The Otherworldly Adventures of a Super Naive Girl

Chapter 519, 520

Chapter 519, 520

519: You Can Try

From his vantage point, Juntian couldnt see how Feng Wu did it, but everyone else knew she had opened her dimensional space ring.

TianXing was shocked. The medicine she used to drug them wasnt any ordinary mixture, it was a special formulation the Blood clan used to deal with humans specifically. Once consumed, a persons internal magic and martial qi were sealed for seven days.

There were places in the human world where internal magic and martial qi were forbidden. Anyone stepping into such a place would have their energy sealed and become ordinary people. Few medicine could create the same effect; almost all of which had been destroyed during the Great War in ancient times.

The few remaining were treasured items.

The precious few the Blood clan had would not have been used under normal circumstances. The ones they had could not be used as an aerosol but had to be ingested to work. This was a troublesome because someone from the Blood clan had to get close enough to the intended target and mix it into their food. What were the odds of that happening? This made the drug impractical and essentially useless.

This changed in recent years when TianXing became a member of the Blood clan. With her help lacing the drug, they were able to kill all four elders and TianXings own master. Everyone had been disposed of with the exception of her one senior brother.

The once impractical drug was proving useful once again with the capture of Tianhang and his family.

It was an incredibly potent and effective drug that was impossible to neutralize in under seven days. So then how was Feng Wu able to use her internal qi to access her storage ring?

Feng TianXing couldnt figure it out. She had tried the medicine to test its efficacy and knew firsthand how well it worked. There were absolutely no issues with the medicine itself!

You can still use martial qi?! Nicolas was just as surprised as TianXing. It was his first time seeing someone neutralize the effects of the medicine. He knew better than anyone how effective the it was.

Why wouldnt I? Feng Wu was confused by their reaction. She had always been able to use the internal qi in her body. And with purifying treasures like Xiao Chun and Pure Flame residing in her dantian, poisons were virtually ineffective against her.

It was only because Xiao Chun was in the middle of advancing to the next stage that the drug had any effect earlier.

Pure Flame was temperamental and generally didnt interfere with Feng Wu unless it was life threatening, so it wasnt until Feng Wu fell into a coma that the flame removed the toxins from Feng Wus body.

TianXing hadnt bothered checking the drug was still working because of her overconfidence in the drug.

Interesting. So unexpected to find such a rare human in the human race. If my daughter did not need your blood to become the next blood emperor, I would keep you alive for further study.

Nicolas attributed the medicines lack of impact on Feng Wu to her unique constitution.

Xiao Wu, you hid such an ability from Auntie. Auntie is so surprised. TianXing walked back over to Nicolas still with a smile on her face, but it didnt quite reach her eyes.

Feng Wu turned away and ignored TianXing. Her aunt had become a bad person and therefore acceptable to ignore.

The slight didnt bother TianXing in the least; she just kept looking at Feng Wu. In a threatening voice she said, Xiao Wu, you can think about it. If you hand over Xiao Ye, Auntie will let the three of you leave. If not, none of you will leave Blood Moon forest.

TianXing didnt take Feng Wu seriously, because although Feng Wu could use internal qi, she was still just a little second year. There was no threat there. The only reason Feng Wu was even a consideration at all was as medicine for her daughter.

It was just like that day with Feng Ting. She and Yanran attacked and overpowered Feng Ting without any difficulties. The girl was so weak. She hadnt taken Feng Ting seriously back then and she wouldnt take Feng Wu seriously now.

They were just two little girls. Nothing to be concerned about.

Tianhang and Juntian were the only ones TianXing was worried about, but since both of them had their abilities sealed, they weren't going to give her any trouble.

No. Feng Wu bit her lip and spoke out clearly.

These bad guys were still trying to eat Xiao Ye. Feng Wu clenched her fists, prepared to hit them if they tried.

It seems that Xiao Wu wants Auntie to take Xiao Ye herself. TianXing broke out in a smile. Every single one of her fingernails shone coldly.

