The Wielder of Death Magic

Chapter 291

Chapter 291: Memento

Thirty minutes after the handshake; differing races walked across the middle platform. Merchants shouted; adventurers participated in the event, guard duty whilst having fun. Haru grew to enjoy the company of Piers. In a way, seeing that harmony in-between sent a significant message. Not verbally nor physically, the message had one target, and one option – to reach their hearts. Touching and reaching out for emotions, all that made humans and non-humans similar. The discourse and visit cut short after Haru took many to her shop. Panties and lingerie of all kind, spotted, tiger-patterned, and even camo; name it and you had it. Leading the front, Piers, entering as the subtle riverside breeze blew past the window. His hair, usually left alone as it parted down the middle, swayed to the left. Behind, the camera crew yelped, never had they seen such beauty.

Obliged, Haru gifted a black laced lingerie. The latter, after a secretive glimpse, sent Piers into a burst of uncontrollable laughter ending in coughs. Oblivious to what transpired, kept hidden in a black golden bag, Piers left in the company of the traders. The event continued without fail, thus noon came.

“They look to be having fun,” added Adete on the slated roof. Sun glared down without mercy, white-clouds casually made walls casting a shadow around the town. A moment of peace to breathe, a moment many relished as the heat grew to be annoying. The breeze from the river did help a little, those on the platform were unaffected. Sprawling with smiles and chatter, none would have guessed a malicious disapproving mindset, in which the non-humans were the devils – ever existed. What was recorded that day was a fun and loving acquaintance. Outcast’s themselves, commoners who walked and traveled to Arda for said chance – saw the Ardanians as fellow comrades. Comrades who were outcasts themselves, treated as if machine rather than living things. Hunted, killed, tortured, the never-ending list of cruelty continues without stop.

“A good start for the alliance,” said Staxius with a relaxed face. “We better get moving,” he voiced whilst glaring towards Oxshield, “-the interview awaits. The situation here has been handled, there are things to attend to in the capital,” sprouting wings, a little hop later, he shot off as if fireworks. *Ancient Magic: Teleportation,* reaching a certain height, drawing a circle with the index, a portal appeared, one that took him straight into Pandora.

*Woosh,* stopped inches away from crashing into the wall, “-I win,” back to normal, he turned to see a dizzied Adete who twirled. “Such a pain,” grabbing her hand, “-close your eyes,” sat on his palm, she regained her bearings.

“Don’t treat me like a kid,” she ordered as a click was heard in the background, the stuffy room’s floor revealed one clearer.

“I would never,” sarcastically, “-we’re off the commercial district I think?” rhetorical, a message with the location arrived the moment he got off the ladder.


“Let me rest awhile,” tired, she laid on the palm.

“I’ve told you so many times,” putting her on his head, “-don’t sleep on in my hand,” using the other free hand, the phone displayed the location.

“Whatever, father,” giving a humph, “-good night.” Once on his head, given what motion he did, even a backflip, would not suffice for her to fall – practically glued to the white and red hair.

‘I see,’ checking the machine, ‘-god’s ale is readied for next week,’ he commented, ‘-I guess Cake really got around to making the stuff. Injected a bit of mana in the concoction, the dull liquid lit with a blueish glow.

*White Dust,* written on a chest beside the worktable to the left, “-I see,” opened, “-ingredients to make Angel’s Dust,” closed, “-Cake is very reliable.” On that, having checked the supplies for later, teleportation straight to the Mansion.

‘It is different,’ a few minutes later, now standing on the balcony, he watched. ‘Town Eden and Rosespire are so far apart, under the same sky, the feel of the places,’ bobbing back and forth, ‘-there’s a sort of tension in the air.’ Closed, Void roared into life. Dressed in semi-formal clothes, with blue pants and a white sleeved-up shirt, the muscles seemed as if to break out of the garments. It fitted and displayed the body rather well. Driving towards the commercial district, here and then, passing close to a stadium – and arrived into a place filled with tall buildings. Fenced off, with Memento wrote in white on a black backdrop, the studio, and media complex.

“Excuse me, sir,” walking out of the complex with a gun strapped to the hip, “-this area is for authorized personnel only,” a glare followed.

“I’ve come on request from Aceline,” fired back, the guard stopped and stared.

“You wish to say that you know THE Aceline, pride of Hidros?” eyes squinted with doubt, “-no chance in hell,” he laughed. “Nice car you have there, and you seem to be a noble,” going up and down, “-I’ve heard nothing of the sort. Either go away or we’ll have to resort to...” a laser lined itself against Staxius’s chest.

“So belligerent,” he sighed and rolled the window down further, signaling the guard to give a moment, “-Hello, Scott, this is Staxius. Could you come down, I’ve run into some dogs who wish to play. Not that I want to get out and throw a few bones and play catch – I’m afraid I might accidentally take their heads.”

“DON’T YOU DARE DO ANYTHING,” screamed across the phone, moving away, “-I’M COMING,” the call ended fast.

“How long are you going to stay on the road?” voiced the guard, “-it’s getting boring,” he yawned. Safely inside the walls on to which had plants growing, none would have guessed it to be barred off. The road, two lanes on either side divided by grass and trees. Opposite the complex, greenery, and no other buildings – for being in the capital, it was secluded.

“Open the gates,” ordered a man in glasses who ran onto a stone brick path, “-he’s a friend of mine.”

“But sir, are you sure?” turned, the guard asked as Scott crossed the road, “-yeah I’m sure,” the gate opened.

“You look out of shape,” voiced Staxius with a smile, Scott panted heavily.

