The Wielder of Death Magic

Chapter 295

Chapter 295: Metallicum Quaerere

“Sire,” sat inside with interfaces flying around, “-nobles have arrived to celebrate the birth of Princess Lizzie,” notified Ruslan who held a cautious face.

“Tis terrible, Ruslan,” voiced Staxius in an overly dramatic gesture, “-I’ve not the strength to move after a tedious night caring for my beloved. Would someone rush in save me from the despair of entertaining nobles and their charades, oh, how I wish for a knight in silver armor to swoop and carry mine troubles away.”

“Do forgive my rudeness,” he stepped forward with a smug gaze, “-entertaining nobles is part of the duties of a king. Waste of time is it or is it not, tis on how thou handles the occasion.”

“Dearest Ruslan, do pull some strings, I wish not to partake in such petty flattery. How about a deal,” the massive, curved interface shrunk, “-why not ask Queen Shanna. Coped up and caring for Lizzie all day must wane heavy on her usual chattery nature,” from shrunk to empty, the dim room darkened. “-Let’s make haste,” he came to the door, “-I rather not deal with nobles at the moment,” jokes aside, the tone grew stern. Together, Counselor and King made way to where Shanna rested.

“Do give me a moment,” spoken over the shoulder, the short man nodded.

A blast of cold air, the wind brushed aside the curtains – on the bed, Xula slept peacefully with the babe. A new day had arisen a few hours ago, time now read 11:00 on the clock. “Xula,” gently shaking her shoulder, “-wake up.”

“Let me dream in peace,” a mumble followed by *SMACK,* turned over, “-STAXIUS!” Sat upright, her eyes widened in shock and slowly made a changed to laughter.


“Honestly,” sighed, “-nobles are here to congratulate thee for giving birth. Jump in the shower, get cleaned. Forgive my saying, but you do smell of sweat, the nobles are mainly ladies in waiting,” crawling down from the mattress, “-I’ll care for Lizzie.”

“Come on,” she yawned and stretched, “-I don’t smell of sweat, how preposterous – how dare thy squander my name,” she removed her gown seductively.

“Don’t you dare,” commanded Staxius, “-now is not the time,” *woosh,* her undergarments flew as if projectiles. Abled to dodge, “-you never change,” he leaned to pick the undies.

“Whatever do you mean,” she skipped and teleported to the shower.

‘What do I mean,’ chuckled, ‘-always throwing her undergarments as if a child. Xula truly has an innocent heart,’ kept in a basket with dirtied laundry, ‘-now then,’ carrying a warmly dressed Lizzie wrapped around a blanket, ‘-time to continue work.’ Teleporting in turn to the office, the day continued without trouble. Dressed, Xula took to greeting the nobles as Staxius worked with Lizzie in hand. Opposed to flying, Adete was sent to find the location of where he lost control. Connected via the all-seeing eye, they shared vision.

Earlier in the day, an adventuring party was dispatched for the supply run at Mont Blanc. 2 Tier-Four Bronze and 3 Tier-Five Ruby promising adventurers were selected for the mission.

Two hours later, Xula came by to feed Lizzie. “How’s the meet?” he asked.

“Normal, most wanted to see Lizzie,” she said whilst breastfeeding.

“Shouldn’t there normally be a ceremony about showing the babe’s face?”

“It does feel that way,” they stared one another, “-we sure haven’t announced it to the public. Rumors have gotten out – should we not...”

Before they knew it, the door knocked obnoxiously. Representatives arrived one by one. All headed to the throne room, the maids could but shrug at what to do. “We should host a feast,” smiled Xula, “-leave the representatives to me, I’ll have the arrangements readied for tomorrow. That way, everyone who wishes to give their blessing can do so.”

???Question,” he asked as she stood.

“Go on,” her eyes seem lively.

“Is it alright if people come from my side, as far as it’s concerned; my sister, nephew, Josiah, Eira, and Undrar,” reluctant, he gazed the babe opposed to her.

“There’s no need to hold back,” she leaned and gave a quick peck on his cheeks, “-go ahead and invite anyone you’d like to come to visit. I’ve no idea how you’re going to make the trip with that many people to Arda.”

“Wait,” he grabbed her hands before she turned, “-let’s make it a grandiose event.”

“I see,” she paused and thought, “-Lizzie is the princess, in no way am I going to hold back. It’s decided, we’re going to host a giant event in her honor. Invite Princess Gallienne, since we’re allies and all. Make a list of the people whomst have helped us in the past, a good way to build relations, what do you say?”

“I agree,” he stood, the face returned to blank, “-I’ll set off for the capital later in the day. Personally inviting the Royal family is a must.”

“As you please, my King,” babe in hand, she headed out in the hall.

‘Better get the list ready – tis a day of celebration. Transportation will be an issue; I can’t well teleport the people into Arda; it has side-effects that might spoil the night before it begins. 17:00 to 21:00, a good four hours to celebrate – they do make it a policy to head back before it gets late,’ pacing around the room, the problem at hand was how the guests would arrive. “Airship,” an idea came to mind, “-luxurious, comfortable, with plenty of room.”

Teleported to Rosespire through the many portals, Void roared to life – destination set was Phantom’s airfield. “Hello Cake,” he phoned whilst on the road.

“Good to hear from you, boss, how can I be of help?”

“How much cash do we have in total?”

“At the moment, about three million gold,” said as if nothing, Staxius’s eyes opened in shock.

