The Red Hand

Interlude 8 – MEW!

Interlude 8 – MEW!


There will also be a Misfits Chapter tonight.

Akagi and Yumi were relaxing in their bedroom while Kana and the girls were doing something in the living room. For whatever reason, Akagi was feeling lonely and wanted some attention from Yumi, so she decided to have a bit of fun by transforming herself into a catkin like Chloe. The Demon gave herself a long fluffy tail and ears the same color as her hair. She even shrank down a bit for extra cuteness, so she could easily fit in Yumi's lap! Akagi even went as far as to make her body squishy like a marshmallow to allow the maximum amount of fluffing and to increase her cuddly factor one hundred fold.

"Mew Mew Mew!" Akagi meowed happily as she rubbed against Yumi's side.

The two were sitting on the edge of the bed in pajamas after a day of lazing about and relaxation. As for the "mew" noise? That was just something Akagi wanted to do for fun and both she and Yumi thought it was cute.

"Do you want ear scratches?" Yumi trying to hold back the urge to squeeze Akagi. “Is that what you want?”

"MEW!" Akagi liked that idea.

"Ok." Yumi smiled as she scratched Akagi's fluffy ears.

{They're so soft!} Yumi squealed inside as she touched the floof.

"Mewwww." Akagi purred in delight. "Mewwwww."

"You like that?" Yumi failing to hold in her laughter. “Does that feel good my little kitty? You want more scratches? Is that what you want?”

"Mew!" Akagi nodded. Her face showed pure bliss as her tail wrapped around Yumi.

{This is amazing! She's so cute that I could just squeeze her until she pops!} Yumi was struggling to hold back her glee. She had no clue what brought this on but wasn't about to complain. If Akagi wanted to play kitty and snuggle with her, she'd never say no.

“How about your chin?” Yumi pulled Akagi's face up to hers. “Does kitty want me to scratch it?” She booped Akagi on the nose causing her to giggle.

“Mew!” Akagi nodded and Yumi obliged using both her hands to rub Akagi's chin, which caused Akagi's body to shiver in happiness.

"Mew Mew Mew!" It seemed the chin was even better than the ears, and Akagi began to lean in closer to Yumi as she continued.

"Whose a good Demon Kitty?" Yumi started talking in a funny voice, like you'd use for a pet.

"Mew!" Akagi meowed.

“Is it you?” Yumi asked.

“Mew!” Akagi meowed again.

"Yes, it's you!" Yumi laughed. "You're a good world-destroying Demon Kitty!"

"Mew. Mew." Akagi laughed.

Yumi's resolve eventually broke and she couldn't hold back anymore. In one swift stroke, she pulled Akagi into a hug, squeezing her face into her chest.

"Your so soft and fluffy!" Yumi said as she pet Akagi all over. “You need to do this more often! This is so much fun! You're like a life sized plushy!”

"Mew!" Akagi sat up rubbed her face against Yumi's in delight. "Mew Mew Mew!" The two rubbed against each other for a bit as Yumi played with Akagi's tail before switching tactics.

"Time for belly scratches! Come ere little kitty!" Yumi pushed Akagi down and started petting her stomach. At this point, Yumi had lost all self control and was fully indulging herself in the kitty.

"Mew!" Akagi enjoyed this new petting even more than the last. Yumi rubbed her belly and scratched her back and sides. It was similar to tickling, though much nicer for the recipient,  and the Demon shook in happiness as Yumi's hands ran over her.

"Who's a good kitty?" Yumi said while rubbing her nose against Akagi's "Who's a good kitty!" Yumi was enjoying herself even more than Akagi as she continued to pet and cuddle her Demon kitty master.

{The girls would be so jealous if they saw me. Good thing they're too busy.} Yumi's thought was interrupted by a cough at the door.

"Ummm." Kana stood in the doorway, watching this strange display. Akagi was in a state of euphoria and didn't pay attention to the sudden appearance of her sister, but Yumi most certainly noticed. Yumi slowly turned towards Kana, her face turning red in embarrassment.

"Should we come back later? You guys seem to be in the middle of something intimate." Kana was simultaneously embarrassed for Yumi, and also trying hard not to burst out laughing seeing her sister be pet relentlessly by the normally reserved priestess. "Word of advice, you should probably lock the door during special alone time."

