The Otherworldly Adventures of a Super Naive Girl

Chapter 579, 580, 581, 582

Chapter 579, 580, 581, 582

579: The Situation at School

Deep in a certain mountain thousands of miles away from the Ancient Silver Moon kingdom, Mei Luo slowly descended.

Her body roiled with demonic energy. Her eyes, lips and hair were jet black and a seductive charm exuded from her body. It was obvious she wasnt an ordinary person.

A voice suddenly rang out from nearby. Mei Luo smiled coldly and a great change happened. The demonic energy in her body disappeared and the color of her hair, eyes, and lips returned to their normal human color, while the seductive charm became noble and elegant. It was clear she was an aristocratic girl from a big background.

How strange. Theres someone here! Surprise sounded from a lively voice.

Hello! Are you adventurers going into the mountains for a mission? I had an accident and ended up stuck here. If its convenient, can you lead me out of here? Of course, it wont be for nothing. Ill repay you all! Mei Luo looked eagerly at the adventurers who appeared, her eyes imploring.

The adventurers didnt believe a random stranger. After asking her several questions to confirm her identity, they agreed to take her down the mountain with them.

They knew Mei Luo was the real deal and truly was the granddaughter of an elder of the Adventurers guild. In other words, she was rich. Earning a few less gold in exchange for earning her favor was worth it! They treated her very well and didnt even mention the reward.

The team Mei Luo temporarily joined was a five-person team made up of one teenage girl named Wei Wei and four older men. Their ages were varied but the oldest of the men was the girls father. The youngest was twenty-seven or twenty-eight while the other three were all over thirty. The group took missions together often.

Wei Wei fawned on Mei Luo once she learned Mei Luos identity.

Mei Luo had grown up surrounded by people trying to curry her favor, so how could she not recognize the telltale signs? Mei Luo didnt reveal the disdain in her heart. Instead, she kept a noble demeanor, was gracious and ignored their faux pas.

The men sighed, admiring her good upbringing.

The only man in his twenties flirted with her several times, but how could she take a liking to such a weak adventurer? She kept a neutral attitude toward him and didnt display any signs of favor or disfavor.

The other three watched Wei Wei and the man fawn over Mei Luo. They didnt say anything about it. There was no loss so why complain?

Under the teams escort, Mei Luo finally made it off the mountain that had trapped her for several days.

The team booked several rooms from a hotel at the foot of the mountain to acclimate to the elevation change.

Early the next morning, Mei Luo came down alone from the second floor and settled the accommodation fee with the front desk.

How strange. I remember six of you came together yesterday. Where is everyone else? The innkeeper chatted casually as he counted the money.

Mei Luos pupils shrank slightly. She said, They had something to do and left in the night. I was asked to take care of the fees.

That urgent?! Wow. The innkeeper was surprised but he didnt think too much of it.

Mei Luo silently nodded. The innkeeper saw she wasnt interested in chatting so he didnt say anything more.

After leaving the inn, Mei Luo smiled brightly against the warm sunshine. Anyone who cared to check would have seen her strength improved a lot overnight.

There is nothing wrong with becoming a demon. Now I have a faster way of gaining power. Prince Ming Xi, Feng Wu, wait for me. Wait for me to get stronger. I will definitely pay the two of you a visit and get my revenge for what happened in Blue Moon. . . 

After muttering to herself, Mei Luo walked forward and left town without a backward glance.

Feng Wu and Ming Xi had no idea they were being targeted. They didnt even remember who Mei Luo was.

Somehow, ten days passed in the blink of an eye and Feng Wu and Ming Xi returned to school.

On campus, Hua Jin was unhappy despite doing well and being praised and fawned by a growing number of people. The two people she had her eye on disappeared at the same time. The discovery nearly made her crazy as her mind filled with images of the two playing hooky and having a good time together.

It wasnt until she received news from her family that Ming Xi and Feng Wu were in the Ancient Silver Moon kingdom that she settled down.

And upon learning Ming Xi was seriously injured, she had wanted to go back immediately go back, but her mother disapproved of her doing so. Her family kept assuring her there was nothing she could do to help heal Ming Xi. What she needed to do was take care of things on her end, to lay the foundation for dealing with Feng Wu so that when Feng Wu returned, she could finish her off in one blow. She needed something that would force Feng Wu never appear in front of Ming Xi ever again.

