TOP SECRET: Adventures in the Dark Continent

Chapter 129: The female slave without an arm

Chapter 129: The female slave without an arm

The place where Liu Yang was taken was a bright room with a table with two chairs and a double bed. The place seemed to be some kind of room for buyers to try their slaves.

The wealth was just right, and the fragrant smell could be felt inside the room.

"Dear customer, you can sit down."

"Thank you" Liu Yang sat on the chair while she started preparing some drinks and snacks. He couldn't resist and kept looking at Lisette's beautiful body, despite her back, her figure was beautiful.

Adding to the fact that her body could be seen. This increased Liu Yang's warm looks.

"Dear customer, do you like what you see?" Lisette asked without turning to Liu Yang.

"Yes. You are very beautiful "He praised. Liu Yang would not lie about that.

"I thank the dear customer for the compliment. If the dear customer wants to see more, you can buy me. I am also a slave who is for sale. If the dear customer buys me, I can show you everything and the dear customer can do whatever he wants with me" Lisette spoke in an ambiguous and perverted way. She was also a commodity to be bought.

In the slave market, there were several ways to show the slaves, some of them were at the entrance dancing, others inside the hall. Some were like Lisette, who work as maids to help customers buy slaves.

If the customer liked their services, they usually buy them for personal use and to do nightly services.

"I will think about it" Liu Yang laughed awkwardly. He had no interest in buying another slave besides the ones he was looking for.

But if Lisette has any interesting skills that can help his group, Liu Yang wouldn't think twice about buying her.

"I thank the dear customer for these words. Dear customer, what kind of slaves are you looking for? Men, women, beasts, or cursed slaves?" Lisette put the snacks and drinks on the table.

"I would like female slaves."

"Dear customer, this is our catalog with the information of each female slave on the market. The dear customer can filter the type of slave to improve the search" Lisette placed a magic book on the table.

"I see ..." Liu Yang opened the book and an image appeared along with some options to filter the options. He started flipping through the pages to see some interesting slaves.

Their level didn't matter much, as he could train them later. The easiest way would be to get out of the city at night and fight night creatures for several days in a row. Leveling would be quick and practical.

(It looks like there is also the attribute and skill filter) Liu Yang was surprised to see this.

The book could separate slaves by their level, attributes, or by the skills they had.

"Dear customer, do you have any special type of slave that you would like to look at?" Lisette saw that Liu Yang was looking at the slaves with a lot of points in the agility attribute, so she guessed that he was interested in fast slaves.

"Yes. I would like slaves with bow skills, magic traps, and traps to capture creatures, as well as killer-type slaves" Liu Yang understands that Lisette must know a lot about the slaves on the market and she knows how to find it in the catalog faster than he.

"If the esteemed customer wants this type of slave, this is easy to find. Allow me" She borrowed the catalog.

Liu Yang passed the catalog to her. Lisette touched some points in the catalog and gave it back to Liu Yang.

"Dear customer, as you have many types of orders. First, I filtered female slaves who have great skills with bows" Lisette commented.

"I see ..." Liu Yang looked at the pictures of the slaves and commented. He saw that some slaves had interesting skills, but it didn't do much for his group today.

(This woman has an interesting skill, but for the group, she will not serve much. If I don't find another option, I will buy her) Liu Yang saw a 27-year-old woman, she was beautiful, if it weren't for because of the big scar on the right side of her face, and several scars on her body.

Her skills were related to archery, traps, and escape, and her level was 36, she had the characteristics of an assassin, but the problem was that she was in some trouble. The woman did not have an arm, this makes it a little difficult for her to use the bows again.

(If there is any way to restore her hand, she could become a great archer and assassin in the group. However, if someone with her skills remains in the market, it shows that the nobles were not interested in buying her, but why?) Liu Yang did not understand why the woman still had her arm ripped off.

Another thought he had was about why she was still in the slave market. For her skills and attributes were good for killing and hunting.

Liu Yang has experienced something like this before, but the woman's situation was different. She lost her arm a long time ago and it hasn't been healed yet. This situation shows that she had some problems and cannot be cured over time.

To make matters worse, the catalog didn't talk about it.

(Should I ask Lisette about this? She should know about it)

"Miss Lisette, do you know anything about this woman?" Liu Yang chose to call her Miss Lisette rather than slave Lisette. For it shows that Liu Yang sees her as a person and not as a slave.

"She?" Lisette looked at the photo and asked to confirm.

(Miss? You think a lot about me ... I am a slave, I don't deserve to be treated that way ...) Lisette was happy to be called Miss, she realized that Liu Yang was different from the other nobles. She would be happy to be bought by Liu Yang, but that was just a dream of the moment.


"Dear customer, I don't know much about her. Because she was already here when I was sold as a slave. The only information that is known about her is that she was captured after killing a group of people. When she arrived, she was already without her arm" Lisette commented on what she knew about the woman. The same information as described in the catalog.

"But didn't her arm heal?"

"No. This is a little strange because a long time has passed and her arm should already be restored, but for some reason, her arm has not been healed. This is something that nobody knows"

"I see"

"Dear customer, you can continue looking at the catalog to see if there is another slave that interests you"

"Yes. I will try to see if there are any other female slaves with similar abilities and status like her" Liu Yang decided to see other female slaves.

If he can't find any other slave that piques his interest. Liu Yang will buy the woman without one of her arms.

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