The Otherworldly Adventures of a Super Naive Girl

Chapter 495-496: Can't Escape; The Dollmaker

Chapter 495-496: Can't Escape; The Dollmaker

495: Can't Escape

Rui beasts had no offensive capabilities and had to rely on their skill for boundary formations to protect themselves. It was their strongest method of protection. Whenever danger presented itself, they simply used that power to block out the danger, or if they had to, they could pass through an enchantment set by others.

However, it was an ability limited to their personal use and couldnt be transferred to anyone else. If Rui Baby could have taken Feng Wu out, he would have already done so.

He had been wrong earlier too. He never expected such a powerful spirit to form in the place. Everyone there together wouldnt be able even scratch the spirit.

He passed through the boundary barrier and went to the spiritual world right after telling Feng Wu to take care of herself.

Oh? Something broke through my barrier? What is this little thing?

Though the little girl was called a big boss by Rui Baby, she was still just a child and didnt know a whole lot. She died too young to have learned much about the world; so understandably, she didnt know about the famous rui beasts.

The other people there didnt know what she was talking about, but they didnt dare underestimate her just because she was a little girl. They held up their weapons in front of them as if they were facing a big enemy.

The dangerous aura from the child was so strong that even Zi Cheng couldnt ignore it. She went with her gut and took the plunge; but seeing the exchange cost nearly made her vomit blood. It didnt matter though, she had to do it, so she grit her teeth and purchased the boundary breaker talisman, which cost so much it would have made anyone buying it cry.

Distressed though she was, Zi Cheng carefully put the talisman away. She would use it as soon as the preparations were done.

Ai Lin, who was secretly watching Zi Cheng, immediately saw the relieved look on Zi Chengs face. She suspected Zi Cheng had just purchased the talisman for self-defense.

It looked like the key to getting out was on Zi Chengs body.

Ai Lin secretly winked at Zo to tell him to pay attention to Zi Cheng so he wouldnt miss his chance.

As for everyone else, it would depend on how lucky they were. She couldnt very well run out and exclaim Zi Cheng had a way out. Lets everyone keep an eye on her. People would think she was crazy!

Zo understood Ai Lins message and nodded slightly to show he would pay close attention to Zi Cheng.

Can you play with me? Ive lived here so long and no one ever plays with me. You can stay and play with me. The little girl clapped her hands excitedly, as though she was really looking forward to playing with them.

Yaoyue shook her head and rejected the proposal. No, we still have things to do. Can you let us leave? Wed be very grateful if you could.

The little girl looked at the others after hearing Yaoyues answer. What about the rest of you? Dont you want to stay and play with me? Her voice sounded so lost.

It seemed cruel to make a child so sad, but who there had time to be moved? Besides, it wasnt like she was a child she was a terrible spirit!

They all shook their heads, letting her know they did not want to stay.

Her little smile disappeared and her small face became gloomy and scary.

If you dont want to play with me, then you can all just die; then once you die, you can stay with me forever, just like everyone else.

She gave a cute smile, but to everyone there, it looked quite sinister.

Fuck you, you rotten girl! Lets see if you have the ability to kill me! A knife wielding adventurer rushed up to her.

She disappeared and reappeared behind him before he could even touch her with his knife.

I caught you. Now youll have to stay with me. She patted him on the shoulder, and within seconds, he turned into an ice sculpture.

He died. He died so easily.

She hadnt even done anything other than tap him lightly with that tiny hand of hers that didnt look menacing in anyway. And he died without a chance to even scream.

They shuddered. What kind of insane strength was this?! To be able to reach this kind of height.

The crowd took a collective step back, any idea of attacking vanished. The only thing on their mind was how to escape.

Yaoyue took several steps back as her heart went cold. Such strength was rare and it was her first time seeing a spirit so powerful. For an undead to have more strength than a human, that was hard to do and must have taken an unimaginable amount of time.

The fact she cultivated so much strength in only a thousand years meant she had to have been born with a body naturally inclined toward spiritual phenomena, the most suitable physique to become a spirit cultivator.

Getting a spirit like her would make anyone stronger. Yaoyue would have been so excited if she had met the girl when the girl was still weak. Unfortunately they met at the wrong time. This little spirit already had the strength to kill everyone present.

Never mind forming a contract, it was questionable if she could even escape.

Yaoyue smiled bitterly in her heart. She couldnt encounter a spirit when she wanted to meet one, but now that she did, she wasnt sure if she would live through the experience. How could she not be bitter?

She had a hunch none of them were going to make it. Even all of them together wouldnt be a worthy adversary to the little girl.

Its your turn. Stay here with me too. The little girl clapped her hands and turned around to look at everyone with a smile.