Im not afraid of you. Feng Wu declared; her face was very serious.

Xiao Wu!

There wasnt much Tianhang and Juntian could do with their abilities sealed, but it didnt stop them from worrying.

They were in blood territory and surrounded by over ten thousand blood clan members. Even if they fully recovered their abilities, they werent sure they could make it out safely. Odds were high they would get eaten before they could find their way out.

Even with Xiao Wu being able to use her internal qi, their odds of escape were still dismally low.

Faced with such a desperate situation, father and son exchanged a look. They would buy time and use whatever life they had in order to give Feng Wu a chance. Whether or not she could escape would depend on her luck.

As expected of a girl from Feng house. Its only a shame you have no manners. Let this elder Auntie teach a few to you. TianXing moved closer to Feng Wu one step at a time.

Nicolas watched her from the side, his eyes filled with affection.

Yanran and Aubre were afraid but they werent going to interfere.

Aubre knew Yanran needed their blood to live, so he had no choice but to be blind to what was going to happen. He looked away and pretended not to see anything.

His family had arranged a marriage to a girl from another aristocratic family, one he did not like, all without his permission or input. Since then his feelings had considerably cooled toward his own family. Now that he met a girl he genuinely loved, there was no way he was going to let her go.

For her part, Yanran was actually really nervous. Her uncle and his family had been really kind to her. But in order for her to live, she needed to balance the purity of the blood in her body. The only way to do that was to drink all their blood.

Her father told her the purity in her bloodline was incredibly rare. As long as she could reach an equilibrium between the two bloodlines in her body, she would gain the formidable power of the blood race and the unlimited potential of the human race.

So even though she felt sorry for her uncle and his family, in order to survive, she had no choice. She hoped they could go in peace knowing the Feng family line would continue. One of her children, once she had children, would inherit the Feng family blood.

Uncle Feng, Brother Juntian, Cousin Feng Wu. . .  Im sorry, but I want to live.

The words in Yanrans heart were sad but her eyes, when she looked at Feng Wu, were fierce and full of fire. She was thinking about Feng Ye.

She knew Feng Ye was always around Feng Wu. From the first moment she laid eyes on him, she knew he was special. Shed never seen a child with so much pure power before. If she just devour his blood, she knew she would gain immense power, more power than devouring all the blood from everyone in Feng house.

Feng TianXing, I never expected Feng Yanran was the evil offspring between you and a blood clan. Mother did not mistake, you are our familys star of misfortune. TianJiao stepped into the room holding a long sword. Behind her were Jier, Tian Ya and Ming Xi.

Ming Xi and Jier were immediately relieved to see Feng Wu uninjured.

Xiao Wu! Ming Xi rushed to her side and worriedly checked her for injuries.

Jier went over to help Tianhang up. Upon seeing the older man was injured, he took out a higher quality healing potion and offered it.

TianJiao, youre so courageous. To dare bring the future emperor of the Ancient Silver Moon kingdom here, I really must thank you for this gift. I couldnt touch him in the human camp, but now that hes here in blood territory, even if he will be one the four emperors of the human race, he wont leave here alive.

TianXing believed it would be beneficial for Yanran to drink Ming Xi. As a descendant of one of the four emperors, he would have the blood of gods.

TianXing didnt give a thought to the ramifications to killing of the four emperors.

I wouldnt even think of escaping. Feng TianXing, you colluded with the Blood clan to murder your own house. This is an unforgiveable crime. We have the right to kill you on the spot. Murderous intent flashed in Ming Xis eyes. It was rare for him to want to kill anyone but TianXing was one of the few he really wanted to kill.

Kill me?! Haha! You think you can kill me while were in blood territory? I must say Your Highness, being praised so much by people has gone to your head.

There are tens of thousands of blood people here. They will rush in to kill you the moment I give the order. How can you possibly kill me? TianXing laughed at Ming Xis ridiculous statement. There was even a hint of playfulness in her smile.