Mika poked her head around the corner.

"That was amazing! Akagi looks like she's completely out of it, and her face is like a cat who got too much catnip!" Mika laughed. "Whose a good kitty!" She tried to mimic Yumi. "I love it. That was so god damn cute, Yumi. I never knew you had it in you.” She was struggling to stand as she was laughing so hard.

"Is this what they do when we're not around? Because its not exactly surprising, but at the same time still unexpected." Naomi chuckled. “Shadow blob Akagi is one thing, but cat Akagi? Never saw that coming.”

{Perhaps we should term it Catkagi! Just kidding.} (Naomi)

"I-umm, this is uhhh." Yumi had no idea what to say. “We're just... my Lord is ummm... it's... we're not..” She put her head in her hands in defeat. “SHE'S TOO DAMN CUTE! I COULDN'T HELP MYSELF!”

"Mew!" Akagi slowly got up as the girls were talking and leapt off the bed onto the floor in front of the girls. She looked up at them, and only now did they realize she was smaller than normal. "Mew!" She put up her hand and made a cat paw motion as she tilted her head innocently. It was a common trope in anime, and she found it cute.

"Why?!?" Kana exclaimed. “Is there a good reason you're doing this? Or are you just being your usual brand of stupid?”

"Mew?" Akagi meowed innocently as she tiled her head.

"That's so cute! It's like that anime I saw the other day with the kitty girl!" Mika's eyes sparkled. "Can I pet you? Or is this another Yumi only thing?" She asked.

Akagi nodded in approval. "Mew!"

"KITTY!" Mika bent down and pet Akagi's fluffy ears. "Oh my god! They're so soft! Wait, YOU'RE so soft!” She squished Akagi's cheeks, before stretching her face in a funny manner.” This is so unfair! Why is Yumi getting this whenever she wants, while I'm denied the floof?!? You need to get fluffy for me for often! I demand dedicated kitty snuggle time!" She rubbed her face against Akagi, who seemed to enjoy this interaction.

“Mew. Mew. Mew.” Akagi laughed.

"Mika, don't encourage her! We've already got enough weirdness in this house, and the last thing I need is for her to start acting like a cat!" Kana sighed. “Naomi, back me up here would you. You're the sane one he-" Kana looked over where her friend was standing a moment prior, but found Naomi had moved to scratch Akagi on the chin.

"Is this good?" Naomi asked with a smile. “Should I go lower? Or is here fine?”

“No fair Naomi! I won't let you steal her from me this time!” Mika started giving chin scratches too. “See mine's better! Isn't that right kitty?”

"Mew!" Akagi's tail wagged, showing her joy at all the pets. Though she seemed to prefer Mika's slightly more.

“Ha I knew it!” Mika smiled. “My pets are the best! Kneel before my superior technique Naomi!”

*Tsk* Naomi clicked her tongue. “Looks like I'll just have to get serious!” She used on hand to pet Akagi's ears while the other rubbed her chin.

“MEW!” Akagi meowed loudly as she was being given an absurd amount of attention by the two girls. While Kana stood back and looked at the two them like they were idiots.

"Now you're doing it too?!? Am I the only sane person here?!?" Kana groaned. "She's not a cat or an animal! She's just my goofy sister being weird and stupid like always and you two are enabling her behavior!”

"Mew!" Akagi let out an angry meow and a hiss towards Kana.

"Don't you "Mew" like that at me!" Kana got mad. "I'll dump water on you, you fake cat!"

{I'll get the hose. Don't you fucking tempt me!} (Kana)

"Mew mew mew mew." Akagi shook her head rapidly. The threat of water seemed to scare her greatly, likely due to being a cat at the moment.

"Don't torment the poor kitty like that." Mika brought Akagi close to protect her from the mean Kana. “She's done nothing wrong! You're just jealous is all.” Mika stroked Akagi's head to calm her fear. “There there kitty, the mean Yokai lady can't hurt you. So don't be afraid.”

"Yeah, animal cruelty isn't ok, Kana." Naomi gave a look of disapproval. “How could you put the kitty in water like that. I thought you were better than this!”

