TOP SECRET: Adventures in the Dark Continent

Chapter 107: Feeding the wooden box with blood

Chapter 107: Feeding the wooden box with blood

"Young master, this bed is very good to lay on" Callie was enjoying the quality of the bed.

If compared to the other places she slept before. This was much better than everyone else.

"Silly girl, these beds are of the highest quality that nobles use. If it weren't good, a nobleman wouldn't buy that kind of thing "Liu Yang laughed at this scene. He knows that Callie was a girl who hadn't seen the wonderful things in the world.

"Young master, you're laughing at me ..." Callie was a little embarrassed to see this.

"Callie, you can enjoy it and get some sleep. You must be tired after all that hellish training. You also need to enjoy this time and sleep" Liu Yang ordered.

The group of women and beasts were already very tired after all that tiring training in the forest. They had some rest, but it was not enough.

"Yes, young master" The women agreed. Callie fell asleep immediately, she was the most exhausted person in the group.

"Young master, will you not have fun with us? We already miss the warmth of the young master "Alwine commented pervertedly.

The trio hadn't been active for a few months. Because they were busy training every day.

"Hehe ... I almost forgot about it" Liu Yang hugged the two women and took them to the other room.

"Auuu" As always, June had to bite Liu Yang's leg because of his infidelity. He petted the beasts before they went to sleep too.

Inside the other room, Liu Yang, Alwine, and Nancy had a long and wild night of sex. They were like beasts in heat in search of sex.

Tiredness, tension, fatigue, and many other emotions were released during the activities. The group only stopped after the two women fell asleep with a beautiful smile on their faces.

In the other room

Liu Yang was lying on the bed looking at the items he had picked up in the bandits' cave before. He didn't have time to analyze the items.

"Let's see what kind of treasure I got this time" Liu Yang took the leather bags and started to see the items.

"This wooden box was something that attracted June's attention. This must be quite valuable." Liu Yang studied the wooden box, but he found nothing special in the box.

"This is weird. The box has no opening, but I can hear something inside. " Liu Yang shook the box a little and heard a tone inside. This shows that there is something inside the box.

The wooden box was common and nothing special, there were no drawings or openings. The box looked like a block of wood.

"How am I going to open this? Do I need to break this box? " Liu Yang thought of several possibilities.

"It looks like I can only try this" He went to the basement of the small mansion to do this.

The basement was in the basement of the mansion, the place was completely dark and empty. Liu Yang had to use some light crystals to illuminate the place.

"This place needs some furniture to muffle the sound." He didn't have time to drag things around the basement, so Liu Yang decided to do it another way.

The box was covered with a cloth, this is to prevent the sound from being too loud.


Pang !!!!! Booooom !!!!

Powerful energy exploded and hit the box. The cloth was totally destroyed, fortunately, the sound was reduced because of the cloth.

Even with all of Liu Yang's strength, this was not enough to destroy the wooden box. The box seemed impossible to destroy.

"No scratch? This box is harder than it looks "Liu Yang was surprised to see that the box was not damaged.

"Or is my strength not enough? Can Alwine break this with her strength? That's not possible. If I couldn't scratch the box, she won't do it either"

"Do I need to use blood to open the box?" Liu Yang remembered that blood can open some strange things, at least in games and novels.

His current situation was like one of those occasions.

"It looks like this is the only thing I can do. If that doesn't work, I'll have to left that matter for later "

Liu Yang cut his wrist and let the blood drain.

A strange thing happened. The box was absorbing Liu Yang's blood, but it seemed to have no end to it.

Five minutes later

"I better stop. If I keep losing blood like that, I will die "Liu Yang stopped the bleeding. He looked at the box, but he didn't notice anything different.

The wooden box continued in the same way as before.

"How much blood do I need to be able to open this box? If it is too much, I will have a lot of problems. Does the blood of others also work? Or just my blood? " Liu Yang had many thoughts on the subject, but he cannot test these theories at the moment, he was already tired after losing a lot of blood.

"I will do this tomorrow." Liu Yang left the basement and went back to the bedroom, he hugged the two women and slept.

The place where Liu Yang and his group were was a small mansion within an average property within the city. The total size was like a football field surrounded by a large wall of steel bars.

To try to make a good connection with Liu Yang, the governor gave Liu Yang this small property as a good gift because he became a noble.

This was an attempt by the governor to show Liu Yang a good image. He accepted this offer after Rosella asked him to accept it.

The property had only the furnished mansion and the walls. The place was simple compared to the houses of the other nobles, but it was much better than the houses of the commoners.

In the next few days, Liu Yang and his group did not leave the property, they stayed inside to rest and learn some new things about the city.

Unlike women and beasts, Liu Yang had to return to see his women in the initial village. He needed to talk to them about some things and spend time with them. He came back the next day.

For the next seven days, Liu Yang looked at the items he picked up inside the bandits' lair. He separated the items that can be sold and the items that he will save for him.

At the same time, Liu Yang continued to feed the box with blood. But no matter how much blood Liu Yang spilled in the box, it was never enough to open the wooden box.

To make matters worse, the box did not accept the blood of anyone else. Only Liu Yang's blood was absorbed.

Liu Yang understood that he was the first person to feed the box with blood, so he is the only one who can do that.

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