The Wielder of Death Magic

Chapter 218

Chapter 218: Connections

“...” silence befell the room. The director who had been smug and defiant up to this point could but stare. Lizzie, on the other hand, sat next to the man who revealed the hidden identity. Out here, in the main province – the title as king was kept hidden. Not out of fear; being revealed as king and known to many would bring about unnecessary problems. Before the alliance, walking around the capital as King wasn’t such a good thing. Now that it was set in stone, none could stop it. The Queen of Hidros, one that excluded Arda, was happy to have had an alliance. Time changed people – mostly, a traumatic experience could bring the best and worse out of someone. Luckily, for the Queen, having been a torn in Staxius’s side for so many years, had a change of heart. In no way were they friends, but he wasn’t the type of person to go ruin someone’s life without purpose. Even among the nobles that ruled over Oxshield, none knew about his identity, none except a few close allies. Starting from Gallienne herself to Raulf, the divine blade, Josiah, the director of Claireville Academy, and his close friends. Apart from that select group of people, the name Haggard never accounted for anything major.

A shadow in a dimly lit room, part of the surrounding. That was how he had lived till now, ruling from behind, masterminding everything up to this point. Slowly but surely, all the connections made, actions taken and more, led to the quests being accomplished. However, today, seeing Lizzie suffer because of a whim – a selfish wish for satisfaction, no longer was it fine to stand by and watch. Once responsibility was taken, one must fulfill the job without exception. The sight of someone suffering didn’t pull any heartstring, nor was it out of compassion or sympathy. It was out of a sense of duty, one that transcended the illusions of emotions and care – a man of action as opposed to words. The murderer remained fixed, waiting to pounce at any given time. Nothing could ever qualm the thirst for blood. ‘Nevertheless, I can endeavor to become a better person.’

“You must be joking,” the director stood then fell back to his chair, it was a shock.

A faint gripped was sensed on his jeans, tis was Lizzie who had grabbed onto the fabric. She held it as if a child holding their parent’s hand in a crowd of strangers, tight and firm.

‘He called me daughter,’ she thought, the face felt more alive than before, being acknowledge made her skin tingle. A warm glance towards her later, he faced the director whomst was lost for words.

“Do you know the implications now?” he asked in a monotonous voice.

“G-give m-me a moment,” sweat pearled out the forehead to which it glistened in the amber light.


“Time is of the essence,” Staxius demanded; not leaving any chance to recuperate. ‘Now that he’s shaken, time to play a card this man can’t ever hope to refute against,’ From within the pocket, a black phone was taken out. A few phone calls later, he reached Sophie, then Josiah who was in the middle of training Eira.

“Hello, Josiah speaking,” the voice crackled for it was hard to get a good signal.

“Sorry for disturbing,” Staxius spoke, the director of the junior academy had one thing in mind, how do I get out of this mess.

“I recognize that voice,” the old man proclaimed, “-give me a moment Eira,” was heard in the background. “Now then,” following a few footsteps, “-what’s the occasion of this call?” he asked, the tone curious.

“A pleasure to hear that you’re doing well. From what I got told, you were hospitalized? Must be the old age,” he added in jest to which Josiah laughed.

“Likewise, nephew, likewise, so how may I help?” calling out of the blue to exchange pleasantries wasn’t Staxius’ usual demeanor. He knew that there was something brewing underneath.

“I’d like to ask a question first,”

“Go ahead,”

“What’s the administrative order for Claireville Academy. I’m currently at the Junior branch, care to summarize?”

“Is that so, well as the director of the central Claireville Academy, I’ve got absolute authority if that’s what you’re asking. The other branches can but bow down to us, so what brings you there anyways?”

“I decided to check up on a girl who’s currently under my care – call her my daughter or whatnot. Thing is, since she’s orphan with no title whatsoever, it eluded me till now, but that girl has been subjected to oppression. I know full well what that entails – you’ve already formulated a vague timeline of what happened. Therefore, I’d like you to just call the Director and confirm my title as King to him. Get a hold of Raulf if needed, heck, tell the divine blade to get a hold of the Queen – I care not, what I need is for that man to understand who stands at the top and who doesn’t,” the words had power, this was the first time Josiah heard his nephew dead-set on fully utilizing his connections.

“Worry not, Nephew, consider it a present from this old man,” with a laugh, the phone hung.

“Say what you want, but I don’t believe a man such as you can be the king of Arda,” that phone call gave the Director time to recuperate.

*Driing,* a cacophony of telephones and phones overwhelmed the quiet room. “You best pick up those phones,” no emotions nor opening, he sat as if nothing happened. Lizzie quickly tried to get a hold of his hands; her mind was troubled by what her guardian had done. “Don’t worry,” he spoke silently, only the lips moved, his eyes felt warm and comforting.

Desperate at answering the plethora of calls – it took a few minutes till it died out. The face was scared beyond belief. “Who the hell are you?” slumped on the chair, he asked rhetorically whilst exasperated. “From the Director of Claireville Academy to Raulf Serlo, and even Queen Gallienne herself, they all called to confirm thy title as king of Arda,” the head shook in disbelief. “I dare not think about the poor guy whoever tries and stand in your way, majesty, I solemnly apologize for the insolence I’ve shone,” he stood and bowed.

