The Otherworldly Adventures of a Super Naive Girl

Chapter 551-552: Rumors Spreading, Jasmine's Troubles

Chapter 551-552: Rumors Spreading, Jasmine's Troubles

551: Rumors Spreading

Ai Lin watched Zi Cheng contact the Demon Ancestor knowing full well she couldnt do anything about it.

It was impossible for her to expose Zi Cheng because she had no way to explain how she knew. She couldnt say she travelled into the world by accident and that it was all a story. The master of Star Marshall hall and the principal of the Xingguang Holy academy would surely have a chat with her if she dared.

She didnt want to be treated like a monster or be thrown into some deep, dark prison awaiting execution.

In order to prevent Zicheng from getting in touch with the Demon Ancestor, Ai Lin tried her best to prevent Zicheng from accepting the task related to the Demon Ancestor. Unfortunately, fate sometimes cannot be reversed. For example, the Demon Ancestor coming into the world was something she could not change.

If the worlds consciousness wanted the Demon Ancestor to come out, he would come out and no one would be able to stop it.

In the original novel, Zi Cheng didnt know the identity of the Demon Ancestor and had thought he was an old senior stuck in the virtual world. She wanted to build good relations with him so had accepted the reward he offered without hesitation.

A pity, the Demon Ancestor wasnt extra muscle given to her by the worlds consciousness, but was deliberately released by the worlds consciousness to cause chaos.

Ai Lins internal conflict had nothing to do with Feng Wu though.

Xiao Chun woke up after the three-day off-campus excursion. His strength increased so Feng Wu practiced swordsmanship every day with him.

Xiao Chuns spiritual intelligence had also evolved so now he knew better than to say random, silly things. He had the ability to consider Feng Wus situation and upon doing so decided he wouldnt rush to act if he didnt need to. If Feng Wu couldnt use his full strength, it would be difficult for him to continue to evolve and rise in rank.

What was a sword? Wasnt a sword a weapon meant to be used? If a sword rushed out to kill the enemies in front by itself, then what was the purpose of the sword master?

A swords qualifications were extremely important but a good sword master was the most important thing. If a sword couldnt partner with a compatible master, then it would be impossible for it to evolve to the highest level.

All divine swords had immense power that were just waiting for their masters to unlock. Xiao Chun could do more than purify demonic and evil energies, but he needed Feng Wu to unlock them. Xiao Chun couldnt go over his master and use the locked abilities even with his spiritual intelligence.

Xiao Chun being awake put Feng Wu in a good mood. Ming Xi smiled and congratulated her during their nightly chat when she told him about it.

Unfortunately, Feng Wus peaceful days didnt last long; soon enough trouble hit.

Feng Wu and Ink were surprised to learn Jia Moore was a seventh year at Xingguang Holy academy.

Despite being a senior, he went to the second-year's classroom every day to pester Feng Wu, a girl who didnt have a stellar reputation to begin with.

Jia Moore was a handsome boy who ranked in the top twenty in looks, but most importantly, he came from a good family and was a noble from the Leyang kingdom. According to gossip, he had a good relationship with the royal family of Leyang too.

For someone with such a good background to fall in love with a girl who already had a child was really shocking. All kinds of gossip that had previously died out about Feng Wu came back to life louder and fiercer than before.

Feng Wus dark history was rehashed and people began to say Feng Wu was hooking up with Jia Moore because Ming Xi wasnt around. Clearly, they both had the same colored eyes and hair.

Many girls felt sorry for Jia Moore because they didnt think he knew. It was unbearable to watch him be cheated on by such a bad woman.

Their attitude towards Feng Wu became worse and worse. The girls who chased after Jia Moore were the worse, often going to the second-year classroom and scolding Feng Wu. They told her to have some self-awareness. It didnt matter whether it was Ming Xi or Jia Moore, she needed to stop.

Feng Wu would blink her big eyes in silence, not understanding them at all.

From their perspective it looked like Feng Wu was frightened and confused and was too afraid to even talk back. Satisfied, they left.

Jia Moore went to Feng Wus class every day regardless of the weather or if Feng Wu paid him any attention.

Jier and Ink were disliking the guy more and more. It was all that guys fault. If not for him, why would Feng Wu get so much hostility all of a sudden?

Theres something fishy about that guy. Jier said seriously.

I think so too. On the surface it looks like hes pursuing Xiao Wu, but really what hes doing is pushing Xiao Wu deeper in the whirlpool.

As a seventh-year student, how could he not know his attention on Xiao Wu is making her more and more unpopular. He goes to see her every day and draws attention to her. This guy, his intentions are definitely not good. Also, dont you think the rumors about Xiao Wu are spreading too fast? It had only taken a day for rumors about Feng Wu to spread. Jier was sure there had to be someone behind it.

You mean there are people behind Jia Moore, or that Jia Moore is hastening the rumors himself and is the one leading public opinion? Hes purposefully trying to isolate Xiao Wu and make the whole school hate her!

This was what Ink came up with after thinking about it.

No, I dont think its him behind the scenes; its more likely hes working for someone. Whoever hes working for must really hate Xiao Wu and wants her to suffer.

Who could it be? There are only two people who hate her that much. One is Yifu and the other is Jasmine. Those two have never hidden their dislike of Xiao Wu. Do you think its them? They were the only two names Ink could come up with.

Unexpectedly, Jier shook his head. Its not them. You think with their abilities they can move a seventh year like Jia Moore to frame Xiao Wu?