Nicolas looked at Ming Xi in contempt. Clearly this prince didnt understand the situation. To speak such grand words from such a disadvantageous position was nothing short of stupid. It seemed the future emperor of the Ancient Silver Moon kingdom wasnt very smart.

Why dont we see if I can or cant? was all Ming Xi would say.

TianJiao stepped farther in and said, Your Highness, you can not take this from me. Feng TianXings life is mine. I have sworn to kill her since the day my mother died.

520: Fight

Feng TianJiao, youve plotted to kill me since we were young. I havent settled my score with you yet. So convenient that you came here to me. TianXing looked at her sister coldly.

The two sisters lived an antithetical existence and shared no affection since early childhood. Their mother never showed affection for TianXing and only ever favored TianJiao as a daughter. As if to balance things out, their brother and father doted on TianXing. So after their mother died, TianXing fully expected TianJiao to be jealous, after all, she was the one with all the affection now.

Unexpectedly, TianJiao didnt pay attention to their father or brother and was instead solely focused on killing TianXing. The only thing in her eyes was killing intent. She was obsessed.

Mothers dying wish was to have you dead in order to preserve the glory of the Feng family. I promised her I would kill you and I dont break my promises. If you hadnt hid in Blood Moon forest, I would have killed you already.

TianJiao knew TianXing had been hiding in Blood Moon forest to avoid being killed by her. Her father and brother had done their best to protect TianXing, going so far as preventing TianJiao from leaving the eastern countries and monitoring her every move. They sent people to capture and her bring her back every time she made it out. They were disappointed in her and thought she was inhumane for trying so hard to kill her own sister.

All their efforts allowed TianXing to freely move in Blood Moon forest for many years and give birth to a baby.

Mother! Youve hated and hounded me all these years because of what that woman said?! And now youve even chased me all the way here just to kill me. Sister TianJiao, you are as impulsive now as when you were child.

With such an unlovable temperament, its no wonder father and brother disliked you and only mother liked you.

You think I care whether they liked me or not?! After so many years I would have thought youd understand. TianJiao replied.

Youve only ever had that woman in your heart. You dont care about anyone else. TianXing shook her head and sighed; she wasnt getting any pleasure out of the exchange. Using her father and brother as leverage didnt work since her sister didnt care what they thought.

TianXing, thats our mother youre talking about. To actually call her that woman, if Father finds out, he will not forgive you. Tianhang stood up with the support from Jier and Juntian.

Mother! That woman was not my mother! What kind of mother would want to kill her own daughter? Even at deaths door, her last dying wish was for TianJiao to kill me.

It was a good thing you and father didnt believe her words, otherwise I wouldnt be alive today.

Ming Xi and the others stood and listened, finally understanding a bit.

Apparently, the old lady of Feng house was ruthless and had ordered the eldest daughter to kill the second daughter. The mother actually wanted to kill her own daughter, not every woman could do that.

Even after reading the stars and seeing a disaster fated, how many women had the conviction to take matters into their own hands? She truly deserved to be the wife of head of house, not soft at all. If Old Man Feng, and Master Feng had been able to move as decisively, the situation today would never have been possible.

Ming Xi and the others sighed in their hearts. They never expected something as complicated as this could have happened within such a small family.

Mother really left a dying wish for us to kill you! Neither Tianhang nor his father had believed TianJiao when she said their mother dying wish was for TianXings death.

They thought it was a vicious lie TianJiao told because she didnt want to share family affection with TianXing. They never expected TianJiao was telling the truth. Was it because they failed to believe TianJiao that things turned out this way?

Tianhang smiled wryly. So many innocent people would have been spared if they had killed TianXing early on. It was as Mother said, TianXing was the familys star of misfortune.

She said it. Didnt TianJiao tell you? It was you that didnt believe it. From the start, her father and brother had stood in front of her and protected her. It had truly moved her heart, but ultimately it was just what her family owed her anyway.

She was also a daughter of the house, but somehow TianJiao was a daughter of heaven while she was a star of misfortune.

