The Red Hand

Chapter 181 – So it Begins.

Chapter 181 – So it Begins.

Once Akagi's tomfoolery was finished, and Zephiria was roused from her slumber, the other players started their preparation and planning for the coming battle with Serval.

Based on Hishya's experience she figured having dedicated teams rather than just letting people run around randomly was better, so the dragon organized people into three teams. Tanks, which consisted of Minazawa, Shimari, Excelsior, and Xerxes. DPS, which contained Superbia, Birdy, Herself, Eris, Ayame, Tiball, Avahn, and Mixu. And Support: Daikael, Imp, Zephiria, Shiru, Alveron, and Ara.

Naturally, the dragon wanted more people, as it took roughly three times this amount to handle Serval during their final battle with him in FWO. However, she guesstimated that without his damage reduction cheat, they might be able to do it with this smaller number.

Once teams were decided, Hishya got to work setting up battle plans drawing up an exhaustive list of formations, maneuvers, and methods of attack. Akagi presumed that Serval and Rivenshaft would be drawn to her once they appeared. Thus Hishya opted to use the Demon as bait and lure Serval to a nearby valley. She didn't want to risk the battle spilling into Kyoto, and while the large open area would give the Dragon some advantage, Hishya made plans to handle his flight with their team's abilities.

After nearly three days of non-stop practice, drills, logistical work, and preparation, things were complete, and all that remained was to wait for the two World Bosses to appear. It would be a tense waiting game, and the knowledge that the two monsters could appear at any time caused significant anxiety.

Deciding it was best if they remained close by, Akagi generously opened her home and chose to allow the other players to remain at her estate until it was time for battle. Something that most appreciated as her home was quite luxurious. The baths in particular got rave reviews, and her cooks received so many compliments that they got a bit embarrassed.

Late into the night, Kana woke up to grab a drink from the kitchen. It was well into May, and the warm breezes could be felt down each hallway as the estate was opened to allow fresh air in. After wobbling down the hallway and getting some water while half asleep, Kana heard something that surprised her. A violin was being played nearby, so Kana decided to check on the noise.

{Onee-chan?} Kana popped her head around one of the sliding doors and saw Akagi sitting on one of the internal walkways that surrounded a central garden at the estate while playing a violin. The Demon was smoking her Kiseru while looking up at the full moon, whose light shined on her like a beam. Kana stood there, staring at her sister for a good minute and listening to the melody, before Akagi's voice startled her out of her trance.

"What are you doing up this late?" Akagi asked without even looking at her.

"Ah! Umm..." Kana stumbled. "Sorry for staring, just... I thought you looked kinda cool sitting like that..." Her ears got beat red from embarrassment.

{Way to make yourself look stupid, Kana!} (Kana)

"I see..So you got out of bed at 3 am just to watch my majestic form and hear my wonderful tune. Not exactly my cup of tea, but I can understand it." Akagi laughed.

"I got up to get some water!" Kana exclaimed. "Grrr!" She ruffled her hair. "Now you've got me all flustered! I only got up to get a drink, and now you've gone and aggravated me!"

Akagi laughed. "Sorry. I'll stop since it's so late." She let out a puff.

"Why are you awake anyway? Shouldn't you be happily snuggled next to Yumi?" Kana asked as she sat down next to her sister.

"While that is exactly where I want to be, right now I've got too much on my mind to sleep." Akagi put down the violin before turning the Kiseru upside down and letting the tobacco fall out before she packed more and lit it.

"Are you worried about the fight with Serval and Rivenshaft?" Kana leaned on her.

"Funnily enough, no." Akagi chuckled. "Neither of those two are really a threat to me, and I could easily handle both. No, that's not what has me thinking." She took a puff. "Nor is it those stupid Spirits on the Council."

"Then what is it?" Kana asked as she yawned.

"Honestly, it's what comes next that has my mind racing." Akagi replied.

{My mind is always on what comes next. As things are never peaceful for long. Not in this or any other world for that matter.} (Akagi)

"Next?" Kana wasn't sure what she meant. "Do you mean building your country?"

"That is one thing on my mind, yes." Akagi nodded as she bit the tip of her pipe. "But it's not my real worry." She continued. "Ever since Mizumi explained what her situation was, I've been worried that her former world would one day become a problem."

"Do you think they'll come after you because of the Spirits?" Kana queried her. She knew a good bit of information and assumed retaliation was possible.

"That's what has my mind racing at the moment." Akagi sighed. "It doesn't help that Shinlua and Mizumi have recently given me another, unexpected, bit of intel."

{If it's got her worried, it can't be good.} (Kana)

“That other world, not only did its gods interfere directly in an attempt to exterminate the Spirits, but they even went and brought in some external help." Akagi said.

