The Wielder of Death Magic

Chapter 273

Chapter 273: The Next Prodigy

“In comes the finalists,” announced Sophie, “-first we have a talent who hails from mysterious origin, Vipan Eqihr of the Order,” the screen displayed the prior matches, “-since the start, many had him as favorite. Wielder of the legendary Gold-element of the tale of Midas, give him a round of applause,” together with the representative, he walked in with no gestures nor sudden movement; the face ready to fight. The crowd responded to her request and applause filled the arena.

“Second,” Eira’s picture came up, “-strong Wielder of the Ice-element, Eira Haggard,” cheers resounded, though lesser than the boy, “-showing amazing results in the survival battle, Eira of Central Claireville Academy, alone, was marked as an easy target. However, were they wrong, she took down the infamous SSS-bot and made her way to the semifinals,” as opposed to Sophie, Aceline was she who gave her introduction.

Faced against one another, the representatives. Both climbed on a small podium – there, speeches were given. Nothing fancy, just the hope of a well-good fated match.

“Let’s not take more of their time,” voiced Aceline.

“Time has come for the finals to begin,” on that, a forcefield materialized around the arena.

‘Let’s do this, Lady of Ice, go full power from the start,’ snowflake lit, her eyes changed from red to blue.

“Eira Haggard,” shouted Vipan, “-let’s have a great match,” he said with a smile.



*Dark-Element: Shadow-Step,* speed was crucial in any fight. Velocity increased, a steel-greatsword in hand, she charged. Content, Vipan called forth his Gold-Element: the latter held immense power. The mana inside the arena felt as if being sucked into a vacuum. A special skill inherited by birth, the skill of Mana Absorption. Unlike other mages and similar to Witches, Vipan had the ability to use the mana surrounding him. An endless supply followed by a long-sword being summoned – no wonder that the boy was given the nickname: Argo of the Sword. Argo as in Argonaut – which meant hero. From flesh to name, the boy embodied all the traits needed.

“Quite impressive for a lady,” a rather disrespectful comment as he easily parried heavy swings.

“Don’t look down on me just yet,” the voice, disfigured, raged with anger – in mid-air, the force-behind her swing tripled. Sensing the danger, without a word said, *Gold-Element: Barrier,* opposed to blocking her attack, the weapon destroyed the wall.

“You think a boy with a hero complex is going to defeat me?” shoes turned to ice-skates, the arena froze over – her mobility increased. On top of the rough terrain, icicles erected at random places.

“Obviously not,” he winked and jumped, *Gold-Element: Midas’s Touch,* caressing one of the icicles, it turned from sparkly blue to shiny gold. *Come to me oh great and powerful armor, I, Vipan of the Sword ask thine help, master. I call on thy, Karas Armor of Vengeance, engulf me with thine power.* As blinding as staring the sun, Vipan called forth a unique summoning spell. *Crack,* the heaviness of the landing broke the ice around him. Fully armored from head to toe with the crest of the sun on the chest plate, he yelled fanatically. “The hate and regret felt by Midas, all that rage turned to bliss and fed into Karas, Eira Haggard, you are worthy,” the voice, deep, echoed around the arena.

Stance changed, he took on the offensive, the terrain didn’t matter for each step taken, the ice shattered. *CLANG,* a loud high-pitched impact, without breaking a sweat and feet dug into the ground, Eira stood with her head high. Horizontally above her head, her sword, which changed from silver to white – ice merged with her weapon.

“Don’t underestimate me,” yelled Vipan, his grip tightened, inhuman strength came into play – with all that force, he pushed down.

“Likewise,” snickered Eira, *Ice Element, Gergusser Variant: Niflheim,* unleashed, the true power of her element. From cold to freezing, the temperature dropped, it dulled the golden armor, *Ice Element, Gergusser Variant: Fenrir’s Howl,* a spell that requires concentration and high-levels of mana. One taught by the legendary wolf – behind her, a wolf’s head, semi-transparent, materialized then charged forth. It bit her opponent. Injured, it by-passed the golden armor, the blood froze as soon as it left the body. The pain jolted across from limb to limb.