Since they all said she was a star of misfortune, then she was going to be the brightest star of misfortune they ever saw. She was going to destroy everything in the Feng family, just like what woman said. She would ruin it and show her!

Yes, neither Father nor I believed it. And now it was too late.

Dear stop talking nonsense with them and just do it. Nicolas was losing his patience with their conversation. These people were his daughters food. There was no reason to spend so much time talking to food.

Of course, darling. TianXing turned around and smiled affectionately at Nicolas.

Nicolas raised his head to call the bloods outside, but no matter how much he screamed, none came.

What did you do? Nicolas was certain there wasnt a fight outside because he would have detected the smell of blood. The Blood clan was incredibly sensitive to blood so there was no way he would have failed to notice a fight.

An enchantment so the blood outside can not tell whats going on in here. Ming Xi explained calmly.

As expected of the future Ancient Silver Moon emperor; to erect such a strong barrier without alerting me. Nicolas radiated killing intent.

The reaction was only natural. The Blood race had been trapped by behind such a barrier for tens of thousands of years and Nicolas had always hated it. Now here was Ming Xi daring to use such a barrier right in front of him.

Xiao Wu, go back and take care of Uncle Feng. Ming Xi patted Feng Wus head.

Feng Wu obediently nodded and walked to her fathers side.

With such a tense atmosphere, it was clear battle was about to break out.

TianJiao struck first with her long sword and the two sisters immediately clashed.

TianJiaos talent was higher. She had not slacked off and had trained diligently year after year in order to kill TianXing. In fact, she was just as strong as Tianhang when it came to strength.

TianXing had lived in Blood Moon forest and fought against the Blood clan for many years. She had been baptized by blood and guided by a powerful master. She wasnt weak and was only a little inferior to TianJiao.

It would take more than a simple battle for TianJiao to defeat TianXing.

At the same time, Nicolass main target was Ming Xi. It was only natural as Ming Xi was one of the four future emperors of the human world.

The instant that he did, Tian Ya stepped forward to intercept and to help Ming Xi fight the blood prince.

Ming Xis hand wasnt completely healed yet, but in order to prevent the Blood race from flooding into the human world because of the damaged barrier in Blood Moon forest, he had to leave the Ancient Silver Moon kingdom and attend to Blood Moon forest. In the meantime his father was working to strengthen the seal in the Demon passageway.

Tianya knew about Ming Xis current condition, so he naturally stepped in using both ice sword and killing intents to protect Ming Xi from the blood prince. Tianyas swordsmanship skill was apparent for anyone to see. The teachers even said he was the most talented sword user in school.

Blood princes were on par with humans at the saint level. But although Tian Ya and Ming Xis levels were not as high individually, when combined together, they were able to keep up.

Yanran and Aubre stared nervously at Jier while everyone else was fighting. He was the only able-bodied person who hadnt made a move yet.

As the third seat in the fourth years, Aubre would normally not have been nervous fighting against Jier, who was only a second-year student, but with his injury, he was at a disadvantage. Afraid Jier would take the opportunity to attack Yanran, he preemptively pulled her away from the group.

Jier wasnt interested in attacking Yanran and the others. Yanran had the potential to become a blood emperor but she was a scum. Aubre was seriously injured. Neither of them was worth him getting his hands dirty over.

Jiers primary responsibility was to protect Feng Wus family, so he wasnt going to take the initiative to attack.

TianJiaos battle with TianXing was fierce; her moves were ruthless and permeated with killing intent. Her goal in life, since she was a young girl, had been to kill TianXing. To this end, she had sacrificed a lot and trained tremendously. Though her choices estranged her from her father and brother, she didnt regret them.

TianXing had lived in the shadow of constant death from her mother and sister, so though she was greatly loved and doted on by her father and brother, she never felt at ease. She was always on guard against her sister. It was this insecurity that motivated her to polish her abilities and grow stronger.

Both women worked hard to be where they were today, and both were intent on killing the other. They jabbed and slashed ruthlessly and viciously at the each others vital organs.

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