“All spendable, right?”

“Listen, boss, spending that much money is harder than you think,” she laughed.

“Good,” a smirk appeared, “-is there any way to procure an airship in, let’s say, one week?”

“Airship?” she paused, “-let me clarify, are you referring to the one with balloons?”

“Of course not, what I seek is one that can be militarized after it has served its purpose.”

“Closest we can get is an airplane, the TU-03.”

“You say that as if I’ll know what model it is,” closing in on the airfield, “-open the gates, I’m here.”

Inside the compound, the guards nodded in respect as Shadow entered. A few minutes later, “-about the TU-03.”

“It’s the newer model by G-Telsa; same as a plane with the possibility of vertical take-off. It hosts a multitude of uses, military, transportation, you name it,” Cake said proudly.

“How long will it take if we place an order now?”

“I estimate around two-days if we go for an already on sale craft. Doing additional tweaks might take longer,” holding a tablet, she watched closely as the Boss thought.

“You have a week,” he stood, “-get that airplane into the hangar. Suit it up with weapons, a cargo bay, and an area for passengers of nobility. It must be nimble and strong; I care not who you have to threaten – get the job done.”

“It’s going to be big,” she said softly.

“I care not, have that thing ready for take-off. I’ll be bringing in guests from the Royal family. You as well,” he smiled, “-you’re invited to celebrate the birth of my daughter. I won’t risk bringing any more members of the DG.”

“Are you sure?”

“Of course, I am,” he smiled, “-you’ve helped in founding Phantom, of course, I’ll invite the only person I rely upon in the underground.”

“Thank you,” she smiled and gazed out, guards ran around the field as training. “It will cost around 190,000 Gold. An airplane of that stature is going to come in handy if ever war breaks out. Imagine the number of soldiers, ammo, and supplies we can drop off.”

“It’s only the beginning, dearest Cake. I’ve been informed that the empire has begun working on a prototype of airplane abled to go as fast as sound. Nimble, agile, and able to kill with a press of a trigger – the age of technologic war is here.” Ending the conversation, preparations for the event was put in place.

Returned to Arda, the invitation was printed and pressed with the Ardanian crest. An estimate of around ten to twenty people was given. Some would be delivered via the messengers whilst the one for Gallienne, was delivered personally. It took another few hours, at around 18:00, Staxius reached Rosespire. There, around a warm cup of tea and informal setting. He invited to which the princess’s face lit in excitement. Never had she been to Arda – it would be a first. Piers, Sely, Raulf, and Gallienne would join the celebrations. Fatigued, at 21:00, he managed to escape from their overbearing hospitality.

No time to rest, it came time to care for Lizzie, sleepless, with a few hours of shuteye- the routine repeated itself. Set for Tuesday the 26th of March; preparations for the feast continued. One by one, tomorrow came one after the other, shorter daytime and longer nighttime.

The 22nd arrived as if an unwanted cold. Slap awoke by Xula who slept vividly, ‘-and it resumes.’ During the past few days, finding time to scour the land, Adete came upon an empty plot. One circular and man-made, monsters seemed to have gathered in the center.

‘Metallicum Quaerere,’ sat in the office, the mind drifted into Clarity. Hard at work, the months of delayed papers were reviewed and approved depending if it benefited the people. Villagers sometimes came with complaints of not having enough provision to survive the coming winter. To that, a single reply sufficed, “-Arda is abundant, if thou art not able to harvest it’s boon, then thou art but an intruder.” Xula had a bad habit of doting on her people; in turn, they grew complacent. Taking the helm, Staxius straightened those who’d often abuse her generosity. The gentle nature of her heart, the very thing that made him visit Arda, proved to be a double edge sword.

“Ruslan,” walking down the hallway of which led into the back, “-I’ve business to attend too. Everything has been sorted and approved – there’s a bunch which I’ve labeled as incoherent. I fear that some nobles are falsifying their taxes to the state. It does not match up. Check back upon them, a slap on the wrist should suffice. They haven’t taken that much, still, we need to handle the situation before it gains volume.”

“Are you sure?” he asked whilst running to match the King’s walking pace.

“Definitely,” sprouting wings, “-see you later,” a single flap, *woosh,* a vase broke after coming in contact with the gust.

“Good morning Adete,” he arrived at the location and spoke.

“Finally,” she rolled her eyes, “-I can rest at last,” no return to the greeting, she crawled into the front pocket and slept.

‘Quite a few of them,’ he landed on the edge of the hole. Endless greenery with this cleanly cut semi-sphere. In the middle, wolves riding goblins had made a small camp. Gnarling at their prey of which were deer and wild animals, bones scattered around the place. Guarded by a few hobgoblins, ‘-I did fear something like this happening.’ Common was it for monsters to take refuge in a man-made space. In their eyes, it was as if being sheltered from the outside world.

“Now then,” unholstering Tharis, *Void Aspect,* charged fully, *BANG,* a massive beam of light tore apart the reinforced camp. From one end to the other, the trajectory burnt a line on the soil, not enough to stop the blast, it exploded against the opposite edge. ‘Handles pretty nicely,’ the barrel spewed smoke.

‘Breathe,’ he thought and walked, despite it being sunlight, the ground seemed a little damp.

*Elements known to man, hidden by soil and impurities, make thyself known. Relinquish the shadows and scream so I can hear thee: Metallicum Quaerere,* one knee to the ground, eyes closed, hand against the soil, waves of mana flowed into the earth.

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