The Power of Ten

Chapter 4-101: Past and Present

Chapter 4-101: Past and Present

Shes aware shes dangerous to those around her by what she does, Shiv said softly. Those ridiculous nightly walks she goes on...

Hank Blakhamars eyes sparkled darkly. Jamie says the drug pushers in the whole north of the city are down by seventy percent, and none within two miles of Vrunes place. Got four schools in that area. She says theres a dozen kids who got recruited as pushers, and wound up in the hospital for it. The people who supplied them seem to be missing.

Shiv narrowed her eyes, watching the slow but steady improvement of her younger brothers. With chi bolstering them, they werent going to get tired of this easily, and if they were getting dusty, it only stirred them to get up even faster. How bad was it?

Nine dead by overdoses, dozens of addicts, big rise in petty theft to fuel the habits, he told her quietly. Had to bring in Amanans to break the addictions for our own.

They put out strains just for non-humans?... Shiv murmured darkly.

Aye. Worse for the humans, though. Shiv glanced at him. Infected with a strain of white rot that reacts to clerical manna. Her dark eyes widened ever so slightly. Aye, it was targeted at the poor. Six of the dead were kids from poor or broken families. One of them was an urkhar who went mad on Apop, and killed his best friend and his friends sister. You read about that one in the papers.

Shiv nodded slowly. And the op-eds from concerned citizens.

Imprusar. Hanks eyes were like jet pools, gleaming with Crystal chi. I ever tell you I was born human, Shivaeli?

Shivaeli closed her eyes. She knew her father was old, but not how old. Nobody knew how long their races could actually live to, but her father had not noticeably aged in the forty years she had known him, while humans greyed all around them both. Mama mentioned it in passing once, but no, not you.

I was sixteen when the Shroud came, and I started to change. I used to be a head taller, a skinny little fool running from the Germans in the motherland. He took a puff of his pipe. They took my whole family, and Ive not heard a lick of them in this world, even with the technology as it is now. They are somewhere under the Shroud in the motherland, dead and walking with those what killed them. There was no gratitude or even irony in his voice, only sadness. I was as human as any damn Imprusar, and there werent no magic in anybody back then, Shivaeli. Them Imprusar who got magic are no more human than I am. Them talking about human superiority is just like those Germans back then, and all their Aryan superiority.

They didnt learn the lessons those fools did. What were they called? Where the Russians were tragic victims of the Shroud, the Germans were basically fools who brought their doom upon themselves, with those theyd massacred rising up to kill their slayers.

National Socialists. Just Aryan pigs. The same words from the Imprusar, the same hate cloaked in self-defense, self-interest... and them the ones giving the orders, of course.

Shiv had never heard that level of old, stoked anger in her fathers voice. There is a lot of anger in humans who didnt get any magic, Papa, she said softly.

Aye, but the Imprusar dont care about them, either, or theyd not be spreading disease among the poor, the dwarf huffed. You do what you have to do about them. Lots of good people in the world, and they may not care to act against those squealing about representing them and all, but they wont miss the bastards if they are gone, either. He nodded slightly at Sama Rantha as Mord was sent whooping ten feet into the air, spiraling crazily. Hagchilds be no-magic humans too, you know?

No human is as strong as she is, Shiv swore.

A bushy brown eyebrow rose. Yeve not seen enough humans, then. And Amazons be human enough, no?

Shiv scowled. Theyve got a Pact. Thats different.

Mmm. Perhaps. Ancients? he went on, and she inclined her head... but Ancients were as rare as ex-Ukrainian dwarves. Berserkers?

They cant sustain their frenzy. They are nothing if you are smart enough to outlast them, Shiv sniffed.

Ive a feeling theres humans out there who can surprise you... although this one is definitely special. Ive the feeling that even if she knows theres heat coming down on her head for going up against the Imprusar, it wont stop her in the slightest.

Shiv silently agreed. That light in the younger womans eyes was something shed seen in Paladins and zealots before... although tempered by a lot of cold cunning and merciless efficiency. That was a woman who believed in herself, what she was doing, and that it was for a higher cause.

Those were always very dangerous people to be around...


Look, lunkheads, youre gonna need shields, Sama said calmly, as the three Blakhamars sat down around her. Youre big. Youre meaty. Put any of you in a group of humans, and who is the one they are gonna want to shoot first? Whos gonna have the hardest time finding cover?

Everyone looked at Mohono, who raised his hand sheepishly.

At the same time, youre big enough and strong enough to use a shield that can actually stop small arms fire, right? Unless someone pulls out a cannon, you can just charge them? If you Enhance it, it can even stop AP.50 Cal rounds, and thats pretty much the biggest portable thing youre gonna see that can actually target you.

Yeah, theyll save the rocket launchers for something that cant dodge them, Grik grinned. After all, the boys werent slow.

All their bumps and bruises were gone. Shed taken the sword and shield Pendant around her throat, wrapped it around her fist, and sucked all their injuries away. One of the reasons they were happy to have her as a teacher was because she could do that. The fact she could take it all without batting an eye at how painful it was meant they were all VERY respectful of her.