“I sprinted across the whole complex because a certain someone doesn’t have the patience to deal with people,” glaring, “-and yes, I’m referring to you.”

“Is that how you greet an old friend,” acting as if saddened, “-I’m disappointed,” the voice softened.

“Drop the theatrics,” the door opened, “-I’ll guide you to the office.” Bigger than it appeared, taller buildings with various names on the front. Good looking cars, up and coming singers and performers ran across the path to their various auditions. To the far right, secluded, antennas, relays that sent the shows across the whole continent – including the radio.

“Question,” pulling up to one of the buildings – one that seemed more luxurious than the others, “-why is the security so tight?”

“Simple,” exited, “-because famous people work here,” he winked. Void parked just shy of the entrance, surrounded by good looking cars, it stood out as the fastest and costlier.

“I win,” winked Staxius, the duo walked at a steady pace – climbing stairs which broke up after five steps into flatness, then again. Vintage-styled lamps stood along the staircase parted in the middle with a silvery-metal handguard.

“Won what?” asked Scott.

“Check it out?” he gestured behind, “-Void is prettier than the others,” he laughed.

“I agree,?? Scott laughed as well, “-good to see that you’ve changed. Never would I have guessed that our bodyguard would be someone so important in Hidros.”

“I do apologize if I kept it a secret, I rather not have wanted the attention,” the entrance door opened by itself.

“I get it,” smiled Scott, they took a sharp left towards the lift, “-being famous is more of a hassle than people think,” the lift was set to floor 15.

“Why did Aceline want an interview all of a sudden?”

“You became the first platinum adventurer, not to mention, the guild master of Arda, – then we have your title as Royalty. Is there more that you don’t have?” he asked with a genuine smile.

“Yeah,” the lift opened, “-the ability to save what is dear to me,” trailed off, he stared out the windows to another building of the same architecture.

“Did you say something?” asked Scott.

“Not really,” they walked down the corridor, took a few turns until glass-paned rooms with chairs beside the walls came in view. One, in particular, stood out, one that was at the end of the hall – a figure sat ominously as the lighting wasn’t that great in that area.

“Good to see you made it,” voiced Scott.

“It was a request from her majesty’s closest friend, in no way would I have missed the invitation,” half of the face covered, dressed in white with a Star necklace, the lady stood. Medium length blond hair parted to the right, grey eyes, pimpled left cheek – small and unaffecting. The clothes were ones worn by the church of Syphon.

“Sharon?” asked Staxius.

“Old man?” she stared up, “-sorry,” coughing, “-it’s a pleasure to see you again,” a half-hearted smile.

“I’m not that old,” shaking his head, “-how’re the injuries healing up, any progress?”

“Not really,” lifting the hair, “-the burn marks will cause heavy scarring. I will regret and miss how I looked like a young maiden,” covering the marks, “-it’s unsightly, I apologize.”

“Not at all,” taking a few steps forward, “-does the Church of Syphon not allow Bishops to get married?”

“As Apostle, I’ve got the right to marry if I wish. The Goddess of Stars is also a harbinger for love and all that is right. Opposed to how Kreston works, we view the unity of two people who love one another as something to be proud of. To partake in the pleasure given to us by Mother Nature. The making of another human being – a godly feat. Feeble as we are, there’s no way we can oppose what drives humanity forward.”

“I see,” smiled Staxius, “-a young maiden should have another chance at life. I care not for what god you worship – my interest is in what you wish. I can help,” finger on the burnt tissue, “-this isn’t ordinary burns. You’ve been cursed, I can sense the mana oozing – for religious faith, they sure rely on the dark side of magic.”

“Sorry old man,” she stepped back, “-I’ve no idea what you may be referring too,” her eyes turned to the window.

“I was asking if you’d like to have a chance to have thine face healed. Not by me alone, I’ve friends, doctors, alchemists, and talented people. A simple word as Yes, and I can promise that the stain of Kreston will turn to dust,” sensing embarrassment, the tone used was formal.

“Care to give me some time?” asked with a confused look, the door opened.

“Reach out to the queen if you ever accept the offer, I’ll make sure to have thine beauty returned,” with a nod, Aceline stepped out with a loud clap.

“Staxius, Sharon,” she smiled, “-thanks for making it on short notice.”

“I know this is an interview,” spoke Staxius, “-let me guess,” he eyed Aceline and the apostle. “It’s been a day since we returned. Let’s drop the act,” turning to Scott, “-is this a publicity stunt. The Queen has asked this from thy both – one to make the populous aware of what has transpired. She wishes to start the war against Kreston with Sharon and me as bait.”

“As expected,” from behind Aceline a lady walked, “-I told her to make sure that the public knows what has transpired. It’s not a disservice, I want everyone to know who Staxius Haggard is. The man who saved Hidros so many times – always in the shadow with others taking the credit, aren’t you tired?”

“I do apologize for the tone I used,” turning to Gallienne,”-I’m not opposed to being used for the welfare of Hidros,” the eyes turned blank, “-do you think it best to have me as that figurehead. Someone from Arda, you know well how the noble’s views non-humans; it might lead to another revolt – there are fanatics in the capital, those sent by Kreston. Are you sure you want to crumble what little control you have????

“Staxius,” friendly, “-don’t you worry,” curled in a fist, her hand rested against his chest, “-didn’t I tell you to leave everything to me?” her eyes seemed murderous.

“If you say so, majesty,” unimpressed, he stepped back, “-you’ve disappointed me,” he sighed, “-I thought you’d find a way to unite the provinces without the use of arms, but I guess I was wrong. Your intent on storming Kreston and start a war with Sharon as the reason.”

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