Hua Jin already came up with several evil ideas, which, if executed properly, would make Feng Wu lose so much face Ming Xi would hate Feng Wu forever.

Little Bun had been unhappy recently. A few days ago, he felt something serious happen to his mother. It worried him a great deal. But then, just as suddenly, the heavy feeling in his heart disappeared. He didnt know what happened but knew his mother was fine.

Rui Baby followed Little Bun and had recently been hanging out with the assistant principal.

Since Little Bun learned to walk more steadily, his range of activities had greatly increased. Sometimes if the assistant principal wasnt paying attention, Little Bun ran to other parts of the school looking for something fun.

Fortunately, it was easy to find Little Bun because he was so memorable. The assistant principal, relying on witness testimonials, found Little Bun without much effort. In fact, most of the time, the assistant principal just sent trustworthy seniors to find him and bring him back.

580: The Ever Popular Xiao Ye

Little Bun lived very comfortably at the assistant principals residence. The assistant principal loved him very much and the senior brothers and sisters worked as full-time babysitters. He ate nutritious and delicious food made specially by the third-floor cafeteria chef every day.

Despite living the good life, Little Bun wasnt completely happy. His mother had been gone nearly half a month so long! Little Bun loved his mother even if she was irresponsible and constantly disappeared.

Xiao Ye, youre running around again. Teresa, a seventh year, walked up behind Xiao Ye with helpless expression. She reached down and scooped the little guy up in a hug.

Xiao Ye was hefty from all the good eating and quality sleeping he had since being born. His cute, puffy, white cheeks were so tender they melted everyones hearts.

Xiao Ye knew Theresa was his current babysitter so he didnt resist and obediently stayed still when she reached down to pick him up.

All the high achieving students on campus with a decent character basically worked as his babysitter. Xiao Ye was familiar with the aunties and uncles who watched him so he never ran away from them.

The assistant principal asked a bunch of us to go searching as soon as he discovered you were missing. Youre the only little kid in school who gets so much face. Theresa scratched the little guys nose and smiled helplessly.

Go and play. Xiao Ye wants to go out and play. Little Buns soft sweet and adorable voice was so cute.

Theresa couldnt help stealing a kiss on Little Buns face. This little guy was too cute! How did Feng Wu give birth to such a cutie?!

Theresa couldnt refuse. She held Little Bun and thought for two seconds before saying, Well this senior sister doesnt have anything to do today, so we can go shopping together.

Auntie Theresa, you are so kind. Little Buns spoke excitedly.

Auntie. . .  Theresa felt ten thousand bolts hit her. She was in her early twenties OK? How could she be called an auntie?!

I say, Xiao Ye. We need to talk. How about in the future you call me Sister Theresa? Theresa contacted the assistant principal and told him her plans to take Little Bun as they walked.

Little Bun shook his head and blinked his big eyes. His voice was soft and sweet when he said, No, Mother said I cant be a rude child. Auntie, you are older than Mother, if I call you sister, others will think you are pretending to be young.

Bam! Straight through the heart. Theresa would have fallen to the ground and vomited blood had she not been holding him.

To say she was pretending to be young. . .  she really was young OK?! How was this her pretending? Theresa wailed in her heart.

But Im only in my early twenties. If you call me auntie, people will think Im very old. Theresa said pitifully.

This little guy. . .  how did Feng Wu teach him? He could shoot critical hits at such a young age and he was so hard to fool too.

Auntie Theresa, you are twenty years older than Xiao Ye, how can Auntie be considered a sister? Little Bun was not affected by Theresas pitiful appearance at all. He gave her an angelic smile while using words like daggers.

Theresa was at a loss. What could she say to such logic? Unable to change his mind, she resolutely shut up to save herself from being angry.

She carried Little Bun all the way out of school. Along the way the little guy scored countless delicious snacks and his pink face was kissed and pinched by countless girls as they walked.

Xiao Ye, why dont you come to play in our class today? This came from a fourth year.

