There’s Something Wrong With These Demonic Women!

Chapter 203: Just Hugging, Nothing More

Chapter 203: Just Hugging, Nothing More

A stick of incense had passed.

Lu Xun was sitting alone on the roof, gazing at the starry sky above. Various thoughts flashed through his mind. If it weren't for this unexpected situation, he might have gone for postgraduate studies, sought a relevant job in astronomical research, and married an ordinary woman, leading a simple and ordinary life.

He hadn't expected to traverse to this world. The critical difference between his situation and others was that he had no desire to make any effort. The three demonesses and a fairy who were all older than him and incredibly wealthy, especially the big demoness and Fairy Su.

"What's gone wrong exactly?"

"Even with the assistance of the system, why have I performed so poorly? Maybe the system's presence has weakened?" Lu Xun couldn't help but complain.

Upon further reflection, there was a possibility that the system was quite capable, but he had chosen the wrong targets for his challenges. He had gone head-to-head with the strongest demoness and the fairy. Even if it was the system, it couldn't bear his repeated confrontations.

He sighed heavily, then slowly stood up, called his flying sword, and swooped down to the ground.

He walked alone through the streets. After some time, he arrived at the inn where he was staying. Lu Xun stepped into the inn's lobby, where the waiter was dozing off and paid no attention to him. He continued self-absorbedly to the second floor.

Inserting the key into the lock, poking open the door lock, Lu Xun gently pushed open the door. Suddenly, a faint and elegant sandalwood fragrance wafted in, accompanied by a subtle sense of loneliness and solitude. Unexpectedly, the lingering scent from the daytime had not dissipated.

After lighting the candles in the living room, he didn't immediately enter the bedroom. Instead, he sat at the table, sipping tea, and appeared to be deep in thought.

Meanwhile, Su Jingyi, lying on the bed, was getting nervous and a bit fearful.

As time passed, she noticed that Lu Xun didn't seem to have any intention of coming in to sleep. During this time, he even went out and came back, still sitting in the outer room. She really wanted to get out of bed and find out what he was doing, but she ultimately resisted the urge.

At that moment, a knock on the door echoed.

Su Jingyi couldn't help but be filled with curiosity, but the screen and curtains blocked her view, and all she knew was that there was a stranger outside.

"Sir, your hot water is here," the inn's waiter stood at the door, speaking politely. "And your wine."

Lu Xun nodded, saying lightly, "Hmm, bring it in."

Two strong men then carried the hot water they had prepared and poured it into a tub in the corner. Afterward, Lu Xun gave them some silver coins as a tip and closed the door.

He then quickly removed his clothes and stepped into the bath, the warm water enveloping his muscular body. Instantly, any sense of fatigue disappeared, leaving only a refreshing feeling.

"Oh, so comfortable," Lu Xun sighed with a look of contentment, speaking to himself. He picked up a jar of fine wine and started to sip it while enjoying his bath.

Meanwhile, Su Jingyi lay on the bed, her heart slightly displeased. She had been waiting for him in bed for so long, and when he finally returned, he didn't come to bed; instead, he started taking a hot bath. It seemed that life was quite comfortable for him without her by his side.

Su Jingyi bit her lip, her face expressing various forms of annoyance towards him. Yet, the sight of his strong and sturdy body made her blush and feel a bit bashful. She gently cradled her cheeks, feeling the warmth from her palms.

After some time had passed, Su Jingyi started to feel agitated. Her tolerance for his dawdling had reached its limit, leaving her angry and anxious. She wanted to get out of bed, drag him out, but she ultimately couldn't overcome her shyness and decided to suppress her anger and restlessness, waiting for him to come to bed obediently.

Then, suddenly…

Su Jingyi's heart trembled, and even her breathing stopped.

Lu Xun dried himself off, put on his large shorts, and swayed into the inner room. When he lifted the curtain and passed through the screen, he dumbfoundedly froze in place—there was someone on the bed!

No, this can't be my… my Aunt Su, right? Aren't those her shoes by the bed?

Lu Xun, who had felt somewhat lonely earlier, was now incredibly excited. He took a deep breath and approached the bedside, although he was mostly certain of the identity of the person in bed, he had a slight uncertainty. As he took a few more steps, he silently stopped. He peeked towards the bed. Indeed, there was someone in the blankets, but they were turned sideways.

Slowly sitting on the edge of the bed, a delicate trace of sandalwood scent tickled the tip of his nose, and Lu Xun basically confirmed who it was. He couldn't help but smile faintly. So, the "going back" she mentioned meant returning to my bed. Aunt Su is quite cheeky.

Lu Xun bent down and leaned in close, gently calling near her ear, "Aunt Su… Aunt Su?"