Run! Those who didnt have the guts to fight her ran. They forgot though, it didnt matter where they went, they wouldnt be able to escape the ancient mansion which was like a huge cage locked in by the rain.

496: The Dollmaker

While some fled in all directions, others remained on guard, not daring to move from where they stood.

Those who ran never expected the little girl to be more interested in them than those who remained still. Would they have regretted running if they knew this earlier?

Caesar had remained by Zi Chengs side in order to protect her ever since they witnessed the little girls lethal abilities. Though his favorability rating was not quite 100% it was over 95% and enough to qualify as sincere love.

Zo didnt know how much Caesar liked Zi Cheng, but he could see his brother had a special spot for her in his heart. He had never seen Caesar so protective of another female before.

The butler had always protected Zo since Zo was a child. Even though Zo was no longer a waste, and was now a genius, the butler was still used to his role as protector.

On the other hand, Caesars first thought wasnt to protect those in his entourage, but instead it was to protect Zi Cheng, an outsider.

No wonder Caesar would hurt his family and betray their interests for her. The signs had been there from early on. Zo was disappointed at his brothers change in behavior, that he would ignore his family for a woman. Despite this, Zo still wanted to save him from Zi Chengs control.

Ai Lin kept a careful distance from Zi Cheng. She didnt go too far, for fear she would miss her escape opportunity.

The boundary breaking talisman could break through any enchantment but it could only be opened for a few seconds. You wouldnt make it if you were too slow.

Ai Lin knew this, so when everyone was guarding against the little girl, she was still focused on Zi Cheng.

Be patient and dont leave my side, got it? Ming Xi was uneasy so he said this to Feng Wu.

Feng Wu nodded obediently and tightened her grip on his hand, indicating she would not leave.

Feng Wu was a little worried. She wondered if Baby would hurry back. It was only now that she realized how dangerous their situation was.

She didnt want Ming Xi to die. He still hadnt agreed to marry her yet and Little Bun still needed father. They needed to go back alive so they could see Little Bun.

In the meantime, Ming Xi had already drawn out his sword and raised it to his chest with one hand, while he used his other hand to guard Feng Wu. He was completely focused.

From time to time, they could hear screams from the people who had runaway earlier. They all knew the ones who screamed would not survive.

No one noticed how calm Boss Hart and his two companions were. His companions in particular werent nervous at all.

Only five minutes had passed, and yet it felt like a century.

Its your turn. The little girl said upon returning with a happy smile on her face.

There was no need to ask about the welfare of those who ran away. There was no way they could have survived.

What are you trying to do?! Dont keep making the same mistakes over and over again. Youve killed so many. When you finally enter the underworld, you will enter the ninth floor and suffer immensely! Yaoyue tried her best to convince the smiling little girl in front of her.

If she had been speaking to a spirit with an adult mind, she may have had a chance, but she was talking to a child. Everyone knew children were lovely angels, the loveliest of all, because they were not yet tainted by the world.

This was in part because they were so young and didnt have a concept of good or evil in their hearts yet. They didnt know what was acceptable to do and what was unacceptable to do.

They didnt even know what death meant.

Surely enough, the little angel just blinked her eyes suspiciously. I dont care about the underworld. I just want you to stay and play with me. You sent all my playmates away, so you have to replace them and stay and accompany me. She announced with a domineering attitude, not caring if her audience agreed or not.

This was her world and no on could leave without her say so.

Obviously, never try to reason with children. They wont understand what youre saying.

No, youre wrong. You cant keep killing people. If you keep continuing like this, you wont be able to reincarnate. Yaoyue had no choice. She couldnt fight the little girl, so her only option was to be diplomatic.

I dont understand you. Why cant I kill people? Father said as long as I wanted to, I could do anything.

The girls morals were obviously all wrong. But thinking about it, considering her father was OK with making dolls out from the skin and flesh of other little children, was it any wonder her world view was so unnatural?

You can stop. This child will not listen. A weak, white figure flew out of a painting in the hall.

The figure was obviously a spirit, a weak one at that. From the image, the entity must have been a middle-aged man before dying. He had a simple face and cowardly eyes.

You dummy! Youre not hiding anymore huh? The little girl snorted and looked very disgusted with the man in front of her.

They all wondered who he was. It couldnt be the little girls father. She would never have spoken to him that way if he was. From what she just said earlier, she seemed to have a good relationship with her father. So then, who was he?

Ming Xi had a suspicion. Are you the dollmaker?

The man smiled bitterly. Yes, you guessed it. I made these dolls. I am a sinner. Had I known things would turn out this way, I would never have agreed to make them.

Indeed, you are in the wrong. You were in the wrong from the very beginning. You couldnt make the kind of doll the family asked for, so you couldnt leave. And although that was a pity, you should not have hurt innocent people for your own selfishness, hurting innocent children to create these dolls.

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