"She's not a cat! Why the heck are you two playing along with this stupid situation. She's just slapped on some ears and grew a tail! Besides don't you find it weird that a person is meowing and getting scratched like a cat?!? Because I sure do!" Kana exclaimed. "Yumi, do something about this. She'll listen to you, so tell her to stop. I don't care what you two lovebirds do in your own privacy but don't drag these two idiots in. They're far too impressionable, and they might start acting stranger than usual because of Onee-chan's influence! "Kana was hoping for some help, but that was not what she got.

"No fair! Don't go hogging her all to yourselves! She's my kitty, not yours!" Yumi grabbed onto Akagi's shoulders. "Hand her over! She transformed for me!" Thus started a tug-of-war contest between the three girls over who could pet Akagi.

"Mew mew mew mew." Akagi sang happily as she got pulled back and forth. She didn't really care who pet her, only that she was given attention.

"Mine!" Yumi cried. “Release her to me!”

"Sharing is caring!" Mika said. “And I can see Kana does not care!”

"Yeah, Yumi, you get her enough as it is." Naomi tried to help Mika pull her away. “Let us have some fun! She can just do this later with you. But for right now ,let us pet the Demon kitty!”

{This... this is so stupid. Why are all my friends weirdos and why is everyone in this family nuts?!?} (Kana)

"Why are you all like this?!?" Kana was annoyed. "She's just.... this whole thing is... argh!" She muscled through the three girls and tried to pulled Akagi away by activating her strength magic. “Give her to me. This ends now!”

“Nooo!” (Naomi x Mika x Yumi)

After a bit of a tussle, Kana manged to pull her kitty sister away from the three girls.

"There! Now stop this dumb fighting." Kana had Akagi squished up against her so she couldn't be easily removed from her grip.

"Thief!" Mika yelled. “You stole the kitty!”

"Hand her over!" Yumi cried out. “I won't hesitate to use force! Even against you, Kana!”

“Kana is just upset she's not as cute and cuddly as her sister.” Naomi laughed.

{I'd rather my sister be cool and mature, not cute and cuddly thank you!} (Kana)

"Will you three stop-" Kana was cut off, as Akagi began rubbing her face against Kana chest.

"Mew!" Akagi seemed very happy to be touching Kana. "Mew!"

"Don't rub against me like that! That's so fucking creepy!" Kana's words seemed to really hurt Akagi's feelings as the kitty got a bit teary eyed.

“Mew...” Akagi started to cry a bit.

“How could you!” Mika said. “You didn't need to say something so hurtful.”

“Yeah, Kana that was a bit much...” Naomi shook her head. “You might not like it, but there's no need to say something like that.”

“She's just a bit lonely. That was too harsh Kana, please apologize to her.” Yumi disapproved.

“What? I'm the bad guy?” Kana was shocked. “Wait you're not really upset are... you...” Kana looked down to the teary face of Akagi.

“Mew......” She let out a quiet mew. It seemed the use of the word creepy had genuinely hurt Akagi's feelings, something Kana didn't expect.

{Great, now I feel bad...} Kana sighed.

“I'm sorry, ok?” Kana hugged her. “I shouldn't have said you were creepy. That was uncalled for and I won't say something like that ever again. You're strange and kooky, but you're not creepy.”

“Mew....” Akagi rubbed against her in forgiveness.

{Why is she so squishy? It's like she's made of fluff...} Kana sighed internally.

“There's only one way to make up for your words.” Mika said.

“Yeah.” Naomi nodded.

“It's only right that you take responsibility for making my Lord cry.” Yumi's face was serious.

“Ugh.....” Kana sighed. “Fine!” Sat on the floor and dragged Akagi into her lap. “Just the ears!" Kana declared. "Nothing more!"

“Mew!” Akagi gave a happy meow as Kana started petting her.

{Kill me...} Kana was so embarrassed to be petting her own sister like this. The shadow form was one thing, but this was not what she wanted to do. Akagi was suppose to be her cool and mature older sister that she looked up to, not a cute pet that got spoiled and was fed treats.

She looked up at her friends. "You're all crazy for petting her like some kind of animal. She just has cat ears and a tail and says 'mew' over and over again. I have no clue how you could be so into playing with her like this. Petting her would be like grabbing one of the ninjas and petting them! They're people not animals, you don't pet them!"