Xiao Ye, Big Sister made you some snacks. If you like them, let me know and Ill bring more next time. Another girl had run over and stuffed a sack of snacks into his hands.

Of course, Little Bun couldnt carry the heavy sack of food so he immediately stuffed it into his space storage.

Xiao Ye, do you want to play with this brother? Do you want to eat at the student cafeteria together? They have your favorite creamy mushroom soup.

Creamy mushroom soup?! Little Buns eyes lit up. He liked this dish very much. The cafeteria would make it every now and again because he loved to eat it.

Who knows if it was because he was the elf king in his previous life, but despite his memories not awakening, he still preferred to eat vegetarian dishes. He didnt hate meat, but he didnt like it much.

Little Bun was the complete opposite of Feng Wu who loved to gorge on meat.

Little Bun thought about it but he didnt want to give up on playing outside. Thank you uncle, but I cant go with you today. Lets try another day. Ive already made an appointment with Auntie Theresa to play outside so Ill eat out later.

He had been stuck on campus for half a month and had done nearly a full circuit of the entire campus since his mother was away.

He was obviously a little toddler but he spoke like a mini adult. Combined with his serious face, it really melted the heart.

Wow! So cute!

How can you be so cute?!

I really want to take Xiao Ye home with me!

Ill be satisfied if I can have a cute child like Xiao Ye!

Xiao Ye, Ill like you even more if you stop calling me uncle. This came from the brother who made the lunch invitation.

Seeing the helpless look on his face made Theresa feel so much better. Sure enough, seeing others be put in a hole made her feel less unlucky. It was like being unfortunate, but then feeling better because you met someone even more unfortunate than you.

After saying farewell to everyone who had gathered around and shared their candies and snacks, Theresa and Xiao Ye finally left through the school gate.

The old man watching the gate also gave Xiao Ye a big fruit. As for Theresa, probably because she wasnt as cute, nothing was given.

It was the first time Theresa felt unattractive. The group of juniors and seniors just now had also paid her no mind. All their attention was focused on Little Bun. It wasnt that she was unpretty, it was just Little Bun was so eye catching. Or so Theresa tried to console herself.

Theresa carried Little Bun to the street where they played tricks for children to watch. Then she took him to eat some delicious food suitable for his age. Little Bun, finally stuffed and feeling satisfied, agreed to go back to campus.

581: Giant Waves

Xiao Ye, arent you afraid of getting a tummy ache after eating so much food? Theresa was honestly a worried about whether the little guys stomach would be OK with so much food. If he got sick from overeating, the assistant principal would not spare her.

Thinking of being targeted by the assistant principal made Theresa regret not being stricter with Little Bun. She wished she hadnt been swayed by his smile and allowed him to eat so much.

Mom doesnt take Xiao Ye out to play, so I can only heal my wounded heart with food. Xiao Ye said seriously with a poker face, the spitting image of Feng Wus expression.

The corners of Theresas mouth quirked up involuntarily a few times. When did his heart get hurt ah? He ran off nearly every day and the assistant principal had students go out and search for him. He walked nearly everywhere on campus and played with the students, who inevitably always gave him snacks. With all the food he got, it would take him years to finish everything.

With such a leisurely life, how could he have a wounded heart?

Speaking of which, who taught him those words? Who talked so randomly in front of such a small child? It was easy to turn a good child bad you know.

Theresa, who was rushing back to campus, made up her mind to find the person who spoke so carelessly in front of Little Bun and give the person a good warning. Lets see if the person dared talk like that again.

Suddenly, a tremor rocked the city.

What is going on? Was that an earthquake?

Its terrible, why did it shake so violently just now?!

My boy! Be careful, dont step on him!

Mom! Where are you? Mom!

Dont jostle my booth! I just baked a cake here!

My fruits! Dont step on them!

It was a mess everywhere, but fortunately the quality build of the houses in the city were good and there were no large scale collapses.

Look, the sea water! The sea water is flooding over! A burst of terrified shouts suddenly sounded.

Theresa looked back sharply to see dozens of huge waves cresting against the city walls. It was unusual for waves to build up so suddenly and fiercely.