After thinking about it, Ink realized this was true. The girls had motive but they didnt have the ability. Someone who could set the whole school on fire and move a seventh year couldnt be an ordinary noble. Neither Yifu nor Jasmine had enough status. Besides with how much they hated Feng Wu, if they had the ability, they wouldnt have waited so long to act.

552: Jasmines Troubles

If they had wanted to make a move, they would have already moved. Those two werent the patient type.

Then who do you think it could be? Ink asked. He couldnt think of anyone else who would hate Feng Wu so much.

Did you forget about Hua Jin? Who could hate Xiao Wu more? Jier had never let his guard down around Hua Jin. Though the girl hadnt attacked Feng Wu yet, Jier felt the she was definitely working on something.

The things happening with Jia Moore only made him more suspicious.

Hua Jin! Thats right. How could I have forgotten her? She is a good suspect, but shes never made contact with Xiao Wu. Is it really her?

Im 90% sure its her. Unless there are other enemies I dont know about, no one has the means other than her.

Ink nodded in agreement with Jiers assessment. They would keep an eye on Hua Jin in the future. Sooner or later she was sure to slip up.

Jia Moore went to look for Feng Wu to express his affections for her every day. Feng Wu ignored him but he didnt care. He was diligent and never complained or showed any kind of regret. At this point, he was in the second-year division more than in the seventh-year division.

I dont understand how some people can be so good at scheming. They can even hook up with a seventh year. Jasmine looked at Feng Wu strangely as they sat in the living room of their dorm.

Jasmine, there has to be some kind of misunderstanding. Xiao Wu never even pays attention to Senior Jia Moore. Annika said helplessly.

Annika had drifted apart from Jasmine when Zi Cheng and the others entered the picture. The two girls didnt have a relationship other than attending the same classes and sharing the same dorm.

Feng Wu blinked her eyes. People at school were strange recently. She didnt understand what was happening but she recognized it had something to do with of Jia Moore. She had disliked him on sight when they first met. Because she didnt like him, she hadnt paid him any attention. Although his hair and eyes were similar to Ming Xis, Ming Xi was far better looking. Feng Wu preferred the original version and had no interest pirated copies.

Feng Wu ignored him, but he still showed up every day to her class. She was unhappy to be entangled by an annoying person.

Feng Wu told Ming Xi everything about Jia Moore, about how he looked like Ming Xi, how he came to her classroom every day and how he waited for her to leave school.

Feng Wu retold it all verbatim. Hua Jin never dreamed she would do so, after all, who would dare tell their boyfriend she was involved in a scandal with another boy? But Feng Wu did exactly that. She not only told Ming Xi, but she told him about it every day. She also said she didnt like Jia Moore coming to see her every day either.

Ming Xi listened patiently to Feng Wu talk about her day. He had been wary of Jia Moore, not because he was afraid Jia Moore would steal Feng Wu, but that Jia Moore might hurt Feng Wu.

Feng Wu had always been slow to respond to the stares of people and never cared about the gossip around her.

Jier and Ink could see that Feng Wu didnt know her reputation was black again. They could block peoples verbal attacks in the halls and in the classroom, but they couldnt do anything about the dorms.

Jasmine had been waiting for an opportunity like this for a long time. She wanted to teach Feng Wu a lesson. It was impossible for her not to hate Feng Wu when she thought about the humiliation she suffered under Jiers attack.

It was hatred mixed with envy and jealousy. Yes, she was jealous that Feng Wu had people who didnt want to see her be wronged, who would protect her.

Jasmine never had friends who would do that for her. The friendship between noble ladies and young masters was superficial at best. It was the kind for of friendship that was beneficial for both families. As long as the families didnt fail, then they would be friends for life. But once a family fell, never mind friendship, it would be considered good if the former friends didnt use it as an opportunity to profit.

Because of this and because Jasmine knew she wasnt Jiers opponent, she could only channel her hate at Feng Wu.

It made her happy to see Feng Wu unhappy.

Jasmine! We live in the same dorm. Can you stop making trouble like this? Xi never liked Jasmines personality. The girl put on airs like she was some big shot lady even though her family was only a small aristocratic one.

Did she forget Feng Wu was the daughter of Feng house? In terms of status, Feng Wu had the highest one in the dorm.

In the past, Jasmine used to look down on Feng Wu because of her noble arrogance over commoners, but everyone knew Feng Wus background now, so there was no reason for Jasmines insistence on making trouble for Feng Wu.

Had too much time passed since Jasmine suffered from Jiers lesson? She never stopped wanting to get revenge from Feng Wu even though it wasnt even Feng Wu who did it. If Jasmine was angry and needed to vent, then she could find Jier and vent on him. But instead of doing that, she went and troubled Feng Wu. This was calling bullying the weak!

Whats wrong that? I just cant stand watching her act all nonchalant. Everyone in school knows her bad history. Shes even seducing Senior Jia Moore now! Before it was Senior Ming Xi. She even proposed to him in public. A woman like her, its better to stay away from. Dont be burdened by her reputation.

Jasmine didnt think she said anything wrong. Staying in a dorm with someone whose reputation was that foul was bad for everyone. It was best if they kicked Feng Wu out.

Unfortunately for Jasmine, even though she wanted to drive Feng Wu out, she needed the other two roommates to request it as well, otherwise, Feng Wu would not be kicked out of their suite.

Speaking of this, are you the one spreading the rumors about Xiao Wu out there? Are you the one making up these rumors? Are you doing this to drive Xiao Wu out?

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