TOP SECRET: Adventures in the Dark Continent

Chapter 119: Being poisoned

Chapter 119: Being poisoned

Back to the party ...

Liu Yang was dancing with a beautiful young woman dressed in a yellow dress with white stripes. The young woman was beautiful and had some similarities with Cilia, she is the daughter of Cilia, her name is Dalaris Fiske.

The two were so close that they could feel each other's warmth. Liu Yang had one hand on Dalaris's back and he held one of her hands, she had one hand on Liu Yang's shoulder while the other handheld one of Liu Yang's hands. The two were dancing to the music playing at the party.

Many guests had different looks when they saw this scene. Envy, jealousy, fun, and joy.

This type of situation was common to happen. The envy and jealousy were because Liu Yang was dancing with a goddess in the sons' heart of the nobles of the city, many of them coveted the beauty of the Fiske family's mother and daughter, but few were able to have contact with the two women.

At the same time, some women were envious of Dalaris' luck, as she was having contact with Liu Yang, a new nobleman who received the title of nobility by the Thorps family of Gold-Minner City. This was also a difficult thing to happen.

The fun and joy were those who like to see the chaos. For they understood that young people who had Dalaris as a goddess in their hearts will be extremely jealous and irritated by this situation. Many of them were not even able to touch her hair, let alone dance with her.

This was very enviable for many men.

In a corner of the hall, we can see a young man with a beautiful appearance, he was wearing high-quality social clothes and full of frills. There was a glass of wine in his hand, but the glass was almost broken because of the strength of his hand.

The young man looked at the scene of Liu Yang and Dalaris with blood in his eyes, his face twisted and the veins in his hands and neck were almost bursting. It shows that this scene was very irritating for him to see. He wanted to kill Liu Yang, not only him, but many others also wanted to kill Liu Yang.

(How dare you???!!! You are dancing with my future slave !!!! You are not allowed to do that!!! No man has ever come this close to Dalaris before, but why would she be so bold? In this hall, there are many nobles more powerful than you. Is this something planned by your mother, Dalia? This is laughable, as she will also be my slave eventually. Violating the two of you in bed will be the greatest achievement of my life) The young man thought as he looked at the scene in the center of the room.

His eyes lit up a little before returning to normal, but a cold glow remained.

After some battles with professional assassins, Liu Yang understood what the cold looks were being directed at him. He realized that someone was trying to kill him. But Liu Yang did not know who that person was, because inside the hall there were many people.

(I must be dancing with a woman very much desired for this to happen. It seems that I will have to do something bold to make that person appear.) Liu Yang thought of a small plan.

Suddenly, Liu Yang pulled Dalaris closer to him. The two were dancing as a couple. Their bodies so close together made everyone's thoughts go wild.

(He really dared to do that!!!!!!!!!!) The young men screamed in their minds when they saw this scene. They were most irritated by Liu Yang's boldness.

Crack Crack

The young man on the other side of the room couldn't take it anymore, he squeezed the glass so hard that the glass broke. This scene irritated him much more than before.

(Before I just wanted to teach you a lesson, but now, I want you to die !!! Besides, your woman will also be mine. A beauty like her is not for a low-level noble like you) The young man calmed down when he thought about it. He was the person who sent the invaders to kidnap Alwine at Liu Yang's mansion.

The young man could not stand to see this scene anymore, he left the room and went somewhere.

(It seems that the murderous eyes have increased a lot. Before, I only felt one or the other look, but now, there are dozens of murderous looks) Liu Yang thought.

"Mr. Berny, this lady is already getting tired. Can we stop for a while? " Dalaris was ashamed of this situation. She has never been this close to a man before.

Besides, his hands were around her delicate waist.

(He's taking advantage of me to find out who the people were who were looking at him in murderous ways. If it weren't for that, I would have hit you) Dalaris also felt the murderous looks, she also wanted to find out whose were looks.

Because some cold looks were being directed towards her.

"Miss Dalaris, would you like to dance again later?" Liu Yang asked.

The two have already stopped dancing and were on the side of the room.

"I am happy with this invitation" Dalaris showed a beautiful smile when answering Liu Yang's question. She looked like a beautiful flower in the spring.

The young people around saw this scene and melted like snow in the spring. But at the same time, they felt angrier at Liu Yang, as he was enjoying this scene up close and alone.

"Dear guests, do you want some wine? Or juice? " A butler appeared with a tray and some drinks.

"Yes, thank you" The two thanked.

Liu Yang took juice and Dalaris took wine.


The two cheer each other on before drinking the drink.

"This is good." Dalaris commented.

"Yes. But it seems a little strange. The taste is a little different from normal "Liu Yang commented strangely, he understood that the juice was poisoned, but it would not affect. The problem was that he needed to pretend it looked like he was poisoned.

"Mr. Berny, I think you were poisoned" Dalaris looked at the glass of juice and saw that there was something that should not have the liquid.

"Is this serious? Miss, why do you seem to be dividing? " Liu Yang pretended to be dizzy from the poison.

"Mr..." Dalaris was startled. But not because Liu Yang was poisoned, but because he fell on top of her. She had to hold Liu Yang with her delicate arms.

To make matters worse, he had his face buried in her soft breasts.

(This feeling is very good.) Liu Yang thought.

"!!!!!!!!!!!!" The men were extremely irritated by this scene. At the same time, they were very envious and jealous of Liu Yang, as he was taking advantage of Dalaris and lying on her breasts.

(Damn !!!!! This is very enviable !!!! He was poisoned, but he was lucky enough to fall into Miss Dalaris' breasts !!!!!)

"Miss Dalaris, could you help me? I need to go outside I want to vomit" Liu Yang pretended to be almost unconscious.

"No problem" She dragged Liu Yang to the end of the room. The two left the party and went somewhere.

Cilia, who was in another corner of the room saw this scene, she followed the pair behind. At the same time, some young people made some gestures and waved.

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