Lying on her side with her back to him, Su Jingyi slightly furrowed her brow. She softly bit her lips and mumbled, "I'm asleep. Don't disturb me."

Hehe. What a move – pretending to be asleep. Isn't this a temptation? But it just so happens that I'm the one least resistant to temptation, especially from mature and voluptuous women.

"Aunt Su, don't worry. Your little scoundrel is coming in now," Lu Xun whispered with a playful tone. When he lifted the blanket and saw the simple and elegant nightgown on her, he felt even more delighted.

Aunt Su is really considerate, even taking off her dress and changing into a nightgown. It seems she really understands me; I am best at untying the silk ribbon around the waist of the nightgown.

Crawling into the bed, Lu Xun moved over and embraced her from behind. At the same time, he gently kissed the back of her neck, causing the seemingly reserved Fairy Su to shiver all over.

"Aunt Su, I thought you really went back." Lu Xun spoke softly, "I didn't expect you to come back to my bed. If I had known, I would have come back sooner. I made you wait for me for so long. Were you anxious?"

Su Jingyi didn't speak; she was struggling against the excitement deep in her heart, preventing herself from doing something outrageous. But the situation didn't look optimistic; her rationality was slowly being eroded, and a strong desire was surging.

"Aunt Su?"

"Can you turn around?" Lu Xun asked softly.

"Go away." Su Jingyi breathed heavily, angrily and sternly scolded, "Don't stick to me. Otherwise, I'll get angry."

Lu Xun hesitated for a moment, then gently pressed down on Fairy Su's shoulder. The result was that even though he didn't use any force, her flexible and charming body turned over on its own, making him laugh inwardly; my Aunt Su's mouth is really stubborn, but her body is quite sincere.

Preparing to hug her into his arms, Lu Xun unexpectedly found that Su Jingyi was using both hands to firmly resist his chest, trying hard to prevent him from embracing her. This blushing and stubborn appearance made her look very girlish.

A truly enchanting presence.

Different from the three demonesses at home, who each had their own appeal, Fairy Su enraptured with her gentleness hidden beneath a cold exterior.

These two qualities, which should have had no connection, were displayed to the fullest extent in Aunt Su.

"Go away, go away, go away!"

"I told you to go far away!" Su Jingyi pushed him away in shame. However, despite the appearance of strong resistance, she actually didn't use much force. Otherwise, with her cultivation, Lu Xun would have long flown out of the window, and it would be impossible for them to be locked in a stalemate on the bed.

After a few rounds of pulling and tugging, in the end, Su Jingyi followed her inner thoughts and nestled in his sturdy embrace. However, to salvage a bit of her own dignity, her hands still rested on his chest, though there was also a suspicious hint of taking the opportunity to touch him.

Looking at the beautiful Daoist nun in his arms, Lu Xun gently brushed aside the strands of hair on her forehead and softly said, "Aunt Su, thank you."


"Why are you thanking me?" Su Jingyi lowered her head, avoiding eye contact, and mumbled, "Thanking me for sleeping with you? No. Don't be sentimental. I just don't want to go back; it has nothing to do with you."


"Thank you for being so indulgent to me." Lu Xun said tenderly, "Although Sister Miao is also indulgent, she's not as kind as you. I'm worried now. If you keep treating me like this, what should I do if you leave me one day?"

Talking to Su Jingyi started with a simple desire for her body, and now Lu Xun has completely fallen in love with her. From her, he experienced countless moments of happiness. Although she appears much more aloof than the little demoness, in reality, she is a very gentle and considerate woman.

Time has erased the traces of her innocence, leaving behind wisdom and spirituality. Her gentle aura, calm demeanor, and enchanting grace are like a romantic poem, akin to the fragrance of jasmine, and resemble clear pond water.

In any case, he was thoroughly attracted and has completely fallen in love. Just like with the three demonesses, they are all the most important and irreplaceable figures in his heart.

"I won't leave you, just like you won't leave me," Su Jingyi lightly bit her lip and mumbled, "Don't entertain such thoughts in the future. I don't like your wild imagination. I like the way you act recklessly."

"Mm," Lu Xun nodded, silently watching her.

A quiet atmosphere pervaded the air. Although they were in each other's arms, both remained silent.

At this moment, Su Jingyi lifted her head, looking straight at him. The emotions between them seemed to continuously communicate through their eyes.

Lu Xun licked his lips and instinctively hugged Su Jingyi tighter. Then, he leaned in close to her ear and said in a low, soft voice, "Aunt Su, don't panic. I'm just hugging, nothing more."

As he spoke, a green silk ribbon around her waist inexplicably loosened a bit.

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