The Otherworldly Adventures of a Super Naive Girl

Chapter 475-476: Desert Wasteland; Ten Names

Chapter 475-476: Desert Wasteland; Ten Names

475: Desert Wasteland

The battle actually caused seven or eight of the contestants to get booted out. The strong and the lucky survived. There were also those who survived by chance, but the numbers of those who did could be counted on one hand.

The leaderboard stabilized after one last refresh.

1st place was Tian Ya with 780pts.

2nd place was Ming Xi with 775pts.

3rd place was a seventh-year with 670pts . . . 

5th place was Feng Wu with 620pts . . . 

10th place was xxx with 560pts

Each monster was worth 5pts. Even the person who had the most points couldnt kill two hundred monsters.

The top ten was finalized. And as was mentioned earlier, they were allowed to draw in a special lottery drawing. Those who didnt make it to the top ten felt variations of envy, hate, and regret.

Interestingly enough, three of the girls who made it to the top ten of the challenge were second-year top ten rankers in the second years themselves Feng Wu was first in her class; Zi Cheng was sixth in her class; and Ai Lin was seventh in her class.

Their scores were very close and it was a tight match between them.

That three second-year girls could get into the top ten of a challenge would have been inconceivable in the past. It was amazing to see one dark horse, but to see three dark horses?

Moreover, two of the dark horses were from the Magic division. The thin-skinned and brittle magicians were at a severe disadvantage in the beginning. Who would have thought two such girls would make it to the top ten? Those in the Magic division were so proud. It was unfortunate Jier didnt join the challenge, otherwise they would have surely had three from the Magic division in the top ten.

The students in Feng Wus grade also expressed their surprise. None of them suspected their little second-year would be a black horse.

All the ground cover was returned to their original positions after that segment of the challenge ended.

Feng Wu and her group found a shaded spot to nap. They slept for several hours, and instead of using the daytime to travel, decided to rest.

Feng Wu squinted happily now that she could finally eat roasted fish and drink fish soup.

By the time Ink finally woke up and started eating, it was already dark. Hed slept all day. He was thinking about what to do when Feng Wu tossed somethings at his feet.

This. . .  where did all this come from?! He nearly spat out the fish soup he was drinking.

He stared at the bodies of the wolves in front of him. Werent these the wolves theyd killed earlier? Werent they taken away by the god here? Where did they come from? Ink was dumbfounded.

Collected them. Feng Wu looked expressionlessly as she answered.

Collected. . . them. . . Yes, yes. The question was when did she pick them up and how had he missed it?!

What are your expectations in giving these to me? Forgive him for not being smart, but he could not for the life of him figure out what Feng Wu wanted.

Barbeque. Feng Wus eyes were sparkling and there was a suspicious glistening of water at the corners of her mouth when she answered.

Ink was speechless. Had he been starving her?

Ill roast it. Melis covered the smile on her lips and took the meat from Feng Wu.

Melis came from a family of hunters, so she was great at barbequing. The wolf meat, which wasnt delicious to start with, became mouthwatering after she roasted it.

It was a lot of meat though, and Ink felt bad having her do all of it alone, so he went over and helped. The entire night, all they did was roast meat.

All the dead bodies disappeared after the end of the battle, so how did Feng Wu get these? Ink didnt understand so he asked.

Feng Wu tilted her head and answered. You can pick them up after you kill them. There were too many to fit.

Wait. Did she go and pick up and all the monsters so she could eat them later?! Ink tilted his head 45 degrees and looked at the sky.

Early the next morning, they left with space bags filled with wolf meat.

In a distant country, a young man walked through the entrance gate and went inside a magnificent, old mansion.

Master Zo, youve returned!

Greetings Master Zo.

Greetings Master Zo!

As soon as the young man entered, many people moved to greet him.

Thats Master Zo! He looks so powerful! Just looking at him, its like hes almost caught up to Master Caesar! said a young man admiringly.

Master Zo is young still. He became an ice magician and a peerless genius after returning from the sea gods tomb! Master Zo is the second most powerful next to Master Caesar!

I wonder if Master Zo needs any more servants. I want to sign up.

Me too!

Zo had no interest in the goings-on of the front yard. He nodded cursorily then walked alone toward his own courtyard. Inside, Plum was directing the new maid on how to clean. Originally when Zo didnt have any cultivation talent, none of the maids wanted to serve him, but now that his cultivation had improved, his courtyard was lively and full of people.

Who knew how many maids wanted to climb up the ladder by serving Zo. But though they wanted to, few were selected.

How could the butler let people with bad intentions serve Zo?

Master Zo, youre back! Plum ran over happily when she saw him enter.

Yes, Im going to my room first so bring my lunch there, said Zo as he rubbed her head.

Once in his room, Zo walked to the window and looked toward a specific direction as he muttered to himself. Its almost time for the Heart of Wood to form. I must prepare. . . 

There were no plants in the water scarce desert. People didnt normally go there, but recently people had been venturing into the wasteland.

All entrances to the wasteland, except for one, were hazardous with layers upon layers of poisonous miasma filling the air. Anyone caught inside it would surely catch their death.