"Help?" (Kana)

"Heroes." Akagi said that word with contempt. "They pooled their power and summoned four people from a separate world and imbued them with power, much like an isekai anime." She laughed. "They summoned them and fed them garbage about the Spirits being evil and such, and they bought it."

"H-heroes?" Kana woke up fully at that term. "That trope is actually real?!?"

{Really?!?} (Kana)

"I have no reason to doubt them, so yes it is." Akagi clicked her tongue. "Shinlua fought one of them, and she kicked her ass quite thoroughly. That Elf is no slouch for a mortal, and she stood no chance."

{I've heard that one in particular is quite the skilled swordswoman. It might be interesting to meet her, if the tales I've heard are true.} (Akagi)

"But, I thought traveling between worlds was nearly impossible." Kana asked recalling what she was told.

"Nearly impossible is just a fancy way of saying hard." Akagi laughed. "So I'm sure if they could drag 'em here, they can send 'em to another world if they wanted."

"But these heroes, you can handle them, right?" Kana was getting a bit worried. "Even if they all teamed up and fought you together, you'd be fine, right?"

{I've read enough novels to know what happens if the Hero and Demon Lord fight...} (Kana)

"Most likely." Akagi shrugged. "The real question is just how powerful they are and what kind of damage they could do. Especially if those gods of theirs start getting directly involved."

{Though despite my confidence, I'm not taking any chances with these Heroes. I've no interest in being the second Demon Lord slayed by people of that world.} (Akagi)

"So if they come here and chase after the Spirits, you'll have to fight them?" Kana grabbed onto the hem of Akagi's Kimono.

"Yes." Akagi nodded. "I will not tolerate any external forces attacking my world."

{And the thing is, from what Shinlua told me. I have a suspicion that those Heroes might actually be from Earth.} From what she'd been told, the Heroes came from a magicless and technologically advanced world and were most probably Japanese based on descriptions of their apperance. {As cliche as it seems, I think we've got a case of isekai heroes being summoned, fighting the good fight then having to go battle the Demon Lord.} She sighed internally.

"I don't really want to get into conflict with them or their world, but I suspect that they will not come in peace. Most likely, they will be told that the Spirits are still causing their world to collapse, and the gods will feed them lines of BS to spur them onward." Akagi said.

"If you can beat them, why are you so worried?" Kana asked.

"Unknowns." Akagi wrapped her arm around Kana. "I simply have no idea what they can do, and that worries me. For all I know, they do have a way of killing me." Her words caused Kana to tense. "Even if they don't, it's possible they might do something else to harm me, like taking you, the girls or my family away. So yeah, I'm worried. I don't like unknowns and a lack of information drives me nuts."

"That's why your mind is racing." Kana said. "It's trying everything it can to get rid of the uncertainty."

"You got it!" Akagi laughed. "Right now, I'm analyzing everything I've got on that other world, and I'm combing my Demon Lord knowledge for information on Gods, Heroes, and ways of killing me. Naturally, I won't share anything about the last bit."

"I thought the only way to defeat you was to obliterate you entirely?" Kana giggled.

"That's the most straightforward way, but killing me isn't the only way to defeat me." Akagi gave a wry smile.

{Sealing me away is technically possible, though that would take such astronomical power that I doubt it's practical. The amount of power necessary to seal and permanently contain a Demon Lord is likely in excess of what an entire world has at its disposal. And there is no indication that one of my kind has ever been dealt with in such a manner. However, as unlikely as that scenario is, precautions will be taken. I will not allow myself to be defeated, not now and not ever. Because the moment I falter is the moment everything is taken from me, and I won't permit that to happen. Not when I've finally found happiness, and not when so many people rely on me. I'm not fighting for myself anymore. Now... now I fight for my family, and I'll be dammed if I fail them!} (Akagi)

After a bit more discussion, Akagi picked up her sister and returned her to bed, something the girl was a bit embarrassed about. The Demon herself didn't return to sleep, as she was still too worried about future events to properly shut down for the night. Thus, she decided to take one final look at her special reinforcements and pay a small visit to Imperial's laboratory.


The next day.

Just after ten in the morning, dark clouds began to swirl over the mountains of Northern Kyoto. A large amount of magical energy began to build, and everyone at the estate understood that it was time for battle. Grouping up, everyone except for Imp, Daikael and Mixu moved to the nearby valley, directly underneath where the cloud and energy coalesced, until a loud crack echoed out, and a tear in the sky formed above them.

"Well, it took you long enough." Akagi laughed as out from a hole, in reality, appeared two figures, one a massive green and gold dragon, easily twice the size of Hishya, and the other a large gray-skinned man, whose appearance screamed Demon. The two circled around above the grouped players before landing a bit ahead of them.

{It looks like things are about to get interesting. I just hope this ends up being as entertaining as I want. Good luck Hishya. Maybe during this fight, you'll finally understand that you don't need to hold back anymore.} (Akagi)


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