Cant use a big weapon if I got a shield, sighed Mord, who liked getting his big paws around a very hefty axe.

Fucking right. You want a big weapon, you make a small one that can grow that big! Sama declared. You can always take a proper battle-axe and use it in two hands if you need to. Requiring it? Thats utter tactical stupidity. You see your dad doing that with his Hammer? Fucking no. Its got a telescoping hilt if he wants to smack you from a distance, and really get some leverage. But he can hang it on his belt and smack you in tight quarters with it.

So I dont give a shit how badly you want to swing around something with a five-foot blade on it. You dont do it. If you cant use it in one hand freely, you dont take it to a fight against anything with brains, especially in this day and age, or youll be dead.

So, what kind of gun you think we should take? Mohono spoke up. I mean, they are probably just gonna have small stuff. Given how huge his hands were, standard small arms were useless to him.

You know Im not a Gunsmith. Your biggest worry is gonna be ammunition, not the guns. The army doesnt care if you bring custom firearms, but they dont wanna pay for non-standard ammo. As far as ideas on that, that's Master Rutgers territory, not mine. He served, so he knows what youre gonna be facing, and hell have ways around it.

Of course, if you got lots of money, theres tons of magical shit you can work into Guns, just like you can Weapons. But you know what the most important thing about your Weapons is.

Name them! they all said together.

Name them and grow them. Tremble slid out an inch behind her back without her putting a finger on it, attracting all their eyes as the pommel of the Sword seemed to be looking back at them. They all knew how dangerous that Sword was, and for all that shed never gotten serious with it against them, they still had no desire to take her on when she was holding it. Devote yourself to your Weapons, and they will devote themselves to you.

Now, you can go to Rutger for a Gun, but I will make your Swords, and you know Master Vrune will make you an appropriate Axe, Mord. Lets go over the specs of your Weapons, your Shields, and your Armor, because you freaking know the armor they have aint gonna fit you well, either.

While it might seem heavy armor was out of place in a world of guns, there was too much shit that got in tight where it was needed... and Crystal Dragon practitioners werent any slower or less nimble than guys in lesser armor at ALL.

Yeah, it would make them bigger targets... but that was why theyd have armor.

Sama started to talk in some very precise dwarven terminology, and the boys all leaned in to listen closely, commenting here and there as it was their turn as they nailed down exactly what they wanted in their Weapons.


It was Tuesday night, Fight Night.

The crowd was roaring for blood and violence, and the Circle of Blood was up, a blessing of Hurn that allowed folks to beat on one another to their hearts content, and nobody would die. Theyd just heal up quickly after they fell, and be able to stumble back out after a minute or two.

Risk-free, easy training for violent sorts, which naturally got turned into a spectator sport, which Hurn didnt mind at all, either. Battle was battle!

Sama sat there and watched Mohono taking on Glumbel Three-Claws. The mutant troll basically earned his living and his eats in these matches, and was a nearly unbeaten king of the local circles. Technically, he didnt even need the Circle to fight, since he regenerated, but there were people whod walked into the Circle with flaming hands and stuff, and the brute enjoyed the protection now.

The troll stood a full ten feet tall when he straightened up, which was seldom, and his arms were over seven feet long. He was bigger than Mohono, who towered over just about any human combatant, and the two were having themselves a big slugging and clawing match.

Sama watched calmly, knowing Mohono wasnt going to win this one. Three-Claws was a ripping, rending brute who had fought a lot, and knew his own strengths. He used his reach and greater mass very effectively, and even Mohonos ogryn strength didnt let him exceed the trolls brute force.

That said, Mohono had paid big attention to his Crystal Shield, which annoyed the piss out of the troll, as glancing blows didnt phase him at all, and he could take even powerful ripping cuts with only some bloody streaks. If he got in close to the troll, he was able to hit him like driving pistons, slamming blows that could lift the bigger creature right into the air, crack bones, and drive the wind right out of him.

Mohono had already broken Three-Claws jaw twice when he came in to bite with tremendous uppercuts, but he was breathing hard and stumbling now from multiple crisscrossing claw marks across his deep purple torso. The troll was healing, if slowly, and even though hed been beaten hard, he could smell the victory, and came bounding in to finish it.

Fists and claws met, and the third claw on Three-Claws left side, a vestigial arm from who knew what, grabbed and ripped at Mohonos side. Three-Claws foot came up with blinding speed in his rending combo as the troll pivoted so hard he wrenched his hip out of its socket, and tore a bloody path from Mohonos waist up across his chest in one blow.

Mohono grunted and fell down, blood spraying. The judge whistled the fight was to stop before Three-Claws could move in for a lethal finish, while Mohono laid on the ground gasping, instead of trying to get to his feet.

Sama watched and waited... and waited... and waited... and her eyes narrowed.

When the ring of fire suddenly went out, her eyes snapped around abruptly, and Fall was instantly in her hand. Shiv! Kill her! she called out, leaping and shooting a burning bolt even as she snatched at her Healing Amulet with her other hand.

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