The only safe way in was through an inconspicuous town with a population of 20,000-30,000 called Anle. It stood before the wasteland, so if anyone wanted to enter, they had to go through there.

476: Ten Names

Few people ever visited the town and most of the residents were natives, but lately traffic had been increasing and people were showing up asking questions about the wasteland.

Auntie, can I ask if anything strange has happened in the wasteland recently? Why are there so many people here?

Ten people, all wearing different styles, were on the streets.

The residents had gotten used to strangers appearing and werent as bothered as they used to be.

I dont know, but there have been a lot more strangers lately. I dont know if its a good thing or a bad thing. A plainly dressed auntie sighed.

People didnt visit their out of the way town, so to have such an influx all of a sudden was worrying. Was something about to happen? It didnt feel like they could do anything about it.

There is nothing bad that will happen. Please be at ease Auntie. A purple-haired girl gently reassured the auntie.

I hope so. She sighed one more time before stepping inside her house and closing the door.

She didnt tell us anything! Why did she just up and leave?! A blue-haired girl muttered in dissatisfaction.

A gray-haired man who was walking in front turned his head and said, Lets find a place to stay first. Well talk afterwards. The others had to keep up as he did not slow down.

A black-haired girl saw a puppy as she looked around. She wanted to play with it but was pulled away by the golden-haired guy beside her.

Im so sorry, but we only three rooms left. Will that work?

No way! I dont want to share a room with these people! I refuse! The blue-haired girl immediately was not OK with it.

I will take the three rooms. Here is the fee. The gray-haired man paid the boss without hesitating.

No! Why dont we go to another inn and see? Maybe they will have more rooms there?

There are only two hotels in the town and not that many rooms. These three were only available because the occupants entered the wasteland today. Another shop isnt going to have any more vacant rooms than here. Ai Lin was fed up with the seventh year. The woman complained so damn much! She had an opinion about everything. Youd think she was on a vacation!

How would you know? You havent checked. And besides that, what qualifications do you have to dare talk to me this way? The seventh-year, blue-haired girl looked at Ai Lin coldly with dissatisfaction on her face.

Ai Lin pretended not to see. She was done with this girl.

Zi Cheng looked at them worriedly, unsure how to persuade them to stop fighting. Senior Sister Yaoyue, Ai Lin, please stop arguing.

Yaoyue used her family background and status as a seventh-year student to complain about everything. If it werent for wanting to make a good impression, Zi Cheng wouldnt have paid her any attention.

Its none of your business. What do you think you are? Youre just a drag. I simply do not understand why the school would let a bunch of second-year girls join the mission. Youre all just a hinderance! The more Yaoyue talked, the more dissatisfied she became. She glared at Feng Wu and it made her feel better.

You can leave anytime you want. The guy with the gray hair was named Mogefei and his eyes were cold as ice.

Yaoyue shut her mouth. She dared be angry at Zi Cheng and the other girls because they were second-years, but Mogefei was a seventh-year top ten. He was far stronger than she was. In front of such strength, she could only shut her mouth.

The group looking for lodgings consisted of:

tenth year Mogefei,

seventh year Yaoyue,

seventh year Huozhou,

sixth years Ming Xi and Tang,

fifth years Tian Ya and Geente,

and of course the second-year girls, Feng Wu, Zi Cheng, and Ai Lin.

They were the top ten rankers in the the extreme survival challenge. In that rank, Ming Xi was 1st while was Tian Ya 2nd. The three second-year girls ranked in 6th, 7th, and 8th with Zi Cheng in 6th, and Feng Wu in 8th.

In the original story line, Elena died in the realm battlegrounds inside the gods tomb, so Ming Xi and his group did not participate in the challenge.

Without Ming Xi and Tian Ya, powerful players like Mogefei had no interest in joining, so in the original text, Zi Cheng created a shock by placing first.

There was an incredible amount of unexpected factors this time around, with many powerful players who should not have appeared, appearing.

Zi Cheng couldnt use her cheat and could only place sixth. The results irked her, but with so many seniors in the challenge, she was completely eclipsed. It was difficult competing for first place, so she tried to get into the top ten instead.

Ai Lin had the same idea but her goal was to grab the Heart of Wood from the heroine. She was especially determined now that she knew the world would be destroyed because of Zi Cheng. She would try her best to limit Zi Chengs impact. If she couldnt stop Zi Cheng before Zi Cheng ascended then that was it. Game over.

This, how could she let it be? She hadnt even lived yet.

Yaoyue, the girl quarreling with them earlier, was an outstanding seventh year, who just barely scraped into the top ten. It rankled her to see juniors placed higher than her. And when she was in a bad mood, she liked making trouble.

Along the way she had tried to make trouble with Feng Wu and the other two girls. Her main target wasnt Feng Wu, but Zi Cheng and Ai Lin. That wasnt to say she didnt try to make trouble with Feng Wu, it was just that she failed every time. Feng Wu didnt get any of her insults or ridicule. Even when she said something blatantly bad, Feng Wu would just stare at her silently with a blank expression.

She couldnt get a rise out of Feng Wu, so she focused on Zi Cheng and Ai Lin. If the two girls werent so emotionally strong, they would have already broken down and cried from all the bullying Yaoyue did.

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