The Villainess With A Heroine Harem

Chapter 299 - Guardian Angel


Noelle thought that had it not been for her identity, Emilia would definitely have been cleaned up countless times by either her admirers or those who envied her.

If Amos had heard her thoughts, having almost thought he was going to die while being humiliated ruthlessly by Emilia, he might just have had a heart attack.

At this time, Emilia had also finished her dessert and set her utensils down. "Hmm? Since you're looking at me like that… did I succeed in charming you?"

Staring blankly at the girl's fluttering eyelashes and mischievous smile, Noelle's heart involuntarily skipped a beat. 'I-I did not just think that!'

Thankfully, she managed to control her expression in time and just shook her head in denial. "Even your older sister is too young for me, you know? How can I be charmed by a little kid?"

Emilia blinked, wondering if Noelle already forgot she knew her real age. "My older sister… isn't she only three years younger than you? Don't tell me… are you into old ladies?!"

This time Noelle really rolled her eyes, refusing to answer such an absurd question.

Thankfully, Emilia soon moved on to more serious topics, and the gray-haired girl breathed a sigh of relief once her little boss stopped flirting.

The younger girl probed about the topic she had initially wanted to discuss a few times, but Noelle just shook her head each time.

The main reason she had asked to meet her was to discuss the matter of leaking the Black Tiger's gun blueprints to their neighboring country, but the gray-haired girl certainly wouldn't bring up such a thing in a restaurant, even if it was their own.

Emilia also seemed to get the hint and stopped, but unfortunately for Noelle, this also made the girl's attention turn back to more personal matters.

Noelle couldn't help but sigh. "Haven't you already investigated me? Plus, why would you want to know what my life is like outside of work, anyway?"

Emilia blinked. "I haven't 'investigated you' obviously. I just took a look at your profile in the company because I was curious. And I just want to know, can't I?"

Noelle coughed, feeling a little guilty for misunderstanding her before. "E-Even so, there really isn't much interesting going on with me."


Emilia wasn't surprised to discover that Noelle had been the 'guardian angel' appointed by her parents to take care of Sam when she was younger.

An extremely talented and outstanding orphan girl who was screened and picked out at the age of three by the White Deer to nurture alongside their heir.

After all, she could be closer to the girl than anyone else under the guise of a same-age friend, and thus protect her more thoroughly.

This protection wasn't meant to be from physical threats, however, as there were other people around to take care of that. Instead, Noelle's role had always been to make sure that there were no bad influences around Sam, and also to make sure the girl didn't stray too far off the path that she shouldn't, all without ever pressuring her or making her unhappy.

With such a strict and unfeeling 'upbringing', Emilia realized that it was no wonder that the girl grew up to be so serious all the time.

Even though Noelle's role had been 'dissolved' once Sam's parents came into power in the White Deer Corporation after the death of her grandfather, it couldn't change the personality that had been carved into her bones already by then.

Thus, Noelle continued to take care of Sam, eventually becoming a high-ranking employee in the White Deer for the same purpose, and now serving as Sam's personal secretary.

Even her care for Emilia seemed to stem from the girl's position in Sam's heart.

At one point in their conversation, Emilia even had the thought that Noelle loved Sam, but she soon realized that it wasn't the case at all. What pushed Noelle forward weren't feelings, but obligation.

Emilia realized that, if she had been left alone, Noelle would surely have slipped out of her hands one day. Thankfully, she started paying attention early and ended up digging this out, or it might have been too late for regret.


As most of the guests at 'The Fawn' were either business elites or upper class 'children', it was no surprise that many focused their gazes upon the two girls who stood out from the crowd.

Of course, there were some who recognized Noelle as the right hand woman of the White Deer's heir, and immediately put any strange thoughts away, but many didn't know her after all.

It was inevitable that some of their conversations turned to discuss the two of them after their arrival.

"The older girl looks like a high-ranking employee, right? Both her appearance and temperament are top-notch."

"Of course, I'm guessing the younger girl is her cousin or something, and she brought her here to 'impress' her after she joined the same company."

"Heh, how two-faced..."

"Well, not a bad thing for us, right?"

But although they talked about it, none of them had any intention of going up to offer them a job personally. After all, it was easy to get their faces slapped, and hard to recover lost reputation.

As 'experienced' individuals, these kinds deals were best carried out by subordinates after looking into the girls' background.

But not everyone was so patient.

In one of the corner tables, a sunny-looking boy with a natural blonde hair and a bright smile was sitting with a man in his late twenties with a sharp and cold expression.

The blond boy gulped as his eyes stared at the object of his fascination almost unblinkingly. "Alex bro, weren't you looking for a better secretary recently?"

The cold and domineering face of his companion twitched for just a moment before he nodded. "She's too bothersome, and I'm almost tired of her already. Those two… the older girl looks decent, I will hand her the contract when we're leaving."


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