“I’m not done,” *Gold Element, Midas Variant: Thousand Sword of Retribution,* in a circle, uncountable amounts of weapon. Each bared its tip at Eira, *Snap,* “NO,” he screamed having realized what happened. The spell was one designed to kill, or rather, slaughter, a lethal spell with the sole purpose of exterminating the opposition. Unable to stop the spell, he sprinted to no avail.

*Lady of White, do you wish for power?*


“Element under mine rule, I, Gergusser, dragon, and bearer of the Ice, called on thine help. Beseech mine host with all thine power temporarily – Limit Breaker, use mine ethereal body as the object of thy backlash.”

A growl resonated across the arena; it went beyond the academy. Low and deep, a feeling of nausea welled from within. *Absolute Zero,* halted, the weapons and user of the Gold element froze over. Time inside the arena stopped, Eira, from white hair – transformed. Her outfit changed, a cape with a snowflake in the center, a crown made of ice, hair, now of a lighter shade of blue. Her eyes matched the hair, the eyelashes were longer and ending with snow. In her hand, the Greatsword, cracked, changed into a staff. “Human, you’ve done well,” she said with confidence, “-sadly, having called forth a spell with the intent of killing grew the last thing you do. Heir to Midas’s curse, live on,” she tapped the armor, “-strive to maintain control of that heathen’s power,” it cracked, “-all who’s blinded by greed will suffer the same sentence,” Vipan fell to the floor frozen and paler than white. With a smile, the lady of white stared around the arena, everyone seemed to have been stuck in place. Everyone, except one person – her gaze met his, arms crossed, a man bearing the aura of a God. Hands-on her chest, she bowed, *Release,* a clap later, all reverted to normal.

Vipan laid on the floor, the forcefield grew clearer, the thousand swords turned to snow and fell gently on the ground. Standing with her head held high and sword on the ground next to the unconscious body, her mind came too.

“THERE WE HAVE IT,” screamed across the speakers, “EIRA’S THE WINNER OF THE INTERMAGICAL TOURNAMENT,” the battle lasted ten-minutes in total. The last few seconds seemed as if it were a flash, from white to clear in a blink, none witnessed the apparition of Lady Ice.

‘What happened,’ she thought, ‘-did I really win?’ confused, fireworks and confetti set-off one after the other, music and celebration came rushing down as if a flash flood. ‘Vipan?’ a glance below revealed a half-naked warrior. Realizing her win, she stared at the only person that mattered. There, beside her mother, Staxius, the stance changed from arms crossed to him clapping wholeheartedly and cheering. Unbefitting Royalty though none cared, happy for his daughter, whistles could be heard as well,” relieved, her hands and feet felt tingly, the feeling of ecstasy bolted across. Euphoria rendered her speechless, tears caressed down her cheek. On top of that, the crowd grew ecstatic. Amidst the never-ending cheers, Sophie and Aceline walked in.

“Congratulation to Eira Haggard,” they lifted her hand whilst Vipan, half-awake, was escorted off the arena.

“I’m sure this must feel amazing,” added Aceline with a smile.

On the verge of crying, she wiped her face, “-it must be overwhelming,” said Sophie, “-to properly celebrate her win,” she turned to the crowd, “-the trophy will be given in the next hour,” after which, Aceline began to sing with her band jumping right behind.

“I’ll be back,” stood, Staxius dashed out the room.

“There he goes,” voiced Ernis with a smile, “-go after him,” urged Gallienne.

“Thank you,” Xula followed right behind.

“That was a well-fought match,” commented Josiah next to the entrance, “-using everything you had to win, I commend the efforts, well deserved, my student, well deserved,” he patted her back.

“S-sorry,” a few sniffles followed, “-I’m a bit emotional at the moment. It all feels like a dream,” she turned towards the hall.

*BOOF,* “WELL DONE,” caught in a tight embrace, she watched baffled by what happened. ‘This smell,’ she turned to see her father, “DAD,” she wrapped her hands around even tighter, “I d-did i-it,” she smiled.