Attention, all water magicians in years six and seven, immediately fly up and stop the waves! This is a test. A majestic voice suddenly made an announcement. It was the school principal.

What to do? Theresa was a water magician so she had to follow orders and stop the waves, but there was Little Bun to consider.

What should she do with him?

Just then Little Bun yawned and his eyes squinted shut cutely.

While Theresa was hesitating, water magicians from the academy flew to the sky and blue lights flashed bang, bang one after another.

So many people were already up fighting against the waves, Theresa couldnt hesitate any longer. She told Xiao Ye she was sorry but that she had to leave him behind. She turned around and handed him to a kind-hearted lady who knew she was a senior from the academy. The old lady promised to take care of Little Bun until she returned.

With Xiao Ye settled, Theresa didnt dare delay and took directly to the sky to battle the heavy waves.

The waves were tall and gigantic with astonishing momentum. There were over three hundred water magicians from both years fighting the waves. It would have been impossible for any one of them to do it alone they had to work together as unit.

There was strong water magic within the waves too, so despite all of them working together, their hands holding their staffs trembled and they were sweaty and pale from exertion.

What was under all that water? Why was it so powerful that even three hundred higher level academy students couldnt withstand it?

Come! Everyone! We cant lose! roared a powerful water magician from the seventh year.

It was true; they couldnt lose. This was a test arranged by the head of the school himself. It would be shameful if they lost. How could they face the principal? How could they hold their heads up as water magicians? They would be severely ridiculed by the other divisions.

Thinking about all this immediately firmed their resolve and their eyes filled with determination. Their power output increased as they scraped every last reserve they had to fight the waves.

The two sides were in a stalemate and everyone watching wondered if the water magicians had what it took to succeed.

If they cant do it, then well go. Even a single person would be able to stop those waves. Honestly, those water magicians are useless.

You talk big for a fire elemental. Its the gold magicians who will go. Our gold element is the most lethal amongst the five elementals.

Dont forget earth elementals. For something like this, earth elementals are better suited. We can create walls of earth to stop the waves.

Every one of you are out of your minds. I cant believe you dont realize there is something weird about the waves. Theres got to be something extraordinary inside it all.

What? You mean under the water?

Theres no way the principal would dispatch all the water magicians in the sixth and seventh years just for an ordinary wave. Theres got to be something special about it. I wonder if there are big shots hidden inside. Anyways, you can see the water magicians are afraid. Its definitely trouble.

While the students were discussing the water magicians, the city residents had worried expressions on their faces as they watched the waves.

Can those students do it? We wont drown in the waves, will we?!

What are you panicking about? If they cant do it, there are other people who will. We have so many powerful forces in Zhongyang. What could possibly happen?


Among the people watching the water magicians fight the waves, no one noticed that somewhere in the city, a kind-hearted old lady fell to the ground with a bleeding head wound. She muttered something about a child. A pity, everyone was concerned with the waves and no one saw her lying in a pool of her own blood. . . 

582: Xiao Yes Disappearance

The huge waves were eventually repelled through the joint efforts of all the students. Theresa excitedly clapped her hands in celebration. She thought Xiao Ye was still with the old lady so she immediately went back to find her.

Before she reached the old lady, she heard a panicked cry.

Something happened! Something happened!

Is there a wood type, water type, or light type magician?! Or pharmacist?! An old lady has had an accident and needs to be treated!

What happened?!

It looks like an old lady was seriously injured and is bleeding a lot up ahead. I dont know who did it. They even dared lay their hands on an old lady.

Scoundrels! To dare harm people in Zhongyang! They must have some guts!

Ive lived here for so long, and this is the first time Ive seen something so bold.

Did anyone see who did it? There should be people who walk by this street; someone must have seen something, right?

Normally yes, and this would have been discovered immediately, but didnt you see the unusual wave just now? The waves were so big, we were all focused on them. Who would have been paying attention to anything else? There are no witnesses Im afraid.

Then the perpetrator is lucky. If caught, the person would have been stoned to death already. Now we can only hope the old lady saw who it was that hurt her. The city law enforcements will definitely help her seek justice.

