The Surrogate Bride of the Colonel He

Chapter 193

C193 – Worried Slap

Loong Shen hurried to the door in a state of agitation. Coincidentally, Zuo Bo had just alighted from the car. Observing the conspicuous dark red stains on Zuo Bo’s attire, Loong Shen furrowed his brows, his expression darkening.

“Greetings, Second Lieutenant,” a nearby soldier hastily greeted, noting Loong Shen’s demeanor.

However, Loong Shen couldn’t spare them a glance. He strode purposefully towards Zuo Bo, his features set in a determined grimace.

Huh? What’s happening? Is the Second Lieutenant furious? This is unprecedented!

What’s the commotion about? Could Zuo Bo have done something wrong?

Oh dear! Warden Zuo Bo must have irked the Second Lieutenant once again.

Here we go again, another clash between these two.

Let’s steer clear! If they erupt into violence again, it’ll be unbearable to witness.

The soldiers, aware of the strained relationship between Loong Shen and Zuo Bo, sighed inwardly before resigning themselves.

Ji Guangming, assisting the injured guard as they disembarked from the car, couldn’t help but internally cringe. He hurriedly shuffled to the side with the guard in tow, a somewhat comical sight.

Naturally, Zuo Bo noticed Loong Shen’s approach, his grin widening mischievously as he spoke in his usual playful tone, “What’s got you riled up, Loong? Me, perhaps?”

The mention of himself seemed to amuse him even more, though he couldn’t quite explain why.

As soon as the words left his lips, a resounding slap struck his face, causing his head to jerk to the side with a stinging impact.

Gasps erupted among the soldiers as Loong Shen’s hand connected with Zuo Bo’s cheek.

Really? It felt like their animosity had escalated since the last altercation!

What a loud crack! Just hearing it made one wince in sympathy.

Warden Zuo Bo must have transgressed grievously. Otherwise, the Second Lieutenant wouldn’t be so incensed.

The Second Lieutenant had just returned from Zuo Bo’s vicinity. Could Zuo Bo have been caught red-handed by the Second Lieutenant? The audacity! How could he defy the Second Lieutenant in such a manner?

It’s undoubtedly Warden Zuo Bo’s fault. I’m on the Second Lieutenant’s side.

The soldiers’ inner thoughts buzzed with activity. They were accustomed to the dynamics between Zuo Bo and Loong Shen, well aware of their tumultuous relationship. With Zuo Bo’s personality, it was hard for others not to take notice!

Meanwhile, Zuo Bo bore the brunt of the assault, yet he remained unfazed. Nonchalantly wiping blood from the corner of his mouth, his grin persisted.

Her voice, soft and laced with a gentle smile, seemed capable of thawing the iciest hearts as she gazed unwaveringly at Loong Shen, whose countenance remained turned away.

Scarred yet seemingly reveling in it. But despite the apparent enjoyment, anger simmered beneath. Heh, indeed a match made in heaven, wouldn’t you say?

However, Loong Shen’s mood was far from amicable. He swatted away Zuo Bo’s hand coldly. “Who’s concerned about you? Why aren’t you rotting on the roadside?”

Though evidently deeply worried, he remained obstinate, a hint of pride in his tone.

Damn it, can’t I protect my own integrity? Is that how you measure a man’s worth, by bedding women?

The more he dwelled on it, the angrier Loong Shen became.

And the reason for Loong Shen’s ire was quite simple: he was furious that Zuo Bo hadn’t safeguarded him adequately.

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