“I’m so proud of you,” the man was genuinely happy, “-the show, performance, and grit touched me dearly. It was the same as watching Tempest win his tournament. Honestly, the fight made me feel the same way as I did so many years ago, inside his lab. I can’t ask for anything, you’ve turned my dream into reality, thank you,” the hug turned into a kiss on her cheeks.

“Come on,” she laughed nervously, “-it’s embarrassing,” her smile meant the opposite of what she said. Around, students, staff, and the representative watched a touching moment. All were calmed by said display, “isn’t that the King of Arda?” the realization hit, her classmate stared in awe. A few steps back, her attention fell onto Xula, her majesty, reluctant to join in the reunion, smiled. “Mother...” she sprinted towards her, the same as Staxius, she gave a tight embrace.

“I’m so proud of you,” smiled Xula.

“Thank you,” tears of happiness flowed.

“Uncle Josiah,” an instant change of persona, “-there’s but one thing I have to say. Everything will be handled in the next hour, I hope that the towers are brought to life for the broadcast. No matter what, make sure that the transmission doesn’t cut,” vague words at best, left the latter speechless. ‘Did he manage to avert the crisis at hand?’ with only broad shoulders to look at, ‘-best keep the transmission running,’ the information blackout was fixed earlier that day.

Having congratulated Eira, Xula and Staxius returned to their seats. The winner was left in Josiah’s hand for preparation for the award ceremony was to be made. Three awards, Bronze, Silver, and Gold. The title of Prodigy came with a lot of advantages. Stating a few, she had the right to access hidden books and training regiment into becoming a better mage. The Order would grant her privileges and a secure place in their closely tight group. It meant a stable and planned out road to become a world-renowned mage. Amidst that, there was also the ceremony of being knighted. All the winners would have an audience with the Queen and given a badge. Even if one was a noble, the ceremony amounted to being something worthy of being proud of.

‘Eira won the tournament, the biggest variable has been dealt with. From what Cake told me, Karlson annihilated the invading forces. For some reason, the army compromised mainly of forces from Dukedom of the Goldberg. I was sure that Kreston would have a hand in this invasion. Not that it matters, the threat is that lady. Now’s the hard part, what will Gallienne decide. To acknowledge Eira as her daughter or keep her at an arm’s length to prevent another fight for succession.’

“Majesty,” whispered a butler, “-there’s trouble. The Goldberg and some nobles have taken to Josiah’s office.” Exchanging glances, Gallienne nodded, signaling that the next move was made.

‘Time for Shadow to take to the scene,’ he stood, “-I’ll be back shortly, do enjoy the meal.” Walking at a fast pace, he jumped down the flight of stairs, “-Hello, Cake,” the earpiece turned on, “-were the nobles handled?”

“Yeah, every one of them should be cowering in fear of the name Shadow. About the evidence and video, there should be an agent posing as a merchant. Look for the man with a pony hat,”

“Yeah, keep me informed,” from visible to erasing his presence, a new trick learned over the few days sneaking around, “-could I have that hat?” he asked after coming up to a merchant.

“Sure,” with a nod, a black bag was handed.

“Got the package, I’ll make sure that they don’t cause trouble. Get the sniper ready,” timing could not have been any better. Time flew by at a rapid pace, the arena changed for it was time for the award ceremony. On stage, stood Gallienne with a sword and guards around the vicinity. Eira, dressed in normal uniform, stood proudly.

‘Sorry about what’s to come, Eira.’ Outfit changed, face hidden by a crimson mask, Shadow walked inside the administrative building.

“Director Josiah, I’m sure you know of this. But Prince Ernis was shot on your watch. I’ve evidence and testimonies from Dukes and Viscounts. As we speak, I’ve prepared my forces to walk into Oxshield. Not to mention that my informant, due to the information blackout, set off for Iqeavea on the first day. He’s headed to the Imperial palace; the note should have been delivered by now. One that states the incompetence of the current rule, the failure to protect the heir to the empire. Not to mention my assassination to wipe any other bloodline in greed and fear. I want this whole award ceremony to be canceled, Eira Haggard, though I’m afraid is her illegitimate child, will be killed. If my demands aren’t met. Not only are the dukes in this province on my side, but I’ve got the Church’s support,” sat with nobles surrounding her, the office became a battlefield.

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