Yeah, I dont know who did it, but I know the old lady. Im a regular customer of hers. She sells these delicious sugar cakes at her booth every day. Ive never heard of anyone with a grudge against her. Who would hurt her so badly? Was it a burglary? But how much money could a small sugar cake vendor make? Too strange!

Theresa had a bad feeling when she heard the discussion. No way it could have been the same old lady right?

She pushed her way through the crowd and ran to the place where the old lady was. People cursed at her but she didnt care. She saw the old lady in a large pool of blood. Her breathing was shallow and her heartbeat weak.

Theresas own heart skipped a beat. She didnt care about anything else and immediately poured a bottle of recovery and another bottle of healing potion into the old ladys mouth.

After the two bottles, the old lady looked like she was about to wake up. Her heartbeat regained a normal rhythm and her pale face flushed with some color as well.

This old lady met a good person. Those two bottles are worth a lot!

Yeah, that girl is kind. She shoved me away just now so I thought she was a jerk. But it turned out she was just trying to save people. I feel so embarrassed for scolding her earlier. The person shouted over to Theresa, Hey girl! Im sorry for cursing you out earlier!

Me too, me too. I apologize. But if you had just said you were trying to save people, all of us would have given way. There was no need to shove so hard. . . 

You cant say that. People were in a hurry.

The old ladys waking up but those are some expensive potions though. Us ordinary people would never be able to afford them. Someone sighed enviously.

The value of a single bottle was beyond the reach of ordinary people. Just one would have cost a family several years of savings, so in their world, a potion was a rare and elusive thing.

Shes awake! The old lady is really wake!

Theresa didnt care what the crowd was saying. She focused on helping the old lady.

The old lady opened her eyes and the first thing she saw was Theresas anxious face.

Thinking about what happened, the old lady couldnt even speak before her eyes clouded over with tears.

The child! Someone kidnapped the child! The old lady had been kind and responsible all her life, but a good child was taken right in front of her under her watch. She felt immeasurably guilty.

Who did it? Theresa clenched her fists. Who dared take Xiao Ye? No matter who it was, she would make them regret ever being born.

I do not know. I was standing here holding his hand waiting for you to come back. Suddenly I felt dizzy and my mind became fuzzy. I felt someone try to pull the child from me. I tried to stop them, but I was pushed away. Then my head seemed to have hit something hard. After that, I dont know what happened.

The old lady, trying her best to recall what happened, had a regretful look on her face.

I dont blame you for this matter. It may have been a magician who made the move. Dont feel guilty about it. You were implicated because I asked you to look after the child. Please take this money and purchase some supplements to heal yourself.

Although Theresa had taken cared of the immediate wounds, the old woman still needed to nourish her body well to be completely healed.

Thinking about how the old lady was an innocent who suffered a disaster while caring for Little Bun, Theresa took out her money bag and gave it to the old lady. There were about fifty gold coins inside, and though it was a pittance for her, for ordinary people, it was an extraordinary sum.

The old lady blamed herself for losing the child so she refused the money. Theresa didnt force her and gave up.

She was anxious about Little Bun so she didnt stay long with the old lady once she found out what she could. She said farewell and hurried back to campus after promising to tell the old lady if the child was found.

Xingguang Holy Academy, Assistant Principals Office.

What are you talking about?! How is Xiao Ye is gone?! How could you have let him run off on his own?! How old are you and you cant even keep track of a little baby whos not even two yet. Girl, you cant even watch a small child. . .  blah blah blah. . . 

The assistant principal was so angry his beard huffed nonstop. Every time his mouth open, a series of accusations came out. Theresa couldnt get in a single word.

She finally couldnt bear it anymore after a full five minutes of his scolding. She interjected and told him about how it was actually a kidnapping.

Xiao Ye didnt get lost by himself! He was kidnapped by someone! Assistant Principal, you have to think of a way. The kidnapper, we dont know what they want with Xiao Ye. If something happens to Xiao Ye, how are we going to explain it to Junior Sister Feng Wu?!

Theresa finished speaking with a sad face.

The assistant principal was taken aback. He never expected someone to dare kidnap Feng Ye. I mean who was Feng Ye? This was the elf king were talking about. How bold was this person to dare fight against the elf king? The guts!

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