"Ummm." Mika turned slightly red. "I may or may not have done that a few times..."

"Yeah..." Naomi looked away in embarrassment.

"What?!?" Kana yelled in surprise. “You've pet some of the ninja?!? When?!?”

Neither girl answered.

"I mean, they do like it." Yumi laughed. “I've heard many good things about Mika from them. It seems she's in high demand for ear scratches.”

“I've had a few cats over the years and got really good at it.” Mika puffed her chest out in pride.

"You don't just pet people!" Kana was so exasperated. “That's so....”

"Why not?" Mika said. "If they were ok with it, it's fine."

"Yeah, they seemed to enjoy it. Otherwise, they would have said no." Naomi agreed.

“Mew!” Akagi gave an angry meow as Kana's hands had stopped moving while she talked.

“Alright, alright! You don't need to get all mad at me! Just be quiet!” Kana put her hands back on Akagi's ears and this time she grabbed hold of the fluffy part within the ear itself and started scratching it. Something that caused Akagi to purr in delight.

{Please don't purr in my arms... I'm going to kick your ass later for making me do this!} She vowed revenge on Akagi and her friends. {Though, man are her ears soft. Wait! What I am I thinking?!?} Kana shook her head to clear her thoughts. {It's just Onee-chan being stupid. She wants me to enjoy the fluffy softness of her ears... and dammit I just thought about the warm comfy... I hate this...} She was beginning to loose to the ear floof's power.

"Mew mew mew mew." Akagi hummed in delight at the petting, even bouncing her head as if she were bopping along to music.

{Ok, so there's nothing wrong with admitting she's cute... and that her ears are fluffy and soft... Those are just facts! So its safe, completely safe...} Kana assured herself that she was still not ok with this. With her superiority over Naomi and Mika reaffirmed, at least to her, she moved into a more rigorous petting and scratching of Akagi's ears, since there was nothing wrong with appreciating the floof.

"Aww, look at that peaceful sight. A girl and her cat. It's so precious." Naomi laughed.

“Yeah, it gives me the warm fuzzies inside.” Mika smiled

"Mew!" Akagi meowed in agreement.

"Laugh it up all you want, but I don't care anymore. " Kana sighed. “I've resigned myself to my fate. So go ahead, make all the stupid jokes you want. Just remember that unlike you, I still have my dignity intact, since I'm not fussing over a fake cat girl.”

“Oh, are you sure about that?” Naomi smirked. “I think you might be lying to yourself about that one, Kana.”

"Yeah you seem to be enjoying yourself much more than your letting on" Mika chuckled.

"I'm just doing this to shut her up, that's all," Kana grumbled. “She's a bit cute, but its still a weird thing that I'd rather not be a part of.” She tried to convince the others, but they weren't buying it.

"If that's true, then why has your hand moved to scratch her chin?" Yumi asked.

"What? It's not-" She looked down, and indeed it was. At some point, she'd moved her hand and was scratching Akagi's chin. "When did I do that?!?" She tried to move it away, but Akagi grabbed it.

"Mew!" She didn't want her to stop, since it felt good.

"You can admit you're enjoying yourself, Kana. There's nothing wrong with it." Yumi giggled. “Just embrace the floofy cat and forget all your troubles. Resistance is futile and all shall fall to her power.”

"Sure, let me just say, hey, I like petting my cat sister. Cause that's a sane and normal thing to say." Kana rolled her eyes. “Please let me keep at least a little of my sanity. I'd rather not turn out like you three and throw away all common sense."

{Are you really one to talk?!?} (Mika x Naomi x Yumi)

"I mean, at this point is that really the strangest thing?" Naomi pointed out that with everything they'd seen, Catkagi was pretty tame. “It's definitely abnormal, but Akagi is a very crazy existence, at this point why not just lean into it and enjoy the insanity like we do?”

“Yeah, its much more fun when you just go along with the crazy. Plus, Akagi always makes stuff fun!” Mika said.

"Ok fair points, but still. We shouldn't enable her strange behavior!" Kana tried to protest. “What if she starts walking around like this full time. We have to give her at least a small amount of discipline every now and again!”

