room alone.

The man was the master and the little girl was the slave.

Some strange thoughts came to their minds, they even started to think that Liu Yang could be some kind of lolicon or something.

If Liu Yang knew what the women were thinking, he didn't know if he would laugh or cry. He would just talk to Tessa and nothing else.

"Young master, what kind of subjects do you have to talk about with me? Haven't we talked about before?" Tessa was jumping on the bed in the bedroom while Liu Yang was sitting on the chair looking at this scene.

She was enjoying the feeling of jumping on the bed.

"Tessa, am I curious about how you and your mother became slaves? This is a little weird" Liu Yang was curious about this. He did not know how a mother and daughter became slaves, since the daughter was still a child.

"Well ..." Tessa stopped jumping and lay down on the bed. She was looking at the ceiling and thinking about what to say.

"Is that something hard to remember?" Liu Yang saw the little girl's thoughtful face. 

"Yes. My and mom's life changed after our family lost everything in a dispute against another noble family. Dad and many other relatives were killed and our properties were stolen by the other noble family, many of the relatives fled while the servants and other relatives were sold as slaves." Tessa commented vaguely about the things that happened. She didn't want to talk about it too much because it was something she didn't like to remember.

(It seems that disputes over wealth and power among the nobles in the city are really common. This is similar to the things I read in the novels) Liu Yang thought for a while. He understands that the losing side will always be left with nothing.

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