“Raise thy head,” the voice thunderous and deep, one befitting a king. “There’s no need to act differently,” he voiced, “-now that you know that Lizzie is under my care and protection. Can I trust that her safety and well-being is your personal priority? I won’t say this twice, Lizzie may not have a family name yet, though it’s not uncommon for royalty to take on orphans as family members,” he stood and held out a hand. “I’d advise you to treat her like royalty. If anything should ever happen – I swear,” in that instant, a dark-aura enveloped the room, “-I’ll turn this place into the portal leading to hell,” the door opened – they left.

“I’m alive,” the director sighed, “-Staxius Haggard and Lizzie, who knew that people as intimidating as they exist. To make the Queen of Hidros, one rumored to be heartless and conniving to call and threaten my position as director – I dodged the bullet,” the hands went back to filling papers. [Lizzie: Guardian – Staxius Haggard, King of Arda] was written as her parents; the girl’s profile was updated from commoner to one under the care of the royal family.

“Master...” Lizzie called, they sat in Void.

“Yes?” the voice gentle, he asked, intrigued to what she had to say.

“What you said about an orphan getting adopted by the royal family, is that true?” her face seemed joyous.

“Yes, it’s not that unheard of, though it can’t be done on a whim. I’ll have to consult my wife first. But never mind that,” he patted her head, “-I’m your guardian now, don’t worry about anything else,” the car turned on. “Let’s go get you some clothes first,” with a wink, the car sped forth.

The visit to the junior academy resulted in a good outcome. The changes would not be direct – it would take effect in the coming weeks. Students would soon come to slowly accept Lizzie as an equal.

“Now then, order what you want,” sat in a café, near town-square with a giant fountain as the backdrop – the duo had tea. Visiting such a place had never crossed her mind before – though it was populated by students from other academies and schools. At this time of day, the town square and the commercial district would be filled by teenagers hanging out and having fun. Some hosted study sessions on the upper floors of the various eateries. Disparities between rich and poor didn’t affect daily life since the prices were moderate. A firm balance that allowed all to enjoy; not too expensive nor cheap. Of course, that depended on the shop and what kind of owner ran the place.

Outside, under a wooden vintage-looking roof, around a circular table for two, they waited. A quick look around showed that this particular café was reserved for the privileged. It showed by a single look inside, men and women wore classy and elegant suits and dresses. A place for business meetings – student wise, a few were scattered around, their posture dignified and tables filled with meals that could be described as an excessive waste of cash.

“Are you sure it’s a good idea?” Lizzie asked, her mouth watered but didn’t show. The prices on the menu made her on edge.

“Don’t worry about it,” he came closer, “-money isn’t an issue, go ahead and order anything you’d like. We also need to get you clothes – time is of the essence,” then relaxed again.

The waiter called, food ordered – Staxius decided on sipping tea and watching the surroundings. People eyed the duo, he looked like an actor from the main-land, as opposed to Lizzie who had a shabby outfit on. A hood, and long trousers, to which she seemed boyish. It didn’t matter in the end for a person’s worth was evaluated by the personality and belief as opposed to materialistic gain. Tis was what Staxius thought anyways.

A good meal later, the duo headed off to purchase clothes. From two-thirty to now six; Staxius and Lizzie kept one another company. Adete joined in the fun a little later. Shorts paired with a white-hoodie with a teddy bear on the front, socks that were knee-high with sneakers with a pink cap – was worn. This was one of the many outfits Staxius bought – the drive home was fun. The girl innocently rested her head against the car window and slept.

“Today was fun,” Adete spoke, “-I think Lizzie had the same feeling too.”

“I agree,” a quick check on the bank card later, [Balance: 202 988 Gold, 500 Silver,] “-a single gold piece to get like six outfits, Lizzie sure is considerate,” he smiled.

“Considering the records of thy money spending, it’s good to have someone with a sliver of commonsense around,” she added smugly.

“Ha-ha, very funny,” sarcasm filled the tone, they arrived at the hotel. Held on piggyback, they entered. The reception welcomed him with smiles – it had been a few months since they stayed at Zer’s Dorm. The idea of moving to the noble district loomed around head. A few strings would have to be pulled but it wasn’t out of reach.

“Over here,” Avon called from the first floor.

“Hello, Avon,”

“Good to see you back, master,” he voiced and helped to open the door in which Lizzie stayed. “Seems like you had fun.”

“It was quite entertaining to see Lizzie come out of her shell. I was a fool to ignore her on my own prejudice.” The last sentence was mumbled to which Avon fired back with, “-care to elaborate?”

“No,” he shook his head and walked out, “-I’m headed off to Pandora,” a smile later, Staxius vanished.

“Where’s Staxius?” Undrar rushed out of her room thinking her brother was present.

“Gone,” Avon replied and headed off to hang out with Auic.

“Damn it, I had to inform him about the interview...” slumped, the dragon returned to her bedchambers.

‘Now that I’m back,’ the car turned on, ‘-it’s not far off for the Order to allow the opening of a guild in Arda. I’ll have to contact Diane first; information is crucial. For now, buying a mansion is a priority. I should be able to get a good deal if I speak with Raulf. That’s a worry for tomorrow,’ he drove back to Pandora, thus the eventful return ended.

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