"You say that, yet both of your hands are petting. Looks to me like you are the one who lacks discipline." Naomi pointed to Akagi's ears which were being scratched by Kana's other hand.

"What's going on?!?" Kana exclaimed. "Are you doing something to control me?" She looked at Akagi. “I swear if your using some magic to make me do all this, you're going straight into the bath!”

"Mew!" She shook her head, denying the accusations levied against her.

"She would never! My Lord's a good kitty." Yumi came to her defense. "Face it, you're just enjoying yourself. So stop hogging her and give her back if you won't admit your true feelings! She deserves to be loved by those who appreciate her, not some abusive little sister who can't be honest with herself." Yumi grinned.

{Since when did Yumi get sassy?!?} (Kana)

"Fine then.” Kana pushed on Akagi to get her off her. “Go on! Get! You've got your adoring public waiting for you, and they'll give you much more attention than me." Kana stared at Akagi, who let go of her and jumped at Yumi, tackling her to the ground and rubbing her face against hers.

"Mew mew mew mew mew." Akagi seemed to be having fun and appeared to be happy to be back with Yumi.

"Great, now I've got hair all over me." Kana stood up, but the smile on her face betrayed her words.

{She wasn't so enthusiastic with me.... Wait no! I don't care about that! I'm not jealous that Yumi seems to be getting smothered with joy by Onee-chan...} (Kana)

"Come here you! Time to give the kitty the loving she deserves! Let's go Naomi, we've got a kitty to spoil!" Mika ran over, followed by Naomi, and together with Yumi the three pet Akagi all over. Her face showing bliss from all the touching.

"Mew mew mew mew mew!" It was literally heaven for the Demon cat as she got more scratches and pets than one could imagine. Kana stood by and watched, struggling to hold herself back from joining. After a few minutes, her small amount of willpower eventually gave out and she to grabbed onto Akagi's tail with the excuse that 'it looked lonely'. This crazed petting of the worlds most dangerous catgirl continued for a good while until Chloe knocked at the door.

"Hello, Myaster. I've come to-" She stopped as she started at the sight of Akagi laying on the floor and being pet by the girls. "Myaster has become one of us?!?" She ran over, shocked. "When did this happen? nya?"

The girls stopped their petting and looked at Chloe, allowing Akagi to sit up.

"Mew." Akagi crawled over and looked up at Chloe, staring into her eyes..

"Mew mew mew mew mew." She meowed at Chloe.

"Nya? nya nya nya nya nya." Chloe responded, tilting her head.

"Mew mew mew mew mew mew." Akagi continued to meow.

"Nya Nya Nya." Chloe smiled, and the two continued 'speaking' for a bit.

"Can they actually understand each other?" Kana asked Yumi.

"I have no idea." Yumi shook her head. “I thought Chloe's nya thing was just a verbal tic, and not an actual language thing.”

“I thought it was just some anime catgirl thing anyway.” Naomi sighed.

Mika decided to ask. "Chloe, do you actually know what she's saying?"

"Hmm? No." Chloe shook her head. “I've got no idea what she's saying. I actually don't think she's 'saying' anything anyway.” She shrugged.

"Wait, then why are you doing that nya thing?" Naomi asked. “It looked like you were talking to her.”

"???" Chloe tilted her head. "I was doing it because I thought it was funny."

"Mew mew!" Akagi nodded in approval.

The four girls just looked at each other and sighed.

“Yeah that figures.” Yumi gave a wry smile.

“Chloe is kinda strange. She is Akagi's student after all.” Naomi shook her head.

“It was a cute little exchange though. I wish I'd recorded it.” Mika chuckled.

"I guess there are more weirdos in this house than just Onee-chan." Kana shook her head. "Is it a cat thing?"

"Weird?" Chloe said. "Why am I weird? And no! Not all of us cats are like this! Why are you looking at me like I'm some sad person that you pity?!?"

They didn't respond to her comments. Instead, they shook their heads in disapproval and muttered something about everything making sense.

"What did I do?!?" Chloe exclaimed. "You're all awful!”

"Mew mew!" Akagi meowed happily as the day continued onward with Catkagi causing chaos.


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